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Universal Fact: Redskins Do Not Beat Cowboys


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I'm reading all this analysis (some quite good, some not so much); I'm watching people parse this stat and that one, running smack at Cowboy-loving ne'er-do-wells while spinning various facts to make a point. And all these posts have one thing in common: their complete inability to recognize a universal truth.

I'm talking about an immutable law, something as unchangeable as death, as certain as the sun rising in the East, as enigmatic and yet true as Reality TV actually generating good ratings.

So, put away the slide-rules, put that truckload of hope and "I gotta feeling" back into the garage, because here it is in a nutshell:

The Redskins do *not* beat the Cowboys.

Simple as that.

Why? Pfft, heck if I know. There is no unifying thread in this ongoing demolition. We've been through five head coaches, five OCs, seven DCs, umpteen different position coaches, at least four different offensive schemes, six defensive schemes, and two different owners. Dallas has had three different coaches, I've no clue how many different OC/DCs/position coaches and a commensurate number of schemes. We've been anywhere from utterly anemic to pretty damned good. Dallas has run the gamut from well above average to mind-numbingly bad.

Check me if I'm wrong here, Sandy, but there is not one single player on either roster who has remained on the Redskins or Cowboys throughout this streak.

The only constants are Jerry Jones and the teams' names. (Even the cities have changed as technically FedEx Field used to be in Raljon and is now in Landover.)

Yeah, I know, right about now (heck, probably four paragraphs ago), the words "Cowboy troll" got loaded into the torpedo shoot. Hold that thought, though, my blood is as burgundy and gold as anyone else's here. I don't like this fact, Sam I Am, but I'm powerless to change it.

Call me Chicken Little, but the Redskins don't beat the Dallas Cowboys and until they prove otherwise, every April when the schedule comes out, I'm putting down 2 losses.

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Hey, I completely understand how you feel.... the thing we must remember is that every year is a NEW year with different players and different qualities within each team. After so many heartbreaks, its easy to get jaded.

But I *KNOW* youd be lying if you didnt have a little voice of hope in the back of your mind at kickoff and even well into the 4th quarter if the game is close.

Just keep listening to THAT voice instead of the one that tells you to chock up the two losses. Its WAY more fun that way :)

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Clearly this is some kind of reverse psychology thing. And I'll buy it.

I prefer this outlook, though: this game is a really big setup. The national stage is set. the underdog-ged and overlooked Redskins travel into hell to face a much-improved Dallas team who's head coach clearly has more of a grasp on 'today's game,' as one source put it. W/ the halftime carpets rolled out, and party set to go in Dallas for the return of their Superbowl hopes..they are completely overlooking one man, who happens to be busted in Canton. Whoops!

Hey, I'll be watching.

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All streaks come to an end, and balance is restored. The Skins have often been the team that was supposed to win, and they'd lose. Shuler's victory ten years ago tend to add something to it.. upsets are the norm in this rivalry.. lets hope the media is wrong, the Skins upset the Cowboys tonight :)

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To me the Redskins are Superbowl Contenders every single year. Why? Because I am a fan. I'm originally from Boston, MA and it's safe to say growing up there, it must be embedded into our genes, but we're all Red Sox fans. Since 1918, the Red Sox fans have had their hearts broken every year. That elusive World Series always beyond our grasp, but that all changed last season. The Red Sox won. So, too will the Redskins rise up and win a Superbowl. Call me a homer or whatever you want to label me. I am one of the Redskin "Faithful". I am a Redskin fan.

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Isn't it also an immutable law of physics that Cowboys fans have never seen a toothbrush, nor a bar of soap. I believe there's also a law out there that if the Cowboys have a winning record, then there are 20 times the Cowboys fans in the world then when they have a losing record.

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I've got to admit, as of right now, the only way I can realistically see us winning this game is if the defense rips their heads off and ****s down their necks, gets probably at least three turnovers, and we get some big plays on special teams. Too bad they didn't sign Antonio Brown.

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By the way dude, Fedex Field has been in the same place since it opened.

Redskins moved from DC in 97 and have been at the same place since.

Yeah, dude, the stadium (then Jack Kent Cooke Stadium, now FedEx Field) is physically in the same place, but the municipality was called Raljon back then and now it's Landover.

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I like the way you think!

Let's hope the players feel the same way you do. :applause:

OK, ball is in your court, hombre...without lapsing into wiseacre remarks, how do *you* explain the streak, knowing full-well that on many occasions (see: Dave Campo era) Dallas was a really, really bad football team?

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Hey, I completely understand how you feel.... the thing we must remember is that every year is a NEW year with different players and different qualities within each team. After so many heartbreaks, its easy to get jaded.

But I *KNOW* youd be lying if you didnt have a little voice of hope in the back of your mind at kickoff and even well into the 4th quarter if the game is close.

Just keep listening to THAT voice instead of the one that tells you to chock up the two losses. Its WAY more fun that way :)

Yeah, but Blade, I could've (and occasionally did) head into Dallas week using your brand of optimism. Never worked. I don't know why it never worked, because there is zero explanation for the streak, it just didn't work.

Do I hope? Sure. But the game is still chalked up as a loss going in; if by some blind quirk of fate the Redskins win, it's all gravy. Otherwise I have to say that an expected loss is quite a bit less heartbreaking than a hoped-for win.

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OK, ball is in your court, hombre...without lapsing into wiseacre remarks, how do *you* explain the streak, knowing full-well that on many occasions (see: Dave Campo era) Dallas was a really, really bad football team?

I explain by saying that the Skins were a really, really bad football team as well.

I can't explain it. Ask the coaches that lost to the moron (Campo), not me.

And only during the Campo era was Dallas a horrible football team. They were average under Gailey and adequate under Switzer (Post SB XXX.).

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