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New uniforms

matty dread

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The new uniforms are just insane, I can't say enough about them. I'm all about that retro look. I would love to see them go with these as their regular gear. I love the old design, but this new one is just so sweet. I love the old school look, that dark red looks great with the grey mask. What do you guys think? New or old?

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I'm not quite ready to make the call on running off with the new chick yet. The old squeeze has earned a very, very special place in my heart, and some of the memories and experiences we've had together won't easily be set aside.

Still, I have to admit, the new babe is hot.

Think I'll two-time for a while, and give 'em both proper attention and lovin' ... at least until I've seen the fresh hottie in her game-day best a night or two.

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I think I read somewhere that the deal with Reebok is that for this season, the Redskins can have the retro's, but have to go back to the old uni's for the last(next) 4 years of the 5 year contract. I like the retro's, but give me the old uni's. I like the white jersey with the burgandy pants with the Indain head helmet.

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The old/new unis (the one with the Redskin on the helmet, you know what I mean :) ) is the uniform we all grew up with. Except for the golden oldies, among us, that is. :)

I can't just give those up, although I haven't seen the spear unis in game action yet.

Does anybody know which unis we will be wearing in Osaka?

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Originally posted by panel

I would like to see them keep both, and do every year like they are doing this one.

Good Idea, I like the Retro a lot. But the White Jerseys have a lot of tradition in the considering we won 3 Super Bowl in them and we wore them for most of the Joe Gibbs Glory Days. :cheers:

Regardless of a name change or not, I would not be surprised if the Skins eventually make a permanent uniform change in a couple of years. If they do I hope it is a retro-type look and not something like the Broncos, Titans, Seahawks or Bills have done.

The Jets and Giants did good by going with a retro look.

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I am like Om. Since I was born they have been wearing the same logo. I feel like that logo has been a parent to me. I can't just run out on it for something new and shiny. It's kind of sad to see it go for me. But LORD, I get a boner looking at the new joints.

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  • 3 weeks later...

How can they even think of changing uniforms from the ones that Joe Gibbs won 3 super bowls in. The retro uniforms were left in the 60's for a reason. Lets leave them there. The white jerseys and Burgundy pants with the indian head Logo is the redskins and thats the unis I want to see them in.

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Do you have any idea who the head coach was when those retro uniforms were last worn? Vince freekin Lombardi. Any idea who some of the players are who wore that uniform? Try Sonny Jugensen and Charlie Taylor.

Those uni's have a history all their own and are as much a part of Redskins glory as the Indian head uni's.

If you don't like them fine. just don't disrespect them.

As a personal note. I love'em. A new look for a new era. Joe Gibbs is still the great one but now he's a part owner of the freekin Falcons. Time to move on.

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comparing the uni's is like comparing women!!!!

you've got the retros & there young hot & flashy.exciting


you got the old uni's(the old lady) & she's tried true & tested.

the retros would be nice when you really need it once in a while,but in the end you go back to the old...

i'd like top see the arrow on the sleeve of the old jerseys & the

#'s on the shoulders that's about it..

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