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An interesting comment in the paper from Liz Clarke


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After reading all of the Post's redskins articles in the sports page, and there was a ton today, the most interesting comment, to me, was that of Liz Clarke. After detailing the Oklahoma drill, she noted that there were two session of "full-contact" practices. She went on to say that "Under Schottenheimer's predecessor, Norv Turner, twice-daily practices in full pads were unheard of."

It seemed odd to me, but it seems to explain why Norv's teams appeared to lack toughness, particularly when the game was on the line.

Now I remember reading about Jimmy Johnson's practices in Dallas and Miami. JJ believed in having his players hit and hit often. Did Turner learn nothing from the time he spent with JJ? Apparently not.

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Yes, but remember, in today's football, many coaches prefer a mental approach to an overly physical one. Marty will come as a culture shock to the 29 Redskins with Norval experience. Physical practices are good, especially for young players. I do not know that I like seeing Smith and Green in an Oklahoma drill though. A great deal of our potential lies in Bruce Smith. I'd hate seeing him wear down, as he did clearly a year ago, prior to the season starting.


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You couldn't have seen this Art so I'll paraphrase what Bruce Smith said on the local news sports reports last night. Smith said he planned on having a talk with Marty later that evening about a hitting practice with 9 players that are over 30 years old. Smith asked rhetorically wether it was such a wise thing to get players injured in training camp as opposed to during the regular season. Smith obviously knows camp Marty will wear him down. This concerns me considering how thin the D line already is and Marty's gotta go out and sign a guy like Michael Bankston already.

Now that camp has started it appears injuries will be forthcoming. Hopefully it will be a low number of injured players.


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I heard something about that statement from another friend in D.C. He said Bruce didn't seemed thrilled about physical practices in July. And, I don't really blame him. I think a player like Bruce has PROVEN he knows what it takes to be ready for every season. I don't think we should be doing ANYTHING that causes him to lose what he can bring once the season starts. Of course, we may not have seen Bruce in another Oklahoma drill. Marty may have picked him knowing Bruce is such a pro, he'd domininate, ESPECIALLY against poor Trey Langley, that the rest of the team would get fired up. By selecting the older guys right away, Marty showed no one is special. Of course, if he doesn't select them again for such drills all off season, they obviously are special, but, no one can say that smile.gif.


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Bruce Smith in the Oklahoma drill was a statement by Marty that everyone is expected to work hard and to bring intensity to training camp. I doubt that after the first day you'll see many veterans doing those types of drills.

I love Marty's approach and I'm looking forward to a tough, focused and overachieveing team this year.


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the reason a lot of coaches back off from the harder practice schedules is the fear of injury.

In Norv's case I think it was more what some of you touched on that he focused on the mental aspects of the game and took it for granted that the players would prepare themselves as professionals for their physical conditioning.

Sam Wyche and Dan Reeves took the same approach in Cincinnati and Denver and the defenses in both places suffered from not having regular weightlifting schedules or difficult training camps.

At one time the Bengals did not have a team weight room!

Marty's approach is that each season is unique and that the attention to detail and overall discipline are as necessary after a 14-2 season as after a 2-14 season.

He has that in common with Gibbs and Parcells who also bounced players from camp because they didn't want to work hard.

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