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makes me wanna puke!


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Originally posted by fansince62

arse kisser :puke:

hehehe . So much Kool-Aid.

The media has been writing fluff columns about the Cowboys about twice a week for the past 3 months. They are just hitching themselves onto the bandwagon just in-case it takes off.

I am more of a results guy hehehe, :notworthy

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Well there is no denying they will be better this year. But how much does that statement really say? After the draft and free agent pick ups they better be. In a sick kinda way, I enjoy it. I want our division to be the best and toughest in football again. I want to sweep them this year when most people think they are a good team. Then the sweep is alot sweeter.

My grandfather used to tell me if all you ever had in your life was little green sour apples they aint sour there just apples. But if someone handed that guy a big shiny red apple it was the sweetest thing on earth. Well we have had 9 sour apples in a row. I want a 2 big red shiny sweet ones.:D

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Originally posted by fuji869

The Cowboys are the media darlings and they love to hype them up.

That works 2 ways. When the Cowboys are good, the media likes us, but when we are down, they love kicking the sh*t out of us.

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I am sorry to bring this up, but wasn't washington the media darling a couple of years back when they had signed deion, smith, etc etc and they were going to the superbowl and it was just a matter of who was going to get the beating in the superbowl against the skins. I remember you couldn't get by two days without reading something about snyder, deion, smith etc etc....now the shoe is on the other foot as they say....

one difference....back then washington signed a bunch of over the hill gang, like deion, smith, johnson, etc. the cowboys are signing players in their prime...like glover and hardy..... notice I am not counting on westbrook :)

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Shawn, I'm certain you understand the difference between:

- a 10-6, division-winning, playoff game-winning, one-point-and-a-bad-snap-from-the-NFC Championship game team adding not only two of the top 3 drafts picks in the entire draft, but a bunch of high-profile FAs, and

- a two-time 5-11 cellar dwellar having a decent offseason for a change.

No, a more apt comarison would be to the 98 Redskins, who after a 6-10 season drafted Bailey and Jansen and then added Veterans like Brad Johnson, Andy Heck, Marco Coleman and Larry Centers. I don't remember the media saying much about the Redskins then.

And Smith22, the Cowboys ARE down. They aren't up until they actually win a game or two. That's the issue right there.

Yup, this article is pretty high on the puke-o-meter.

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All those media guys need to wipe s#$t off their noses after they take it out of Jerry Jones's a##, I can't believe how far those are up it. They have an unproven quarterback, wide recievers who are injured all the time, an over the hill running back(but he was great and will still probably gain 1000 this year), a decent offensive line, no TE, where in the flying f*&k are they going to get offense from. Did they find a magic bottle with genie in it and start rubbing or what?

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Originally posted by shawn

one difference....back then washington signed a bunch of over the hill gang, like deion, smith, johnson, etc. the cowboys are signing players in their prime...like glover and hardy..... notice I am not counting on westbrook :)

Get your facts straight. Johnson was signed the year before, in 1999, after we traded for him.

In 2000, Deion wasn't a bad signing, just not the great player he once was and certainly not worth the exorbitant sum we paid. Smith paid dividends for us in 2000, along with Coleman who BTW can still play and who is still in demand as a FA this offseason. Carrier was a decent FS, again past his prime, but if not for his helmet-to-helmet suspension problems he would have been playing for us last year too.

Note that our defense, where most of the FA signings took place, was the strength of the team in 2000, after having been our Achilles heel for years. So the money wasn't wasted so much as rendered moot by the bad injuries we had to WR Westbrook and our interior line.

What I find fascinating is that the same Cowboys fans who touted their defense last year, are also talking about the huge impact that this year's FA signings will have. All of those big FA's are on defense. Doesn't that tell you something?

And yes, Hardy and Westbrook are past their primes. And Chad Hutchinson may never have a prime, but we'll see about that.

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