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WTEM: Loverne hurt today in camp?

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Caught something on WTEM, they mentioned that he got hurt today and that Rod Jones will be the LG and Vickers will be the RG when the team plays in Japan.

Can anyone confirm this? They said that the starters won't play much except for the OL. They won't to find a starting five that works best and give them as much time as necessary in Japan to gel.

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They said that the starters won't play much except for the OL. They won't to find a starting five that works best and give them as much time as necessary in Japan to gel.

Yikes. This sounds an awful lot like our OL and DL situation last year. :doh:

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Our O-line was patchwork last year, and it became a strength of the team. Of course we don't have the veteran leadership of Szott, but all we need is one youngster to be servicable, and we will be aight.

This actually may help Sage win the starting job, because he's quite a bit more mobile than Danny and Shane. Oh yeah, and uhh...that other kid, uhh...yeah, Ramsey. :)

I'm not going to call it a blessing in disguise just yet, but I can see the makings of something very positive coming out of our O-line situation. Call me crazy, but my hunches are usually...er...sometimes...uhh...scratch that, never right. :)

But I feel good about this. :high:

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Yeah Jones was moved to LG last friday but they were rotating the kids like Ross Tucker at Guard too which may help us if he can man the RG spot and if Jones pass protection skills as a Tackle converts over to the pass protection guard side next to Samuels we are set.

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