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I stand by Joe Gibbs


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I want to go on record as saying that I stand by Gibbs' decision.

He knows that this isn't a popular decision. He said that people would be unhappy with it. He is putting his neck out on the line and I have to believe that it is for a very good reason.

I am so disappointed and embarrassed by members here who have said plainly, "Joe Gibbs is an idiot!". Let's think about this people. Just because it's an unpopular decision doesn't mean it's the wrong one. If we win with Brunell, I hope you judge yourselves as harshly as you have our great coach.

I stand by you Joe!

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Put me on board with you. Joe Gibbs as boss of this team has the right to pick and choose who he wants where. It is not his fault fans of the game may prefer Ramsey. After all they arent at practice every day, OTA's, and training camp. Nor do they break down hours and hours of tape and lose sleep over it like Joe does. Apparently something about Ramsey makes him uncomfortable, and since he has the three super bowl trophies, I'll go with Gibbs. People are also flaming Brunell like he stood up and demanded that he start.

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Looking for some of that sideline access arent you ?


I agree. Some of the things said were just pitiful.

And I think a lot of people know that this is the right decision for the Redskins.Whether they choose to admit it or not.

Ramsey is a fan favorite, that doesnt always translate into wins.

And winning is what Gibbs was brought here to do.

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i will not do the "I told you so" but i told you so...about a month ago i posted a thread saying that gibbs would insert Brunell only because we have a championship caliber defense and a strong running game he wants someone in there to manage the game and not turn the ball over...we were never going to be a verticle passing team that is why he went and got Musgrave, patten and moss he wants quick slants, timing routs and play-action skinny post and you do not need a rocket arm for that...as long as brunell plays better and he has throughout preseason and in the bears game(played within the system) he should be given the chance to lead us...Ramsey may be good one day but we don't have the luxury of waiting. the team, the fans, the coaches and the media needs us to win NOW! Ramsey hasn't proven anything but that he is prone to turning the ball over and that he has terrible field awarness(everyone including Hellen Keller saw that blitz that took his head off coming..he should have made adjustments at the line) now as long as brunell can help us win thats all we should want...so please cease and refraim from all the OMG poor Ramsey talk he had his chance to make a statement and he had 3turnover in 16minutes.....that is not going to get us a winning record...i dont care if we average 9points a game for the rest of the year as long as we dont turn the ball over and win we all will be happy. also look at the financial point...ramsey will be a free agent at the end of the year and would you really want us to spend BIG LOOT on him? has he earned it? Campbell will be our quarter back next year which saves us cap money....Ramsey would strap us even further than we already are. and as of right now he hasn't earned a whopper jr. lets all hope that we will continue to improve and get the passing game going in the right direction...LAST I CHECK KORNHIESER, THE MEDIA OR ANY OF THE EXTREMESKINS FOOTBALL EXPERTS have coached a NFL team let alone win a superbowl...Gibbs knows what he is doing his reputation and the clubs reputation is on the line! do you really think this man is that ignorant or senile that he would put our season at risk....let the ball bounce where it may and TRUST IN GIBBS....REMEMBER!


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.....gibbs would insert Brunell only because we have a championship caliber defense and a strong running game he wants someone in there to manage the game and not turn the ball over...we were never going to be a verticle passing team that is why he went and got Musgrave, patten and moss he wants quick slants, timing routs and play-action skinny post and you do not need a rocket arm for that...as long as brunell plays better and he has throughout preseason and in the bears game(played within the system) he should be given the chance to lead us...Ramsey may be good one day but we don't have the luxury of waiting........let the ball bounce where it may and TRUST IN GIBBS....REMEMBER!


I totally agree with above statement.

I actually now think we might have a chance in Dallas. With Ramsey in there, I knew Parcells would make us pay for his turnovers. Now at least I know the game will be tight.

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One of Gibbs' determining factors is that he knows he has a great defense who can win games for him if the offense and special teams don't give it away. Brunell isn't a long term solution but when you spend all off season working with your starting quarterback not to commit turnovers and he comes out and throws an interception on the first series, and fumbles on the next two, you must conclude he is the defense's worst enemy. I personally hope Ramsey gets the message this week because I think he could be a good QB but he hold the ball too long on plays that aren't developing when he should just throw it away. And he forces throws that wind up being intercepted. Both have become a pattern with him and it has to stop NOW. One wonders how bad the Bears would have beaten the Skins had Ramsey stayed in and continued to turn the ball over.

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I am now and have always been behind Gibbs in ANY decision he makes about the Skins.

I can't believe some of the things I have read here today that people have posted disrespecting Gibbs.

I am a HUGE Ramsey fan, but if Joe thinks that benching him for Brunell is for the better of the team, then so be it.

Their is no one in this world that knows the Redskins better then Gibbs.

Not you, me, or anyone else.

I stand behind Gibbs.

But, we also must now stand behind Brunell.

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Is there any decision he could make that you wouldn't be behind?

I think the point of this thread and most of its posts are that we understand what he is doing and are supporting him. - Will this decision be the right one? We hope, but Gibbs is trying to do what he thinks is best for the team.

I'm not trying to sound like an a$$ and pull the age card, but you and some of the other younger posters haven't been through this before. We have. - When you were what, a year old, Gibbs made the unpopular decision of pulling the young, strong-armed QB who we drafted, Jay Schroeder, who made a lot of mistakes and replaced him with the older, supposedly washed up veteren who Gibbs paid a lot of money for named Doug Williams. - Does that sound familiar or what?

Like someone else mentioned, we have a west coast style offense, which is ready and all we need is the QB to play, manage and not turn the ball over. Gibbs has decided that Brunell is that guy. :logo:

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