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Did the Skins hold back?


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the last time the Reddies beat the boys at texas stadium, you were still in diapers. It's funny,, you guys score 9 whooping points and a penality will keep you from blowing us out. that's just to funny. How bout this,, score a touch down before you use the word "blow out" against anyone.. just a suggestion

Well you can't blame us buddy considering what happen last year in the first game and considering what happen in your game at SD because penalties kept them from blowing you guys out. It fact penalties lost them the game.

Honestly I don't know how well our offense is going to play but I can say for sure our D will be much better than the SD D, especially with putting pressure on Drew. But hey if it makes you feel better otherwise go ahead.

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The Chargers have one of the top rated OLines in the NFL.

We held LT, on the road, to under 80 yards.

Yet your running game will be unstoppable? Doubt it.

You do know that all you did was hold LT to 3.8 ypc which right about his average for all of last season. What this tells me is that Dallas did slightly better at containing his rushing than the average opponent did last year. Now consider that who his opponents where last year and how good their defenses were against the run and you might not feel so good about it.

I am not saying that Washington is going to crush anyone on Monday night but if all the new Dallas D could do was hold LT to his average last season while Portis was hanging nearly 5.8 ypc on what looks to be one of the top 10 (likely better than that even) defenses in the league then I expect Portis to get his yards Monday night.

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How many play-action deep balls did we throw against the bears? I expect to see more shots down the field, and more of CP on the edge. Maybe a reverse to take advantage of their youth and speed on defense. I also think that putting Taylor in was designed to give Dallas something else to think about when watching film. They may not put Taylor in at all, or may have put it in as a setup for something else they plan to run out of the same formation, but didn't against Chicago.

In summary, yes, I think the coaching staff has a few things up their sleeve that will be in place for Dallas that we didn't see against Chicago.



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I think the 9 to 7 score was not a true indicator of how much the Skins dominated. You take away the mistakes and we would have won by two touchdowns. This is why Gibbs made some needed moves, because we will need all the points we can muster up against better teams like Dallas. I think we score at least 24 points on Monday and you know our defense will be able to hold Dallas to much less...we just need to play smart football and the win is ours!

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If Gibbs' "held back" his offense in week one of an NFL game against a solid defense, he should be fired. This isn't college ball; it's the NFL. Any team can beat any other team. Look at San Fran and St. Louis.

When you are coaching a team that probably needs a few lucky bounces to have a shot at a wild card, you play every game like it's the playoffs.

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I wouldn't be surprised if we kept some of our plays hidden away for an extra week to try to keep Dallas off balance. I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of deep passing routes this Monday. In fact I think the first play from scrimmage will be a long bomb to Moss along the sidelines.

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I wouldn't be surprised if we kept some of our plays hidden away for an extra week to try to keep Dallas off balance. I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of deep passing routes this Monday. In fact I think the first play from scrimmage will be a long bomb to Moss along the sidelines.

I agree. First play, play-action deep ball to Moss. :cheers:

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First of all, at about the same time Brunell entered the game, the Bears seemed to drop more guys in coverage. This is exactly the same time Portis and Betts really got going. In fact you could see us running a lot of the same trap plays and getting nice gains off them over and over and over. Brunell DID try to throw downfield on several occasions but the Bears were protecting against it. The deep throw to Moss would have been completed had he not been interefered with (this play helped lead to a FG). We also took a shot in the endzone but MB threw it out of bounds b/c it was well covered. He got a long one to Cooley at one point also. But for the most part, we took what the Bears gave us: quick hitches and runs and we executed them well. Also, we tried to throw the ball only three times in the fourth quarter. Two were completed for first downs and the other one, Brunell fell down.

We were moving the ball--almost every possession after Brunell came in. The only concern I have is redzone offense.

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You really should go back and watch the game again if you know someone with Tivo. I didnt think the team as a whole looked too great when I was watching it live, but I have watched it a few times and the offense looked pretty good and very close to breaking out with Brunell in. The only real problem was red zone stall outs.

We kicked a fieldgoal on 4th down when we were on the goal line (after a fabulous drive I might add). I think we had a 90% chance of punchin it in for a TD with Betts up the gut, but Gibbs made the smart play, grab the lead and sit on it with out running game and superb D. My question is if we won 13-7 verse 9-7 how much different would some of these discussions be?

After rewatching the game last night--I agree with this 100%

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False hope that we held back last week on offensive - game was way too close. I hope we open it up next week though - it looked like we had in the preseason, but that magic was gone last Sunday when Brunell stepped in. I keep thinking of those two beautiful balls thrown to Farris in the last game of the preseason - those were perfect strikes by Brunell, showing that he still has that ability (I know it was against third-rate players but that doesn't make the beauty of those throws any less impressive). That being said, I hope he can repeat multiple times against Dallas on Monday. <p>

Anyone get the feeling that PR is too trigger-happy on one hand and that Brunell is too conservative on the other? Let's find a happy medium. I'd rather have 2TD and 1 INT than no TDs. In fact, I would rather have 1TD and 1 INT than no TDs. TD is guaranteed points, the INT isn't.

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One thing to remember also - and it was pointed out post game by Brunell I think - the Bears play a 2 deep coverage with their safeties almost all game long. Their philosophy is not to get beaten deep, even when they blitz. If you notice when you rewatch the game, their safeties almost always drop deep to prevent a team from stretching the field.

It also says that they respected Brunell's passing acumen somewhat more than Ramsey's (not to mention his somewhat quicker decision making and scrambling) that they did back off to cover the passing game even with Portis and Betts running 6-8 yards up the gut almost every time they ran.

If Dallas wants to blitz package us a lot, keep in mind the play to Moss over the middle for 12 yards off a blitz by the Bears and the scramble play to Cooley. I think, in all honesty, it isn't going to be the same as what we saw Sunday.

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