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i think our D needs to improve some as well , and i think our D will improve when we get noble , bowen/clark back and when LA is healthy our D will be fine , now our O is still pitiful , we are a joke on O and it is a major concern if we play this way the next 8 games we will be lucky to be .500 very lucky , i have a feeling cambell might get that learning curve out of the way this year and we will more than likely be a dissapointment this year once again

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Charles Mann made an interesting comment on the gameplanning. He not only stated that the 'Skins played the offense down given the Bears' offense and the fact that he didn't want to show too much for the Cowboys next week.

what do you expect a former gibbs redskin to say? I think Ramsey didn't have enough time in the game to have me write him off. We'll see what happens later this week and let's just take the 'W' and get ready for the Dallas game.


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Charles Mann made an interesting comment on the gameplanning. He not only stated that the 'Skins played the offense down given the Bears' offense and the fact that he didn't want to show too much for the Cowboys next week.

although that sounds good , i dont buy it for a second , i serious doubt that our coaches think we are soo good that we can downplay on O and look foward to the cowboys when we havent even played the game before them yet ,

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We didnt show our entire offense today most likely because we never needed too. we took our chances when we needed to, (the moss pass, portis run) when we were deep in are territory, if the game was ever in doubt we would have seen a much more wide open attack. Next week will be a tougher game, i see much more creativity next week. The calls for Campbell are not justified yet.

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Charles Mann made an interesting comment on the gameplanning. He not only stated that the 'Skins played the offense down given the Bears' offense and the fact that he didn't want to show too much for the Cowboys next week.

So we'd hold back gameplanning in our first game of the year, maybe even lose that game just so we would hide a few plays from the Cowboys?


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So we'd hold back gameplanning in our first game of the year, maybe even lose that game just so we would hide a few plays from the Cowboys?


Actually, yes.

Gibbs has been known to do things in games to hide and disguise what he'd do later specifically to attack a team he's playing later. This is common in the NFL. You should know that.

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It's way too early to judge a thang. With Spurrier his first year we went 3-1 in September and then sucked the rest of the year.

Brunnell plays ball control. It's obvious Joe wants him to play, cuz he could have gone back to Pat if he wanted too. It was a convenient excuse to get his guy in there. Pat just flat makes too many mistakes.

Even on the terrible no call -- he fumbled again in scoring position. What kills Patrick is mistakes . . . period. Gibbs ain't gonna go for that.

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Our defense is on a much better level then our offense is on. The game really should not have been that close at all. The only reason why the Bears even scored was because of a kickoff fumble that gave them great field position and our defense was not prepared to go on the field so soon in the 3rd quarter. Even with the terrible play by the quarterbacks, our defense still dominated and our offense was able to sit on the ball.

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This was the type of game we would have found a way to lose the past 12 years. Just by winning we took a step in the right direction.

Sure we saw many of the same old errors and we need to clean up our act. We have a long ways to go before we can start to feel really good about this team. I for one am not going to dwell on the negative. This was the first game of the season and we will get better each week.

I think we got very vanilla out there in the second half. I can't remember a single playaction pass. The way we were running the ball and the way the Bears were putting 8-9 men in the box playaction to our speedy Wr's would have been a thing of beauty. I think Joe wants to beat dallas with a passion.

He is going to give Parcells alot to think about this week. Do we start the lefty or the righty? We will open up the playbook next week. We will see some playaction. Parcells is going to see some things he hasn't seen in a long time from a Skins team.

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This game was not really in doubt the moment Grossman went down with injury. The Chicago Bears had no chance of winning a game against a Gregg Williams defense with a rookie QB making his first start on the road. Today, you clearly felt there was no way the Bears could do anything against our defense. We set them up for points and the scored, but, for the most part, other than a blind falling down pass, the Bears offense was going to be and WAS hopeless against the Redskins defense.

Washington has a championship-level defense, coordinated by a top defensive mind. We're going to win games because of that. But, we're not going to be much better than last year with below average QB play by BOTH our QBs as we had today. We're not going to win a lot of games with three turnovers.

We saw today what we could expect to see. We saw an offense with a top runner capable of controlling the game. We saw a dangerous receiver capable of getting loose downfield. We saw a strong, powerful offensive line. And we had QB play where Brunell had a 70.5 QB rating and Ramsey had a 49.4 rating. We will lose games with play like that.

Just not against teams with no hope against our defense. Any team with a remote bit of ability on offense beats us today because we don't put teams away and limit mistakes. We haven't for a very long time. It's frustrating to see the same errors over and over and over and over. It is the definition of our team.

