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Survivor Pool


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once you sign up you are emailed the link to the respective groups and your group username is on the left.


How do we know when we have 50 - can you see how many people have joined? and are we going to do any $ incentive?

Keep checking the page, as of right now we have 5 in the course of about 5 minutes. I think it would be too hard to get the money into it, if you can think of way to pull it off let me know.


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I guess we'll request $10 for each/$20 for both. - You don't need to pay to join, but you do need to join and make your picks prior to Thursday Nights Kick-off.

We will have a $50 prize to the winner of each. - Everything left over will be donated to the Red Cross or add to the Extremeskins donation to the Red Cross.

I'll keep track of who pays. - If you need a little time before you can up with the payment, no problem.

I'd prefer Pay Pal for Payments to make it easier to keep track of who pays, but if you'd rather pay by check, PM me.

The Rules are the usual. - Survivor you pick one team to win one game each week. If they win you advance to the next week, but you can only pick each team once all season. You pick a team and they lose, you're out.

Pick 'em is just picking who wins each game each week.

This was a lot of fun last year.

Good Luck:thumbsup:

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If people still want in the Pick em - you have until about 8:50 tonight (Eastern time) to get in and make your picks.

asking for a $10 donation to get in- $50 to the winner - the rest goes to Hurricane Relief.

The sign up link and info is on the first page of this thread.

If some of you students don't have the cash today we can float you for a little while - just get in and make your picks. - It's going to a good cause anyway.

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