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OT....T.O. in the stands at Atlanta!


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Both the Falcons and Ravens might put offers together before this game ends. Who will TO suit up for. The Eagles would win in a bid up trade. Remember the Walker trade in 1989 (Vikings and Browns bidding) and the Cowboys won 3 SB's.

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Originally posted by SkinsD

You sure?

I read yesterday that reporters were interviewing him at the Philly airport. Reports said he was going to the bahamas. Could have been wrong I guess.

His publicist came out and said that he was lying and was instead going to Atlanta.

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TO is on course IMHO to be the best athlete to destroy his career not due to drugs, age or injury.

I know at least one team in this league will take a risk on him if Philly chooses to dump him, and likely at least a handful will. But I don't see him going to a team that's serious about building something good on the field (NE; Cincinnati, Carolina, San Diego, Tennessee, Buffalo, Pittsburgh; etc.). Rather, I'd predict that if he goes somewhere else it'll be to a team that's taking a desperate stab at winning because they're not very well run (e.g. NO, Cleveland, Arizona, Oakland, etc.). Note, I list those teams based solely upon the culture of their organizations and not based upon salary cap situation, etc. I have no idea of the capabilty of them to sign or trade for TO if they wanted to.

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Originally posted by RedskinzOwnU

Owens is a gossip-generating genius. He's accomplishing exactly what he has set out to do: be a huge distraction for the eagles.


and keep his face in the news.

he is looking to make sure he was on the Jumbo Tron :laugh:

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