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Dissolving Joint Checking


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Quick bit of advice needed: How hard is it to get a spouse taken off of a joint account? Is this even possible outside of divorce?

I've heard fellow co-workers talk big about making this happen in the past, but how practical is it?

(Besides getting finding a real comfy position to sleep in on the couch...)

Anyone with first hand experience would be greatly appreciated.

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I wish you luck.

I've tried many times to convince my wife to do this, and she will not have anything of it.

I think it's a great idea because you get to keep some of your independance. I had friends that had their own account and gave money to a joint account for paying bills, and it worked out really well.

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<Divorce Attorney here>

Check with your back and see if the account is truly joint or if one party just has signatory power on the account. One spouse can close the account if it is not an accountopened up with a right of survivorship. In other words, call your bank.

Furthermore, you're in Texas which is a community property state so if you close the account, just make sure you leave 50% in the account. My advice would be to keep the account open, withdraw 1/2 and put it into an account opened by you and you alone. Good luck.

</divorce lawyer>

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As far as I'm aware, the only way to change the names on an account is for all account holders to agree.

However, all it takes for you to open a new account, in your name only, is a half hour and your signature.

And all it takes to withdraw half of the money and put it in the new account is one check.

(Now, if you try to take all of the money, the bank won't say a word, but you might wind up in court, and it will look really bad.)

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I wouldn't have an account without my wife on it. The argument for independence is silly IMO. If you want independence, don't get married. Ours is Ours!!!

I agree a lot of marriages fail because of money and communication. What good is it having seperate accounts. It should never matter who makes more in marriage since ou are a partnership.

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