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Mark Brunell or Patrick Ramsey's?


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The game is more than just passing yard stats playa playa. have you heard of interceptions and the overall game they played? how about who can make better decisions and who will be better for us in the LONG RUN? Pat can’t stand the pressure in the pocket the mans claustrophobic. When he thinks someone is going to hit him he automatically throws the ball creating a turnover, fumbles, or gets sacked. Now Mark on the other hand wont do that. If you watched the last few games you can tell how confidant he is and how he trusts his O line to block for him. He will step up in the pocked to get those extra seconds to pass. There were many plays last game when Mark took advantage of this. I know some one on this site has uploaded the video on the net some1 can get it for you.

You know, I'm glad you put in all that effort to write that extra paragraph above, but before going off on other tangents, maybe you can actually respond to my post by explaining what your original post meant?

You said Brunell has more yards than Ramsey? Brunell led the Redskins to 70-yard drives?

And if your post was an attempt to rationalize your statement that Ramsey and Brunell played exactly the same last year.. Then it's still wrong. Brunell gave up gamechanging turnovers in multiple games and couldn't muster any meaningful offensive drives against horrible defenses, all the while failing to reach 100 yards on more than one occasion.

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You know, I'm glad you put in all that effort to write that extra pagraph above, but before going off on other tangents, maybe you can actually respond to my post by explaining what your original post meant?

You said Brunell has more yards than Ramsey? Brunell led the Redskins to 70-yard drives?

How old are you? thats what you call a " Ball Park figure " I may not know the yard by yard total but I do know who the better QB is :silly: and soon you will too. but its ok you got to crawl B4 you talk just ask Pat can he is still in the fetal getting grass out his teeth.

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everyone is making to much of this! Ramsey should clearly be the starter and should be given atleast the opportunity that Brunell was given. Here some history, when Ramsy first started for SS, he threw 10/10 TD/INT ratio. his second under SS he went 14/9! then they changed the offense, and I mean a complete change! Ramsey then increased his completion % to 64%! and now in his second season in JG system I think it is easy to expect PR to increase his TD/INT ratio. Bengals game needs to be look at deep passing practice, because that is what it was, I think there was what 2 passes by patrick under 15 yards? he attempted 18! so reading into all the INT's is overrated! and as fo Brunell looking so good? leave Ramsey in untilthe 3rd quarters and we can all watch Ramsey tear up the second stringers too! QB confidence means everything when you have done all the things to PR that this team has done, starting Brunell would only cause PR to try even harder to make in impression and likely cause more INT's. this team just needs to stick with him, he has shown improvement every year (1st year was the base year, second year, increased TD/INT ratio, third year, increased his Comp% even in a new offense, this year will be the year he puts it all together) as long a the management doesnt flip flop on him yet again. there is going to come a time when this team is going to have to stick with a QB and let him develop, we can either start this year or next year with Campbell, I for one would prefere to start this year, and not wasting yet another season with a QB controversy!

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How old are you? thats what you call a " Ball Park figure " I may not know the yard by yard total but I do know who the better QB is :silly: and soon you will too. but its ok you got to crawl B4 you talk just ask Pat can he is still in the fetal getting grass out his teeth.

LOL. I'll tell you that I'm older than you, not that age matters. Stop trying to backpedal from you making a moron out of yourself. These are direct quotes from your stupid mouth:

"If you have watched the past few games Mark has had more yards"

"But Brunell had those big drives down the field probably about 60 to 70 yards each, and I was at the game."

Before you try to take a condescending tone with other posters on this board, make sure you aren't an idiot.

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How old are you? thats what you call a " Ball Park figure " I may not know the yard by yard total but I do know who the better QB is :silly: and soon you will too. but its ok you got to crawl B4 you talk just ask Pat can he is still in the fetal getting grass out his teeth.

Ok, you have just proven your posts are meaningless and don't have a shred of intelligence to them. It amazes me you can even type.

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You know, I'm glad you put in all that effort to write that extra pagraph above, but before going off on other tangents, maybe you can actually respond to my post by explaining what your original post meant?

You said Brunell has more yards than Ramsey? Brunell led the Redskins to 70-yard drives?

you must learn that you must read things in the entirety, you will notice that I didn’t say anything about Brunell being great last year. haha I think you skipped a few words in the paragraph it happens sometimes :cheers: :doh:

PS Pat sure as hell wasnt any good either lol

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When and if the team replaces Ramsey with Brunell, it will mark the end of Ramsey's career in Washington. He will have been jerked for the last time. That is why Gibbs is going to give him every chance before that happens. Gibbs realizes if he yanks Ramsey that is confidence as a Redskin will be shot and the team will have to move him in the offseason for what it can get.

Gibbs does not have a history of changing quarterbacks on a whim. In fact he stuck with Joe Theismann in 1985 when his stats looked awful. He stuck with Jay Schroeder in 1987 when he was hearing steps and was failing to move the offense. He stuck with Mark Rypien through tough seasons in 1988 and 1989 before he finally arrived as a productive signal caller in 1990.

