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Just got back from Carlisle


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Good afternoon fellows,

I just got back from Carlisle so here is a little update.

Injury: Kato Serwanga went down in pass coverage drills and had to be help off the field, it appeared to be his knee. Bruce Smith was in street clothes and kind of going over his footwork, Santana Dotson was also in street clothes.

QB's: They all looked bad to me, not one of them throws the ball with any velocity, maybe they were all just having a bad day. The Ball Coach was working primarily with his Florida boys. At the end of practice they had a full scrimmage and Sage went first, that probably doesn't mean anything at all.

RB's: Davis looked very, very sharp, he hit the holes quick and looked fast. The other RB who looked stunning was Robert Gillespie another Florida guy. He hit the holes super fast and had great cutback vision, by the time you blinked he was past the LB's (second team LBs), but I was super impressed with him in drills as well as the scrimmage, everyone keep an eye out for him. Betts look ok, nothing eye catching.

WR's: Jacquez Green looked like Randy Moss, (well maybe not Moss) but he looked super, he is super fast and was catching everything thrown to him. Beside Green, Derrius Thompson looked super, he is a big target and caught just about everything that hit his hands, I look for him to start this year. Rod Gardner looked solid, he dropped a few and caught a few, but he was covered by Smoot. Cliff Russell looked lost today, and he sure wasn't turning on the afterburners. I love Skaggs but he sure dropped his share of balls this morning. Surprisingly they were not to many deep balls thrown today.

O-Line: It was hard to tell, allot of changing positions at guard. Samuels & Jansen look outstanding as always.

D-Line: Big Daddy looked good in drills, and in the scrimmage Renaldo Wynn looked awesome, God help our QB's if he was allowed to hit them, he was in the backfield allot, I had visions of Dexter Manley. Rookie DE Greg Scott from Hampton looked pretty damn good as well, he could be a surprise.

LB's: LaVar is a damn beast, he is all over the field, and making plays he looked like this Defense was made for him. Half the practice he worked with the LB's & the other half he worked with the D-Line. During the scrimmage he lined up at DE and was awesome, he was yelling and directing guys all over the field. Trotter looked solid, he is very fast sideline to sideline. Armstead also looked solid but they were both completely overshadowed by LaVar. LaVar is just sick.

Defensive backs looked super, Smoot actually looked better than Bailey although Champ had a pick. Smoot & LaVar were talking all kind of smack during the scrimmage, you could hear them clear in the stands, feeding off each other, it was great. D. Green looked as fast as ever and made some great plays as the 3rd DB. Shade picked up a fumble and took it back the other way for what would have been 6. Rashad Bauman looked very lost, he was very, very short and didn't seem to play big enough to make up for it although it was the first day.

Special Teams: Punt Returns were handled by Champ, Smoot, D. Green & Jimmy Watkins a Rookie RB form Appalachian State, he dropped 3 punts. Smoot actually looked the best out of all of them, super quick and great moves looked like deion in his prime.

All and all I had a great time and I am quite excited about what I saw. Dan Snyder & Joe Mendes stood together the whole practice and watched so I guess there was nothing going on with the Ramsey situation.

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Outstanding. We've been pickin' at the bones all damn summer ... and here Griff walks in with a big-@ss rack of ribs. :)

To the extent you were able to tell, what sense did you get about the timing between the QB's and WR's? Were balls getting to the WR's in stride and/or on time, or were they having to extend/reach back, etc. At this point I'm not too concerned with catches, but it's be nice to track where we are in terms of people being on the same page.

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Originally posted by Griff

Good afternoon fellows,

WR's: Jacquez Green looked like Randy Moss, (well maybe not Moss) but he looked super, he is super fast and was catching everything thrown to him. Beside Green, Derrius Thompson looked super, he is a big target and caught just about everything that hit his hands, I look for him to start this year. Rod Gardner looked solid, he dropped a few and caught a few, but he was covered by Smoot.

This is what I like to hear. All summer people have been talking smack about our wideouts and how they're one of the weaker units in the league. Eff that. I think we're going to surprise some people this year.

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*Really* great update, Griff. Your report is much more specific than we get from the media, and your observations seem credible and well observed. (Obviously it's early in camp and only one day, so poor performances can improve.)

Originally posted by Griff

QB's: They all looked bad to me, not one of them throws the ball with any velocity, maybe they were all just having a bad day. The Ball Coach was working primarily with his Florida boys.

This sucks. Can you be more specific beyond the velocity issue? Were the passes on target? Was the slow velocity causing problems -- interceptions, slowed routes, etc? How were the coaches responding? Any difference at all among the QBs?
RB's: Davis looked very, very sharp, he hit the holes quick and looked fast. The other RB who looked stunning was Robert Gillespie another Florida guy. He hit the holes super fast and had great cutback vision, by the time you blinked he was past the LB's (second team LBs), but I was super impressed with him in drills as well as the scrimmage, everyone keep an eye out for him. Betts look ok, nothing eye catching.
Great news about Gillespie! Looks like GatorEye might be right about him.
WR's: Jacquez Green looked like Randy Moss, (well maybe not Moss) but he looked super, he is super fast and was catching everything thrown to him. Beside Green, Derrius Thompson looked super, he is a big target and caught just about everything that hit his hands, I look for him to start this year. Rod Gardner looked solid, he dropped a few and caught a few, but he was covered by Smoot.
Great news about Green. He's been my pick for a while now as the biggest positive surprise for the Skins this year. Interesting about Thompson -- he's been lost in the pack for a while and a presumed cut. Could it be that this guy is just a good practice player? He's stuck around for a while.

