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Now Do You Understand Why We Like Danny?


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As I said in another thread - I don't know how the rest of the game will go. I don't know how the rest of the preseason will go. But that series shows why us Gatorskins like Danny. He understands what needs to be done in SOS's offense. Did you see how many times he audibled at the line?

I don't think the lack of a strong arm hurt him on that drive. I think Doering answered some questions as well.

I'm not saying we need to keep Danny - but I'm saying that the value of knowing how to run the system outweighs the need for a strong arm.

I think the offense looks great for a first preseason game even against 2nd and 3rd string defense. It gives them confidence, which is probably the most important thing at this point along with avoiding any injuries.

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I was very impressed with Danny during his UF days. I thought he would do much better in the NFL. That said, I will reserve judgement on his present accomplishments once I see him against a first string defense. I am by no means anti-Danny, and would love to see him win the job and be successful. It would be nice to have a nice guy at QB that people could "relate" to.

Just my .02


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There were some throws that I wonder if they would have been picked against a first string D-Back, but he is smart and he is accurate, and I'll take that over a howitzer for an arm and little else any day. The hope of course is that the Skins QB, whomever it may be (still have to see Matthews and Ramsey), can run a smart, effecient game, and DW looks like he can do that no prob.

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Originally posted by GatorEye

Ramsey doesn't have a chance of being cut this year, Shane does.

No. Thing is if Sage can get better and Danny can show he can do this with and against 1st stringers; then Ramsey will have a hard time capturing the starting job.

He's an idiot for holding out and he's set himself back further.

As for Danny's play; I'm impressed. He proved me wrong. Though let's see when he starts in 2 weeks. That will be a home game right?

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I think Ramsey blew any chance to start this year by holding out. If Danny continues to play like that against the first stringers, it's going to be hard to get him out of there as a starter.

It's still way too early to say who will be starting, but about the only thing we learned is that Danny has shown everyone he can run the offense very effectively. The question is whether Sage and Ramsey can learn to call the audible as well as Danny.

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Let me reiterate this. Ramsey has no chance of playing any meaningful minutes this year. Never did. Still doesn't. Holdout or no holdout. The only reason I think he's dumb, is cuz if I were he - I'd be dying to get coached by the man who is going to coach him.

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My greatest fear after drafting Ramsey was that if Spurrier was right about Matthews or Wuerffel, then we never needed a QB of the future and we might have been able to use that pick to give us more immediate help.

Water under the bridge now. Ramsey has more tools to work with than anyone on that roster now, so, if Spurrier can do that with Wuerffel, imagine a guy with even more tools and no lack of smarts :).

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Art, suppose Ramsey sits for three years on the bench. Someone has to inherit the mantle of Matthews and Danny W. Those guys won't be playing in three or four years. Ramsey may get a legit chance at sitting and developing in a league where good QBs are ruined by playing too early. For every Culpepper, there are ten players that end up like Danny W. did in New Orleans.

The Ramsey pick didn't hurt as much as the Betts pick. Clinton Portis is lighting up Denver right now which is interesting, but Gurode will make all of our stomachs get ill this year.

Sometimes I think the Skins are really brilliant, but in not addressing the O-Line they are whistling past the graveyard.

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I think SOS didn't have enough time to really see how the roster would shape up before the draft and probably didn't have enough input in the draft. If he had thought we could have survived one season with Danny, Shane, and Sage, we wouldn't have drafted Ramsey and probably looked to make some deal to get Rex next year.

I just have to laugh at all this love for Danny when last week most people already had his bags packed and sitting by the curb. It could still happen, but I think this shows we still have a lot to look at over the next 4 games, because from the looks of the way we played tonight, it's going to be hard to cut anybody. :D

We need to worry about this year's QB situation and I think Danny just complicated things tonight.

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Art said:

Water under the bridge now. Ramsey has more tools to work with than anyone on that roster now, so, if Spurrier can do that with Wuerffel, imagine a guy with even more tools and no lack of smarts

He8L if he can do that with Sage, imagine what he can do with Ramsey! Not that Sage is awful, but on raw comparisons and upside, this is more interesting than I had presupposed. Hmmm.

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Dudes and Dudettes:

1)There is no more controversy than there ever was. Sage is a newcomer who performed surprisingly well, given that he was competing with one of Spurrier's best and most heralded QB's (how many other of his QBs never cut it?). His performance under pressure is even more significant, given that Spurrier didn't prefer to start true freshmen at UF. Bottom line is that, until Matthews starts, it's still wide open.

2)Stop dogging Ramsey. Sheeesh. When's the last time you've seen that combination of arm and brains? Peyton? Troy? Give the guy a break. In all likelihood he'll be in camp by next week, giving him four preseason games, just like the rest of the rookies in this league.

3)Hail to the Redskins

4)Hail Victory

5)Braves on the Warpath

6)Fight for victory

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Originally posted by bulldog

I give him his props for being efficient and making the throws he needed to make, but I have to see Danny against first-team NFLers before I am willing to say he has 'arrived on the scene'. :)

Again, I won't say this proved he can do this against the first teamers of top rated defenses across the league, but you have to admit, probably 99% of the non-Gators on the board would have preferred to see Danny cut before the first preseason game. Now I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone who would prefer to start Sage over Danny if the season started tomorrow.

Who knows - he could stink the joint up in his next game. That's why we have another 4 games to sort it out.

The two best things we took away from this game are confidence and a lack of major injuries. After tonight the players believe the system can work and will work harder because they can believe in what they are doing (unlike Marty's system).

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I agree that anyone can win this job, and that the 'winner' might not even emerge until the season has started. I think Spurrier will make a change if his starter on opening day is not executing to plan. In that way he is different from Marty who stuck with Banks and refused to give Graham a chance to play even though he was productive in his 2 relief appearances.

As far as the atmosphere goes, there is no comparison to last year :)

Marty's team was defeated before it went out on the field because of the dissension in the locker room.

For a guy with 15 years of head coaching experience, Marty certainly failed to show the wisdom and subtle touch you expect in dealing with and motivating players.

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I think the bottom line here is that Spurrier's system apparently turns "Aw Shucks" Danny Wuerfell, the man who makes Brad Johnson's arm look like a howitzer, a QB whose NFL prospects were on life-support, into the coolest cucumber on the ranch. And Sage didn't look too bad once he got over a bad case of nerves. I mean he was on track for a 340 4 TD day if you project out his stats, although he most decidedly was not the coolest cucumber on the ranch, which when you stop and think about it, is sheer lunacy. Then again, we ran the ball what, twice? We could be the Loyola Marymount of Pro Football, but with a Defense...(how badass is Jeremiah Trotter, I mean if looks could kill). We may never have to pay a QB above "minimum wage" again...

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