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DS vs. PSP

matty dread

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With the price drop of the DS coming next week, I was thinking of picking it up, but there doesn't seem to be many quality games out for it yet.

The PSP is alot more $$ and frankly I don't need all the extras of being able to play movies, music, etc.

Just wondering what DS/PSP owners thoughts are on the two systems.


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Dont get the DS.

I have the best job in the world. My job allows me to research/play video games and place them into our retail stores.

The Nintendo DS system is nothing spectacular.

And hold tight ... Nintendo is making a new handheld gaming unit for the 4th quarter. I'm not sure what it is - but it's supposed to be better than Nintendo DS.

But back to the DS ... It's huge. It probably weights about 3 pounds. It is super bulky. It comes with a test game (Metroid) and the graphics are less than stellar. The DS system only has a few games available at this time.

There are two things about the DS that are cool. The first - the DS has two screens. The top screen is the screen where the gaming actually takes place. The bottom screen (in most games) shows a map, or remaining ammo and such. In Super Mario, you can take your pencil (that comes with the unit) and trace the route that you would like to go on the map.

The second thing is that the DS allows you to communicate wirelessly with other people who have a DS in an Instant Messenger form. But don't purchase the unit simply for this feature.

In my humble opinion, I would either purchase the PSP (which is badass) or wait to see what the new handheld unit from Nintendo will be.

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Originally posted by matty dread

Thanks for the brilliant input, but I'd rather hear from some people who actually have the systems, not a nintendo hater. thanks

I'm not a ninetndo hater smartass, i've read the specs for both systems and talked to people who have both and it isn't even close, go ahead and get ur DS though, nintendo is already on the downfall and with the next gen systems its pretty much finished

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Originally posted by CandaceM23

Dont get the DS.

I have the best job in the world. My job allows me to research/play video games and place them into our retail stores.

The Nintendo DS system is nothing spectacular.

And hold tight ... Nintendo is making a new handheld gaming unit for the 4th quarter. I'm not sure what it is - but it's supposed to be better than Nintendo DS.

But back to the DS ... It's huge. It probably weights about 3 pounds. It is super bulky. It comes with a test game (Metroid) and the graphics are less than stellar. The DS system only has a few games available at this time.

There are two things about the DS that are cool. The first - the DS has two screens. The top screen is the screen where the gaming actually takes place. The bottom screen (in most games) shows a map, or remaining ammo and such. In Super Mario, you can take your pencil (that comes with the unit) and trace the route that you would like to go on the map.

The second thing is that the DS allows you to communicate wirelessly with other people who have a DS in an Instant Messenger form. But don't purchase the unit simply for this feature.

In my humble opinion, I would either purchase the PSP (which is badass) or wait to see what the new handheld unit from Nintendo will be.

yea she knows the score(im assuming your a she, if not my mistake lol)

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Originally posted by matty dread

Thanks for the brilliant input, but I'd rather hear from some people who actually have the systems, not a nintendo hater. thanks

I have the DS, the ex got it for me for Christmas.

It is NOT 3lbs, but under 1lb. (260 g) and about the size of a wallet. The games are pretty easy though, and they are completely different with the stylus. If you want to try something different and save a little money, then go with the DS. If you want to play games like the current systems get the PSP.

The graphics are better on the PSP, but the stylus is a different form of playing. Some people like it, some don't. The choice is up to you.

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Originally posted by TheREALJBird

yea she knows the score(im assuming your a she, if not my mistake lol)

I am a she ....

It's an unbiased opinion. My brother has been a loyal Nintendo fan for years. I would pick up the games and dabble with them when I was bored - but thats about it.

In having my hands on both systems - the PSP wins hands down. They have a bigger selection of games - and the graphics are much better than DS.

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Originally posted by CandaceM23

I have the best job in the world. My job allows me to research/play video games and place them into our retail stores.

Are you hiring? :D

Originally posted by CandaceM23

In my humble opinion, I would either purchase the PSP (which is badass) or wait to see what the new handheld unit from Nintendo will be.

I've heard the new Nintendo handheld is the GameBoy Micro, cell-phone sized.

Are there any decent games for the PSP?

I like the handheld systems for long plane flights.

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Originally posted by TheREALJBird

I'm not a ninetndo hater smartass, i've read the specs for both systems and talked to people who have both and it isn't even close, go ahead and get ur DS though, nintendo is already on the downfall and with the next gen systems its pretty much finished

Sorry I was just looking for some deeper insight than the DS sucks.

