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CNN:Exxon sees quarterly profits surge 75 percent


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Interesting world you live in, where suspicions are proof and real proof is irrelevant. Are you sure you're not a closet Bush supporter? He used the same argument about WMD in Iraq.

It is most certainly an interesting world I'm in.

See, in my world, you don't need proof to investigate. You don't need proof to ask questions. You need the appearance of impropriety to ask just what the hell is going on. And this situation certainly looks fishy to me.

In my world, if we're in that elevator, and I smell a fart, and I know I didn't do it, I'm pretty sure you must have.

You need proof to convict, not to ask questions. By the tone of your previous post, you seem to think there's not enough to even ask them.

Some questions need to be asked. Investigations should be launched. AND if proof is found of collusion and gouging, then heads should roll.

I'm not sure of the second part of this post. If I were a blind Bush supporter, I'd be hiding my head up my rear and blowing all this off as "good ol' American economics".. (Fact is, I do lean conservatively, but I don't blindly toe the line. If something stinks, i would like to know why.)


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Bang and Dj, great posts spot on. . .

wbblakemore- I would suggest you TRY to answer the question posed to you, because your argument has pretty much been demolished like the 49ers last week. . . In fact, Bonez3 hit the nail on the head, if you can't answer, then you are completely blind, like a lemming walking of a cliff, completely oblivious to the world around you and just following the flock.

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