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Guards available later?


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Since the plan for the front office is now apparently to hope and pray that a starting-quality younger guard will be released by some team later in the preseason, who are some of the guards in a position to get the axe?

I remember reading a couple weeks back about some team that had two guards picked in the first round a couple years ago who have yet to break into the starting lineup...perhaps if the team moves on to the youngsters, we will get the serviceable droppings? :thumbsup:

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I don't think it will be serviceable YOUNGER guards, but an older one that will be released. :)

If the Redskins don't have a capable performer from the group in camp to step in and play you would have to figure that ANY of those players could be expendable.

Kipp Vickers can play more than one spot so he may stick around.

Tucker also from what I hear has been practicing at OT, OG and C.

Guys on the bubble in my mind would be Alex Sulfsted, Akil Smith, Melvin Page and even David Loverne, if his injury problems persist.

From what the camp report said from last week Reggie Coleman, the #6 pick is looking good as a backup at LT and the team can use Rod Jones as an emergency starter at RT if Jansen gets dinged.

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I think we found a definite sleeper in Coleman, not only can he play guard, but he is also athletic enough to play tackle, physically the guy is a stud, who needs to gain experience and put it all together, I would not be surprised to see him starting for us sometime this year.

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I think Bulldog's right...if two guys are relatively even in camp, I think most teams would be obliged to release the older and more expensive player.

We've done pretty well recently, getting Andy Heck and Dave Szott (and even ol' nasty, Leeuwenberg). We'll plug in someone.

Might have been nice if we'd have had a draft.

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True, most teams would go with the younger player if he was able to match the veteran step for step ... everyone that is except for Norv.

Some coaches just don't trust their ability to teach, and thus, only like to use experienced veterans.

That's one place where I'll give Marty some respect. Despite the age of our two guards, he was comfy going with a lot of youth, confident in his ability to develop players ... Terrell, B.Johnson, D.Brandt, Gadner, Smoot, Pierce, Kato.

As for Coleman, the only slight I can find on him is that he's not mean enough and dont' punish/finish his blocks. But every profile I've read on him describes a lineman with first round size, strength, explosion, balance, and atheltic ability.

So why did he fall to 6th round? Injuries? Not being "mean" doesn't merit that kind of drop ... and it's not like he snuck up on anyone being all SEC for the Vols

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Even though we have all been antsy about the Redskins signing some offensive line help. Signing season for offensive lineman begins later in August! You know that hurricane season really doesn't get cranked up until later in August, same thing with offensive lineman!

I think we have a great chance of finding some help and the good news is that if you look at all the acquistions made, there has been very little movement in signing offensive lineman around the league. This supports my point!

But with that said, I do not want the Redskins to wait too long like they did with the quarterback situation last year. But, I am confident that we will not make the same mistake twice! Hail to the Skins!

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Originally posted by W&M

As for Coleman, ...

So why did he fall to 6th round? Injuries? Not being "mean" doesn't merit that kind of drop ... and it's not like he snuck up on anyone being all SEC for the Vols

If I remember correctly, his stock fell sharply because of a marijuana bust.

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Was that Coleman?

My recollection is that it was Akil Smith that was busted for the marijuana possession charge and thus fell out of the draft.

His name hasn't been mentioned much in camp and I think he will be among the first cuts.

Has Jimmy Watkins been cut yet? He couldn't field a punt cleanly and then fumbled running from scrimmage as well :mad:

that AIN'T the way to make a football team as a rookie :shootinth

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Got that right dawg. Speaking of rookies, next year's draft just has to have OG written all over it, along with DT. It is by far still a bit mysterious on how the conclusion was that the OG could be had later than the opening of TC, but I again remind folks, that SS has run a pro team before.

Sure it wasn't the NFL, but it wasn't Xtreme or Arena either, and his Tamba Bay Bandits hit, and flew! By dissing his credit by those that refuse to acknowledge any kind of expertise, then, please remove Kurt Warner and others, including folks who played in Canada (JoeyT), and delayed in the military (Anderson),

(Blier). He is very aware of this and is LHAO!

So that one or two guard(s) can come from almost anywhere and it depends on how SS will use him. After all, like it's already known, he's an innovator. :)

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only the naive believe we can get a OG in here a week before the opener and have him suited up and ready to play.

it just doesn't happen that fast.

remember last year?

it was game 5 or 6 by the time Szott and Coleman got acclimated and started to make a difference for the Redskins.

and I don't know that the player we may get in August will be of the caliber of Szott or Coleman. :(

we got an employee's discount on Szott because of his attachment to Marty and Coleman had been signed earlier but was shelved with a knee injury.

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Well, I think it's a positive sign that Stephen Davis restructured his contract slightly to allow more cap room for this year, which seems to indicate they're getting ready to sign another Guard.

When I first saw the headline that Davis had restructured, I thought- SWEET! - but it was just to help this year's cap, next year is still $11M.

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If we have $3.7 mil of cap room now, and will probably have $3.3mil of room after Ramsey ... the skins must have big plans for putting it to work.

Perhaps Jansen will get a third of it in a new deal, but that still leaves over $2mil.

But does anyone think the Skins are preparing to trade a future pick for another teams higher priced veteran? It's not out of question.

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Actually, I think it was Paige that got busted with the pot. Akili Smith is in some sort of trouble for domestic abuse or drug trafficing.

At some point, we're going to have to start growing some home grown talent in regards to the interior of the line. I can't believe that we can't find one serviceable guy from the following...

Wilbert Brown G - 6'2" 315

Reggie Coleman T - 6'5" 315

Dustin Keith C - 6'5" 295

David Loverne - 6'3" 299

Melvin Paige - 6'5" 315

Akil Smith - 6'4" 301

Alex Sulfstead - 6'3" 320

Ross Tucker - 6'4" 316

Kip Vickers - 6'2" 300

Wayne Smith - ????????

Hell..... I'll take Wilbert Brown at Center and move Larry Moore to Right Guard. Hasn't it been said that Rod Jones is better suited, and has showed as much, to playing LG? I'll take that lineup.

Wasn't Dustin Keith considered a pretty good prospect from Virginia?

I just can't believe that out of those 10 ManMonsters we can't find one suitable RG!!!!!! Can someone explain this to me?

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The reason we have not signed anybody yet is that the coaches want to see if we will have someone step up, especially during the pre-season. We have a long way to go in training camp...we have only been at it for really less than two weeks. To have all the answers in early August is just not the norm. If not one or two can step up, there will be a few to choose from after some cuts are made by middle and late August. It is still very early in the game...unlike the quarterback position, you can pick up some real good offensive lineman later in the pre-season.

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