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A Question


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Since it seems like a slow Redskins news night, I thought I'd ask a question. I don't know how far he has to go, but if Emmitt is close to the record during either the Turkey Day game or the last game of the season, do we let him get it? I say he!! no, he's already ran up enough yardage on us.

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Originally posted by Air Sarge

Since it seems like a slow Redskins news night, I thought I'd ask a question. I don't know how far he has to go, but if Emmitt is close to the record during either the Turkey Day game or the last game of the season, do we let him get it? I say he!! no, he's already ran up enough yardage on us.

The Great Emmitt Smith has 539 more yards before he breaks the record. By the time Thanksgiving game arrives Emmitt Smith will be closing in on another milestone.

First Running Back in NFL history to eclipse the 17,000 yard mark.

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HE11 NO!!!!:cuss: Not only am I tired of seeing him run over, through, and around us but I also have a lot of respect for the guy. Way too much to LET him gain an inch. If he does get the record on us, I want him to earn every farging cotton pickin' micrometer of it.

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hey, there is nothing certain in this life. Emmitt Smith may get hurt in the preseason and never play football again or he could go on and rush for another 3 years.

I think it is a silly question of whether the Redskins would LET Smith get the yardage.

This is a competitive sport and players play to win. Smith is going to compete to get the yards and the Skins or any other team on the schedule have to compete to stop him.

if they don't make that commitment as a team they aren't worth a damn and we might as well start over again from scratch.

if I were going into a game where Smith needed yardage to break a record I would look to hold him to 15 rushes for 10 yards :laugh:

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I agree with bulldog. This is a competitive sport. And Emmitt is one heck of a competitor. I don't think he would want ANYONE to say...Oh, Ok we will LET you get the yards you need. He would want to earn every one of them.

However, he won't earn them on us.



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Originally posted by blakman211

what would be hillarious is if he gets it the week before, and then plays us and rushes for negative yardage, therby losing the record, only to go down to a career ending injury on a sandwich between Lavar and Trotter.

That would be so SWEEEEEEET! :D

I think we'd have a lot of fun with QBall if that happened. I honestly think the record will be long gone by the time we get to him.

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