Nintendo isn't going anywhere. Globally speaking they are still very strong in the console war.

They'll always have a niche with gamers due to their history and loyal following.

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Originally posted by Soliloquy

Are you hiring? :D

I've heard the new Nintendo handheld is the GameBoy Micro, cell-phone sized.

Are there any decent games for the PSP?

I like the handheld systems for long plane flights.

Neither the DS or the new micro is the successor to the gameboy.

The next gameboy will supposedly have the power of a gamecube.

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Originally posted by matty dread

Sorry I was just looking for some deeper insight than the DS sucks.

Nintendo isn't going anywhere. Globally speaking they are still very strong in the console war.

They'll always have a niche with gamers due to their history and loyal following.

I can see where your coming from, I think they'll always have a place, esp. with handheld systems, but with the revolution I don't see it being able to compete with Sony and Microsoft

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Originally posted by chomerics

I have the DS, the ex got it for me for Christmas.

It is NOT 3lbs, but under 1lb. (260 g) and about the size of a wallet. The games are pretty easy though, and they are completely different with the stylus. If you want to try something different and save a little money, then go with the DS. If you want to play games like the current systems get the PSP.

The graphics are better on the PSP, but the stylus is a different form of playing. Some people like it, some don't. The choice is up to you.

About the size of a wallet? How about the size of half a brick. The thing is huge.

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Originally posted by TheREALJBird

I can see where your coming from, I think they'll always have a place, esp. with handheld systems, but with the revolution I don't see it being able to compete with Sony and Microsoft

Maybe not in the US, but they'll likely remain #2 in Japan which is a huge market for them and probably what keeps them afloat.

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Originally posted by mhd24

Uhh, Nintendo actually makes a profit in the industry. Microsoft loses a ton of money. Sony makes less of a profit than Nintendo does.

But worldwide Nintendo is number 3. They have sold the least amount of hardware with the Cube and marketshare keeps shrinking. They keep making the most profit but what has that done for the console of lately? Nothing, look at their cube fall 2005 line-up. Its horrendous. But hey nintendo fanboys always say buy a DS cause thats where all the hits are coming which makes absolutely no sense since they bought a cube to play year round expecting new games every month.

Now back on topic, i have both the PSP and DS and while i love my PSP, i'm still waiting for some amazing games other than racing and puzzle games (can't wait for GTA Liberty stories). I love putting movies and MP3's on my memory stick and watching them during a bus ride something the DS is unable to do.

DS on the other hand has Advance wars, Castlevania, Mario kart DS, and much more coming out in a couple weeks/months.

So i guess if you want a multi media player and superior graphics get a PSP

If you want a handheld meant for only gaming (with touchscreen, you can decide if thats positive or negative)which i might add cheaper games but inferior graphics go for DS.

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Originally posted by matty dread

The next gameboy will supposedly have the power of a gamecube.

That would be cool if they could pull it off. I would buy one if it played Cube games too. Maybe they had that in mind when they made the discs that size. I doubt it but hey it would have been good thinking.

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Well if with the psp, it has better graphics and like with madden 06, yoiu can put a franchise game onto the psp, then move it back to your ps2(if you have 1)


This is a 100% guess/inference(if im wrong correct)

But im sure in a yr or 2, microsoft will be making a handheld, so if they do, you might like that if your an xbox fan.

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Don't own a DS because I have one of the newer GBA's and rarely play it. The football games really suck on the GBA and the reviews of Madden 2005 on the DS were aweful, so I skipped.

I bought the PSP because NFL Street was a pretty damn good port. I love the PSP because I feel like I am playing current generation games on it and not something from the 8 bit days. Hot Shot's Golf is great on the PSP and I am really looking forward to Madden.

Still a little pricey, but a great little unit IMO. I have been playing it more than my consoles.

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Okay, I took the plunge and bought a PSP after peeking at the one a fellow in the seat next to me on a plane flight was using. I picked up a few games as well: Namco Museum, Mercury, Tiger Woods Golf, Metal Gear Acid, Untold Legends, and Midnight Club 3 (Dub edition?). Hopefully that will tide me over until Madden comes out for the PSP. And a 1G stick.

Any other game recommendations?

Anyone know when Madden is coming?

Any websites of note?

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