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Extreme monthly - June


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Was there ever one for June?

If not, here it goes:

Coleman was relased

Greer was released

It was pretty hot

June 20th marked the first day of summer

The business world started to reel

The Wizards signed Jeffries and Dixon

Killer fish started to show up

...that's about it...


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These fish...

Meat-eating fish from China introduced to Maryland waters by pet owner

Fri Jul 12,12:01 PM ET

By ANGELA POTTER, Associated Press Writer

ANNAPOLIS, Maryland - Nearly 100 meat-eating fish native to China have been found in a Maryland pond where a pet owner dumped two of them in 2000, state officials said Friday amid concern that the fish will become a major threat to native species.

The northern snakehead can grow to be 3 feet (90 centimeters) long and has a voracious appetite.

The situation is of special concern to authorities because the Little Patuxent River is about 75 yards (meters) from the pond, and northern snakeheads can live three days out of water and even walk short distances on their fins in search of food.

"They can gain a foothold here and begin to proliferate in ways that would displace native organisms," said Eric Schwaab, director of the Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Service.

On Thursday, agency officials caught 99 young northern snakeheads by using an electroshock method that stuns them, causing them to float to the surface of the water.

"We've said all along that if there are juveniles in there, there would be hundreds or thousands of them," agency spokesman John Surrick said Friday.

Two adult fish were released into the Crofton pond two years ago, police said Thursday. State officials learned the species was present in May, when an angler caught a suspicious fish and provided a photo for identification. Since then, biologists have caught several young fish.

State officials are setting up a scientific panel to investigate the problem and come up with recommendations to remove the snakeheads from the pond.

No charges were filed against the owner of the two original fish, whom police would not identify, because the statute of limitations has expired.

"They outgrew the capability of his care, so the individual chose to release them into what he felt was a safe environment," said Capt. Mark Sanders of the Maryland Natural Resources police.

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For those that might actually have wondered about the June Monthly (both of you) ... here's the scoop. It's taking a bit of a summer break due to exigent circumstances -- namely, I just haven't had the time to put into it the last few weeks.

For better or worse, I can't let myself do a half-assed rush job, and therefore felt it better to simply weasel out of at least the June issue by embarrassing Blade into letting me substitute at least one of those quirky 'Game Day' deals isntead. Blade's a good man to work for that way. :) Those, I can knock out in a couple of hours. The Monthly's, on the other hand, end up taking a good 3 or 4 days, and that's NOT counting all the time spent simply reading the board looking for material.

Don't get me wrong, I love doing this thing, and will do so in the future. Just gotta get moved out of this house and into the new one (end of this month), and then I might actually have a couple evening hours to myself once in a while again. :)

While we're at it, my good brothers and sisters, let me reiterate what I've been saying all along ... GET INVOLVED!! When you see something on the board you think oughta be included in the Monthly, let me or Park City Skins or Bufford know. Come up with a feature of your own. Grab a stake in this thing. Who knows, maybe we could get the Skins Sisters of the board to produce a little regular piece on the view of Extremeskins from the fairer side.

It's my hope to run the Monthly year-round (with the occasional short break of course), and I hope to see it evolve into something produced more by the membership at large than by just a couple of us.

Guilt, guilt, guilt. Is it working? :)

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Well I would say that just about covers the June Tailgate right there EG. :D Hmmmm. Wonder if that's just rskin24's style or he's trying to tell us something Om. :silly: And just to add my 2 cents......What Om said! :D (When logging on to Extreme and seeing the subject as Extreme Monthly June and seeing Om's name with it, my first thought was @#$%@ I missed the deadline. :D ) Sigh. Well, somebody missed it. :cheers:

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Sleep on it for a few days, Blondie, then let me know via PM what you're thinking ... or that you've come to your senses. Look forward to working with you.

And I promise to mostly behave. :)

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:cheers: Blondie. er that is until, as Om said, you come to your senses. Looks up, sees Monthly staff looking at him. "What? I promise to mostly behave too." :D Although, speaking about behaving, Blondie, the locker room? :silly:
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What? (Batting eyelashes) What did I say? I am just thinking about the good of the Extreme board. I am willing to scarifice and go into that locker room and get the scoop!!

Just a sweet blonde....trying to help.


Texas Blondie

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Snakeheads are neat fish. I used to have a couple about 10 years ago. Living in GA they are outlawed, right up there with piranha. I had never heard they could walk, but then again I am not an expert on snakeheads.

One of the neat features about them is they can dislocate/dislodge their jaw, just like a snake can, and if they can get it in their mouth they will eat it... as long as it is edible.

I guarantee these fish will be outlawed in VA and MD now, if they haven't already been. I left VA about 9 yrs ago. I do remember finding them on the floor from time to time and tossing them back in with no problems... but I gave them to a friend and it happened to him and they were dead on him finding them... less than 8 hrs so I am not sure about the reports of three days, but then again I am not an expert.


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For better or worse, I can't let myself do a half-assed rush job, and therefore felt it better to simply weasel out of at least the June issue

Hey Om,

A half-assed rush job by you is at least twice as good as most of us could do. :D

And that includes me.

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Originally posted by DaFunky1

I guarantee these fish will be outlawed in VA and MD now, if they haven't already been. I left VA about 9 yrs ago. I do remember finding them on the floor from time to time and tossing them back in with no problems... but I gave them to a friend and it happened to him and they were dead on him finding them... less than 8 hrs so I am not sure about the reports of three days, but then again I am not an expert.


Yes, I hear that's on the way. But there was already a law in place to keep this situation from happening; it's illegal in MD (and I think VA) to release any fish or other animal that is not indigenous to the area. Problem is, somebody did it anyway!:gus:

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Now I know I am a blonde......and sometimes it takes me a bit longer to understand things, however, I am confused about the fish. HMMMMM....did I miss something? Is that a new story for the June Monthly?

Om, do I have to promise to behave?


Texas Blondie

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Some of those snakefish rascals were found in a small pond in Maryland recently, Blondie. Seeing as how they're aggressive as hell AND can walk – meaning they're known to eat everything edible in one habitat, then simply walk (up to 2-3 days, apparently) to another – the local officials declared open season on the suckers. I just saw some guy heading that way, towing a trailer stacked with WWII surplus depth-charges, but I'm sure it's unrelated.

As far as the behaving thing ... no. You have to promise not to. :)

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