If we ever turn the corner where the mistakes don't define us, but smart, controlled, solid play does, we will be deadly with the ability to create on offense and dominate on defense. We just never seem to get closer to this lofty goal.

This win was unsatisfying because we never seem to improve the one aspect of play that most limits our ability to win. But, winning does give us a bit of momentum to build on. This team is one run of a few wins away from believing it can achieve what it hasn't achieved. You can't start a run until you win one :).

Don't know what to really say after a fine post like that.But it's all true, and It probally won't start next MNF sad to say. :doh:

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There were quite a few things today that were different from last year, however many things today were the same and the reminders of the shortcomings that we neglected to fix came to haunt us.

First the improvements:

With Ramsey and even Brunell in the QB spot, both QB’s seem to have a greater understanding of the system that Gibbs is running. Reads are better, routes are hit (mostly) on time.

The blocking scheme that many of us were screaming for has been implemented to one degree or another. There were times that it seemed that Portis was still trying to do his best Riggins imitation, but then for most of the day, it seemed holes that weren’t there last year were available for both Portis and Betts. We managed a more than respectable 4.9 YPC.

Moss and Patten are an upgrade from Coles and Gardner. That is for certain. Even with our passing attack, being gimped by the QB situation (Brunell) each showed flashes of brilliance, especially Moss. Cooley showed flashes of what he can do with only 3 touches but 11.3 YPC.

Now the shortcomings (or same thing different year).

Defensive line

Our D line never placed pressure on the Orton, without bringing the house. This in turn had mixed results. We stopped the run quite successfully (combined Benson and Jones were held to 2.3 YPC). However, with Orton having all the time in the world (even when facing a 6-8 man blitz) he was still able to complete 53.5% of his passes. Continuing down this path is something that will keep us at the .500 winning %.

Our starters at DE’s didn’t record a single sack today. Griffin (1) and Evans (1) were all we got, in spite of the rush we used. Our starting DE’s Daniels and Wynn combined for 3 tackles and 0 sacks. A. Ogunleye (a player we should have traded for before the beginning of last year) had 5 tackles and 1 sack by himself.

Special Teams

This has been discussed quite a bit already but after the 1st game, it doesn’t seem to be any better than last year.

Wide Receivers

Santana Moss had a very solid game today (4 rec / 96 yards) but Patten and Thrash were non effective (combined 6 rec / 34 yards). With both Gardner and McCants gone, plus Cooley having (apparently) more blocking responsibilities in this scheme, the lack of a large bodied WR to take passes over the middle became obvious again.

I personally am just happy that we got the win. :)

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Art...agree with your thought with the one caveat that it assumes the Bears defense is like the Cowpukes. To the degree they differ you design a different gameplan. anywho........I share your frustration....but like you will be in front of the box on Monday cursing every cowturd...and yes ghost....pulling for PR if he is the man guiding the offense......

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oldskool....your thoughts on fol: is CP hesitating as he surveys the line before committing? I know all the commentators state the opposite. but after watching LT in the boys game it just seemed LT had more initial burst at the point of attack. could have been the camera angles...I'm not sure. just wondering what you saw.

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oldskool....your thoughts on fol: is CP hesitating as he surveys the line before committing? I know all the commentators state the opposite. but after watching LT in the boys game it just seemed LT had more initial burst at the point of attack. could have been the camera angles...I'm not sure. just wondering what you saw.

to me it seemed that the holes were there for him to take when he wanted to take them. Rarely did I see him have to wait for one to open, although he still is rushing a bit. He's still not patient to any degree but this is more in line from what Ive seen of Denver's O line scheme than whe I saw of ours last year.

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Some have said it in this thread but a lot are ignoring it. What is it you ask? It is the realization that the defense we played against today was just as good as ours. Tommy Harris is a force in the middle. They have the second best middle linebacker in the league. They have a pro bowl safety in Mike Brown and Tillman is going to make a lot of teams pay this season. I haven't even mentioned their best pass rusher yet. This game was going to be close and low scoring no matter how our QBs played. From the get-go the mindset of Gibbs had to be preservation. Don't call a lot of high risk plays. We still managed to give them life. We only had 8 offensive possesions. This game I feel is in no way indicative of how the rest of the season will go. This being said. Bring on Dallas.

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Art you hit it on the head. We have a QB on the level of say, Kerry Collins, Trent Dilfer, that level, we are a 11-5 or 12-4 team. It is the most frustrating thing about being a Skins fan right now to watch week after week of fantastic D wasted by turnovers on offense and horrible QB play.

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