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Famous last words


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I remember early last season when the Skins were off to their 0-5 start and the rumors of Marty being canned by mid season, some one on a Pregame Show said that Daniel Snyder will not be able to be able to attract any big named talent or a big named coach to Washington because of his hands own style of ownership. :dunce:

Since then let see who we got, Probably the best 2 Free Agent LB in Armstead and Trotter, two big named D Linemen in Wynn and Gardner and Biggest named available Rookie Head Coach in Steve Spurrier and the Best Available Assistant Marvin Lewis. :cheers:

So much not being able to attract big named talent. :finger:

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Well, I think after a 0-5 start people had a right to say something about marty being canned by midseason but as for Snyder not being able to attract top talent that is bs, in fact he is probably the exact opposite. Top talent appreciate Snyder's love for the game and his passion for winning and can understand why he does what he does.

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We had guys on this board who had said the same. Greg was notable in his insistance that such a termination of Marty would end our chances at getting anyone of value to coach here. He was so frustrated by a lack of belief in his belief he left :).

Snyder has shown he is capable at getting what he sets his mind on, and that isn't likely to change anytime soon.

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OO Art this is a good thread :)

How about - it could be about 5 years before the Skins may get off the ground again or the cap strapped Skins will not be able get acquisitions because they'll be over the cap.

The other is repeating the old 2000 line about a $100mil payroll, when in fact, the actual Skins payroll to date is not even $59mil

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Famous Last Words:

Quincy Carter:

"Oh, sh*t here comes 56 again!" 5 minutes later he is carried off the field.

Chad Hutchenson:

While walking around downtown Dallas.

"Don't you think our boys would look better wearing a lavender instead of a dark blue?" 5 minutes later he is shot by homosexual hating cowboy fan

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What non-Redskins fans missed last year was that we had had what amounted to a near-player revolt at 0-3, started to turn the corner at 0-4, and that we were playing competitive football at 0-5. Without W's, that and a dime won't get you a cup of coffee, but we were at least heading in the right direction.

In truth, I view this year's Game 1 against the Cards much the same way that I viewed last years Game 1 against the Chargers. Both were dismal teams the year before, and in the preseason I'm expecting us to win (dammit! :) ). In reality, a game against any NFL-level competition is a challenge for a team with a new coach, a new system, new players at a variety of positions, and - already - some injury problems. If we can get to 3-3, I think we'll be in excellent shape.

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I remember, when SS declared himself eligable for the draft, talking to a Gator fan here in town, who asked me about SS coming to DC. I said I thought Steve would be a good coach in the NFL, but I didn't think he'd wind up in DC.

I said, considering all the options Steve had to try the next level, "If you were Steve Spurrier, would you go to a team that was only willing to give Marty Schottenheimer one year?"

The Gator fan said "That depends on whether you're arrogant enough to think you can do better".

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The Cardinals actually weren't all that bad last year. 7-9, young, and showing definite signs of improvement at the end of the season. Boston is scary and Plummer is adequate enough to get him the ball. Not that that'll be a problem. Our defense will absolutely punish Boston and his steroid enhanced pythons. :)

Their defense is nothing to write home about, so it may be just the team that we need to start the season.

Of course last year I was crowing about how we were going to slam the media's biatches, the Chargers, but this year is different. We don't have the team dissention factor working against us.

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If we lose our first game to the Cardinals, I would be shocked. I think it will be a blowout. I think the Skins will be favored by at least 6 and maybe more. Boston will not get open and Plummer will be punished! Our offense just needs to hand off to Stephen and it is a W. The Norv and Marty era is over, we can now expect to win and win often against division opponents again!

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Yea, we all say the game against the Cardinals should be a blow out but remember last year?

We got kained by a team that went 1-15 the year before, when most of us including me would have expected a win.

With 2 new coaches and 1/3 of the roster turnover id be comfortable running Davis 35 times & handing it over to the D to win rather than airing it out every down.

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