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I think we should ban CrazyJoe for not making any sense whatsoever and bringing down the general quality of these boards. Just look at his latest post above. For some reason, he decided to respond to one of my posts twice with two completely different responses and he STILL fails to be coherent and seems to be responding to imaginary questions. :doh:

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You do know, this Brunell your talking about has been playing against 2nd string defenders; just a little FYI.

You do know, this Ramsey your talking about has been playing against 2nd string defenders; just a little FYI. What a comment :doh:

you get :applause:

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You do know, this Ramsey your talking about has been playing against 2nd string defenders; just a little FYI. What a comment :doh:

you get :applause:

Glad you like it. Actually, Ramsey for the most part has been playing against the starting defense's; unlike Brunell, who appears better because he is playing against 2nd and 3rd stringers.

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You would think everyone here on this site would know and understand by now Coach Gibbs made his call last year and will stand behind that call that Patrick Ramsey is the Redskins starting QB.I honestly believe Gibbs will give PR every opportunity to be successful.Like it or not PR is going to be the man at QB for atleast the near future so get used to it.Chill out and give PR the chance to either succeed or fail but atleast give him that chance.I'm betting he has a good season.Everyday QB,QB,QB,QB,hell I think Portis needs to get some reps as much as anyone.

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I think we should ban CrazyJoe for not making any sense whatsoever and bringing down the general quality of these boards. Just look at his latest post above. For some reason, he decided to respond to one of my posts twice with two completely different responses and he STILL fails to be coherent and seems to be responding to imaginary questions. :doh:

It's funny how the only thing you had to say was Pat had a few yards more than Mark. you can say 99.5% of the stuff you have said is "mumbo jumbo" in other words trash. I tell you what this is what you can do for me. Turn your computer off think about something’s you can use to prove to me that Pat is doing better than Mark as of now. Then I want you to write it down get someone else to tell you your wrong then come back and tell me how stupid you feel. That would be intelligent oh and don’t worry I wont ban you for saying the dumbest thing in redskin history

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It's funny how the only thing you had to say was Pat had a few yards more than Mark. you can say 99.5% of the stuff you have said is "mumbo jumbo" in other words trash. I tell you what this is what you can do for me. Turn your computer off think about something’s you can use to prove to me that Pat is doing better than Mark as of now. Then I want you to write it down get someone else to tell you your wrong then come back and tell me how stupid you feel. That would be intelligent oh and don’t worry I wont ban you for saying the dumbest thing in redskin history

LOL. YOU are the one who said Brunell had more yards than Ramsey. You were wrong and now all you can do is flame. Your username fits you.

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You would think everyone here on this site would know and understand by now Coach Gibbs made his call last year and will stand behind that call that Patrick Ramsey is the Redskins starting QB.I honestly believe Gibbs will give PR every opportunity to be successful.Like it or not PR is going to be the man at QB for atleast the near future so get used to it.Chill out and give PR the chance to either succeed or fail but atleast give him that chance.I'm betting he has a good season.Everyday QB,QB,QB,QB,hell I think Portis needs to get some reps as much as anyone.

May the best man win no matter who it is " I want best person for the team"

quote me on that because I said that in like my first post.

O and you are right Portis does need to get those reps in with his new found 20 pounds he put on. Its like getting hit my a 18 wheeler

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LOL. YOU are the one who said Brunell had more yards than Ramsey. You were wrong and now all you can do is flame. Your username fits you.

remember that thing we spoke about earlier? you know that thing about reading on? yea, well I did say that was a "ball park figure" it was only a few yards off. I thought I asked you to say something intelligent this time? o well I hope this convo helped you out a lil bit. Well lil one i got to leave work get home have a good one

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remember that thing we spoke about earlier? you know that thing about reading on? yea, well I did say that was a "ball park figure" it was only a few yards off. I thought I asked you to say something intelligent this time? o well I hope this convo helped you out a lil bit. Well lil one i got to leave work get home have a good one


Why do I get the feeling this guy is "leaving from work" on a short yellow bus?

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I think Ramsey "should" start. But probably a different wording for the poll -- who do you think "will" start? Unless Ramsey lights it up -- the politics of this will allow Gibbs to name Brunell, which is where I think this is heading.

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I think Ramsey,because if he screws up we can always rely on Brunell. Plus we don't want Brunell to get hurt early in the season. If Brunell was to get hurt early we'd have to depend on Ramsey for awhile, depending on how bad the injury was. Patrick Ramsey is on his forth year,so he needs to pull something off this season if he wants to make a name for him self on the Redskins. If I was Gibbs i'd make the smartest decision and start Ramsey this season,cause if fans start screamin for Brunell there will be no hesitation to put him in. The only reason he kept Brunell in last season was cause the wide receivers were droping the ball. He over or under throw Them and then they'd say hit me in the numbers and they'd drop it.

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