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I was reading today where Spurrier likes the 4 WR's formation with speedy guys. Do you think Champ finally gets his shot at WR? I bet we see him on both sides of the ball next year with his speed and catching ability.

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It's an excellent point TC. We were max protect so much this year and we still surrendered far too many sacks by being outsmarted on far too many pressure packages. I think our interior line is solid enough, but, if you are going to spread the field, an upgrade up the gut is in order. And let's remember the Nebraska whipping of Florida a few years ago. Every time Florida was in an empty backfield, only having the five offensive linemen blocking and five in the pattern, Nebraska countered with tight man coverage and blitzed six. I don't follow Florida a lot, but I remember thinking then that Florida just got swallowed up by that strategy and I wonder how much Spurrier used the empty set backfield since that time.


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I think that the blitzing problem was due to the lack of offense. If Spurrier's offense is just 1% better than Shotty and Rayes, then we are not gonna see tha many blitzes. They are gonna actually have to show RESPECT to our offense. I dont see Spurrier calling a run play on 3rd and 10 next year!

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The accent on pass protection may mean the departure of Ben Coleman. He is not known as being strong in that phase of the game and his chronic knee problems could further limit his contributions in 2002.

Szott may be gone because of Marty.

So the Redskins may need to redo their guards AGAIN.

With Szott at 35 and Coleman at 32 in 2002, that need wasn't too far around the corner in any event.

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Just by signing on here our offense is drastically improved from last year. Spurrier WILL produce an entertaining offense that isn't likely to make us crazy, other than asking if the coach is smile.gif. One thing I often would say about Norv after a certain sweet call was that Norv had big balls. Spurrier's balls will make Norv's seem like atoms.

In the absolute worst case scenario where this is the first place Spurrier comes and fails to produce a winner, this team will be one heck of a show to watch. That story about the head coach at Duke when Spurrier was the OC asking him derisively what play he was calling only to have Spurrier answer curtly, "Touchdown" is absolutely the kind of bravado we should come to enjoy here. And, that question is one that I suspect more than one defensive coordinator will find himself asking this year against the Redskins smile.gif.


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In address of the interior O line question, I would just submit that a QB capable of throwing a hot read pass now and then, in the face of pressure up the middle, and receivers who know when and how to run a proper slant or hot route themelves, will go a long way toward lowering the sack total.

Plus, at the risk of grossly oversimplifying, aren't defenses that KNOW you have said QB and receiver capability less likely to sell out on the pass rush by bringing extra bodies? I thought, by and large, our OL did a credible job this year against 4 man rushes. They may see more of them as a result of defenses having to respect our passing game ... for a change.

Just a thought. Two, actually. smile.gif

[edited.gif by Om on January 14, 2002.]

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