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Videos: The Ramsey Saga


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First off, apparently I'm a drama queen. :silly: It's been 8 months and I can't get away from this freakin place. :) I'll do a few misc. videos every once in a while, depending on the importance of the situation. Obviously, the Ramsey saga is a pretty big deal.

P.S. Let me know if you see/hear anything strange with these videos. I'm now using 4 different programs just to make a clip, so its a new process for me. Videos require DIVX.

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Holy crap, is that what you get to see on a widescreen HDTV? You can actually see the receivers running their routes! That's one of the crappy things about watching it on a regular TV.. You can't see what's going on downfield.

I guess when I graduate this year, I'll invest in a nice TV setup while everyone else tries to get a new car with their first job or something. :)

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