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Rabach is a stud.

Ignatius J.

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Give Vinny Cerrato some Dap.

Rabach is playing excellently for us. Yes it's preseason, but he's blowing 300 some pound nose tackles five yards off the ball. You can watch him point out the formations to his brothers in arms with thier hands down to the dirt. He's a player.

I am thrilled with this acquisition, and it will turn out to be the most important aquisition of the offseason. (not hard in an otherwise uneventful season) Have you noticed that we haven't run the ball at all this preseason? It's been pass pass pass as much as we could. Trying to establish something. But our big uglies are really aching for it. And portis is just gonna get up right behind them and slide past the defenders these guys throw to the ground.

Gibbs is going to go with what works, and I can't wait for it. We're playing these games with the run game tied behind our backs. You think that middle linebacker who broke up ramsey's first pass to moss is going to be anywhere near that part of the field in a regular season game? I hope so, cause that's going to put portis at around ten yards a clip right behind my man rabach as he sends that poor backer to the floor.

There were some mistakes last night, but man, this line is NOT messing around. Thanks cerrato, and oh yeah thanks to that buges guy who might have something to do with this line too!


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Between signing Rabach,Jansen coming back and Dockery's emergence, our line has the potential to be awesome. I believe most are wrapped up, contract wise, as well as being young, and we have a solid core.

Ray Brown is a more than adequate backup, as is Raymer (short term.) I noticed Molinaro blowing a guy off the line, too.

Mix that with improved play calling and Gibbs' second year back, and I'm looking forward to major improvements this year.

Shoot, if we scored just one TD more a game last year, we make the playoffs.

It all starts up front, and I'm glad our biggest signing was Rabach to anchor the Dirtbags.

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Guest skin by grace

I was specifically watching the line because I believe your lines make your team and those guys look great considering they have to gell

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I thought the line looked the best I've seen them look since 99. Most times Ramsey had a nice pocket and room to step into his throws. The running game could be our ticket to the playoffs. If the OL can stay healthy and Portis can find the seams than I could probably sit back there and find open receivers. Remember, all we need is a solid running game and for Ramsey to pick his spots and we're going to be difficult to beat with our stifling defense.

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Best post of the day! Dockery is also knocking guys out of their socks. TIVO is the best thing invented. Watching our line play with frame advance is a thing to behold. I'm no football expert but they really do some cool looking things.

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