Must resist Gardner comment.

D-Line: Big Daddy looked good in drills, and in the scrimmage Renaldo Wynn looked awesome, God help our QB's if he was allowed to hit them, he was in the backfield allot, I had visions of Dexter Manley. Rookie DE Greg Scott from Hampton looked pretty damn good as well, he could be a surprise.
Great news about Wynn -- he's been our forgotten free agent signing. He's going to be very important, and it's good to see his good start. Greg Scott would be a pleasant surprise -- his scouting report had him very rough, and a likely camp cut.
LB's: LaVar is a damn beast, he is all over the field, and making plays he looked like this Defense was made for him. Half the practice he worked with the LB's & the other half he worked with the D-Line. During the scrimmage he lined up at DE and was awesome, he was yelling and directing guys all over the field. Trotter looked solid, he is very fast sideline to sideline. Armstead also looked solid but they were both completely overshadowed by LaVar. LaVar is just sick.
Looks like La Var really is going for NFL Defensive Player of the Year. Great to hear about his impact from the get-go.
Defensive backs looked super, Smoot actually looked better than Bailey although Champ had a pick.

Some people think Smoot *is* better than Champ.

Special Teams: Punt Returns were handled by Champ, Smoot, D. Green & Jimmy Watkins a Rookie RB form Appalachian State, he dropped 3 punts. Smoot actually looked the best out of all of them, super quick and great moves looked like deion in his prime.

I like the idea of Smoot as our star option for punt returns, but I'd like to see him used sparingly. Maybe only in games where we aren't holding at least a 7-point lead at the time.

It would be ridiculous for him to be injured in a game we were already winning.

Dan Snyder & Joe Mendes stood together the whole practice and watched so I guess there was nothing going on with the Ramsey situation.
Great observation, though the lack of negotiation is odd.
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Originally posted by Buc n Gator

thanks for the report Griff...the only two games the Gators lost last year....Gillespie was hurt and didn't play. He'll work out very well for the Skins IMO

Actually Florida lost the two games that Earnest Graham did not start last year. Gillespie is more of a scat back. He is not a workhorse, but he has great speed and acceleration. I would say he has a 50/50 shot of making the team. He also returned kickoffs for the Gators last year.

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I love Smoot :). I'm one of those who thinks he is already better than Bailey and that may well qualify me as a nut. Green has had nothing but positive mentions at every camp and practice. There's no way everyone is simply making it up about him. He seems motivated to do well at least and he's going against very good players.

Some day I'm just going to spend a couple of weeks at camp. Until then, KEEP posting the good stuff :).


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Originally posted by Die Hard

Outstanding Griff! I only wish we could pay you a full-time salary and have you update each day of camp. Camp reports details like that... why the hell doesn't the media get it!!

Consider the tin cup extended. I would certainly be willing to contribute to a "Griff Correspondent Fund".

Hey Griff, interested?

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Originally posted by REDSKINGATOR11

Actually Florida lost the two games that Earnest Graham did not start last year.

my bad:doh:

as soon as I typed that knew I was wrong about Gillespie but I had orders to put in and never got back to correct it. Thanks

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Om: The timing between the QB’s & WR’s did not look that good, Danny Wuerffel was all over the place, over throws, under throws, he wears a damn glove on his throwing hand like Tony Banks. At one point Matthews over through a simple 5 yard swing pass to Reidel Anthony and he yelled back at Matthews “Damn man your going to get me cut”. I think there timing will get better, but even throws that were bad Jacquez Green was snagging and then out running the whole secondary, it was impressive. FB Bryan Johnson caught a couple of fingertip catches over thrown by Wuerffel. Zeron Flemister looked ok, he dropped a few without being covered, LaVar blew coverage in the flat on Flemister and he flat out dropped it, “he must have heard LaVar coming”. Walter Rasby looked better that Flemister.

ASF: As far as the QB’s there passes had absoluilty no zip, they seemed to just hang in the air, I really wanted to see the deep ball thrown to see how long it would hang up there. Yes, slow velocity was causing problems in the route running, the WR’s had to wait on balls or were tripping over the feet trying to catch up to them. With the acceptation of J. Green he seemed to be everywhere. As far a correcting them you couldn’t really hear the Ball Coach, you could see him showing them to hold the ball higher before the release. As far as difference between the QB’s, I would say Wuerffel was horrible, Matthews was fair, and Sage was the best out of the three. Derrius Thompson has stepped it up 3 or 4 steps he looked extremely good I was shocked.

Die Hard & ASF: If I had the leave from work and someone could tend to my pregnant wife I would do it for free everyday, I thought about bringing a laptop from work and giving you all updates as I saw them.

Skins56: LaVar was yelling at Darrell Green, “ Look at DG, he is the meanest man out hear, don’t hurt DG!”. Smoot was yelling back at the QB’s “you better take that stuff to the other side of the field, don’t bring over here, and every time Smoot would make a play LaVar was running at him screaming in his face, just feeding off each other, lots of energy.

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One more funny thing I saw. There were tents set up beside the field, and in one tent sitting in the chairs like there weren't on the team was, Brett Conway, Bryan Barker and the new long snapper Jeff Grau, sitting in the shade doing nothing at all, it was quite a pathetic site.

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