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Who's likely to get cut?


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i think it comes down to 2 options: either cut Sage or keep them all...

i doubt Wuerffel has any chance at all to start... but i don't think Spurrier wants anyone else but Wuerffel standing next to him on the sideline holding a clipboard... Danny may not be an NFL quarterback but i think Spurrier feels comfortable working with him in other ways... and with Matthews making huge strides and improving daily, he is looking more and more like the opening day starter... apparently, Sage isn't getting worse, but also not getting much better... so out of the 3, i could only see Sage being cut... but if Spurrier decides to keep him, then i don't think there will be any cuts...

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Way too early to tell. We haven't even seen them in game action yet. I reserve judgement until then.

If Sage keeps going downhill, I wouldn't be surprised if it was him. Ramsey is (supposedly) the QB of the future, and we need Danny and Shane so one can start and one can be a reliable backup.

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At this point, I believe there are 2 options. Either Sage goes or they keep all 4. I agree with an earlier poster that Spurrier probably feels comfortable with Danny. I agree with another that Sage has a better arm than Danny, but I was in Carlisle and Sage did not move the ball as well as Danny, arm or not. I could care less who the starter is and I am not a Wuerffel fan but Sage is the weakest link as of today. Who knows what tomorrow brings.

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if Spurrier is a man of his word as Sage says, then the preseason games will determine who is kept and who is released.

most of us, myself included haven't seen all the quarterbacks throw in this offense yet so how can we make a definitive judgment?

I think I can say that Matthews or Wuerffel is not going to turn into John Elway as one particular Gator fan here on the board seems to believe, system or no system.

at the same time Rosenfels has never thrown an NFL pass, so what do we know about him under fire?

he may be worse than Wuerffel!

no matter what you think of Wuerffel in college, his 9 td's in 6 NFL seasons is indeed a problematic number.

he has been so far down the depth chart he hasn't appeared in a game in 3 years!

that is a long time to be in the deep freeze :laugh:

Matthews on the other hand won some games for the Bears LAST year and at least has a record to point to.

while Matthews can perhaps get us to 9 or 10 wins in 2002, the real jump won't come until we get a greater physical talent at the qb spot.

not an Elway, but a quarterback with enough velocity and variety to make all the throws in the playbook.

some high school seniors have a better arm than Wuerffel :laugh:

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I thought we had a group hug?? I guess not! Well, I am not a Gator fan, even though I lived in Florida and my objective opinion is that it is way too early to tell. We have only been in camp a little over a week. Next week, everything will change once Ramsey is signed and in camp.

By this time next week, everyone will be asking if we should trade Sage? I say of course we should, if it will bring in help on the offensive line. Unfortunately, Sage has no resume or experience to draw back on. Camp counts for very little in this league. If Sage makes the team it will be one heck of a feat. He has the toughest position of all the quarterbacks. Would you want to be starting the first pre-season game in the Spurrier era with little or no help on the offensive line in an entirely new system with new players? I think not. Wuerffel and Matthews will at least have game experience to draw back on. They have been in real game situatons. That is why Sage is a marked man. I wish the kid, lots of luck!

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I'm not a Wuerffel fan and the reports of his weak arm are NOT as bad as you may hear. I've seen the following in person: Marino, Elway, Testaverde, Kosar, Shuler, Ferrotte, Dilfer, Brister, and one or two others I can't remember so they cant be all that.

I was in Carlisle and from what I saw, Wuerffel moved the offense better than either of the other two, but had the weakest arm, but not by much. I did not see a pass that he did not complete because of his arm strength, what I did see is that he seemed to have a knack for finding the open receiver and using audibles successfully at the line. Sage's arm is barely better than Shane's if it is at all. Wuerffel will never be a Marino or Elway, but his arm was not a weak as Bernie Kosar's who was fairly successful in the NFL. Bottom line, the preseason games will determine the starter and 2 qb's will probably play a good amount of time. From what I saw with my own eyes, Shane will probably be the starter.

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Kurt Warner doesn't have a rifle arm, nor does Trent Green, nor did Joe Montana. Wuerffel can get it done.

Besides, from what I've read, Spurrier is very unpredictable: he has an offense for every defense, numerous trick plays and audibles, and he doesn't care so much about down and distance. Therefore its going to be really hard for opposing DBs to guess where the ball is going.

We'll just have to wait and see, but Sage does have an uphill battle

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