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A call for optimism

Commander PK

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The fact that some here are already worried about the Skins based off of a mediocre performance, in glorified practice session really has me annoyed. It really takes all the fun out of being a fan, when already some people are whining about Ramsey, saying start Campbell, and we aren't improved any from last season. After ONE WEEK of practice, and one scrimmage, how can anything possibly be conclusive? If the Skins lose every single pre-season game they play this year, it doesn't matter. If they WIN every single pre-season game they play, that doesn't matter either. If they lose the first game of the year to Chicago, in the grand scheme of things, that's one game. There are 16 games in a season. A lot can happen. Things are going to get better in Skins land sooner or later. (hopefully sooner) There a lot of things to be excited about. For the first time, in a long time the Redskins have had some real, meaningful continuity, with the coaching staff, players, offensive, defensive schemes, etc. Let's have some optimism around here!!

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If we are great on defense and special teams (which we've really focused on this offseason) we'll be in good shape even if the offense is the same as last year (and it won't be).

I can understand the pessimism, being a Skins fan has been tough for over a decade-- but the panic button does not even need to be built at this time.

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Originally posted by Truant

If we are great on defense and special teams (which we've really focused on this offseason) we'll be in good shape even if the offense is the same as last year (and it won't be).

I can understand the pessimism, being a Skins fan has been tough for over a decade-- but the panic button does not even need to be built at this time.

I agree that it's been tough to be a Skins fan the last several years. I grew up during Gibbs I, where playoff appearances were foregone conclusions.

That's why I remain optimistic. Last year, I even had my bouts with post-loss blasting of the team, and a gloom and doom mentality. However, it's a new season that hasn't even begun yet. Let's wait a while before the naysaying starts.

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You know if some people on here are a little worried about how we performed in a controlled scrimmage...then what?...does this make us bad fans? Maybe we aren't looking at things strictly through rosey colored glasses and trying to point out issues that have been ongoing for the last several years. Isn't this part of what this board is about?

So you aren't worried at this point. Great! However I have the same concerns of the QB play that I have had since Ramsey first played. Until he shows me something, I will continue to question whether he is going to be a good QB or not.

Btw, I have a lot of optimism for the season and a lot of money on the line depending on how we do. But I also will be the first to point out things I feel are issues b/c I have a right to as a fan.

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Originally posted by skinsfan93

You know if some people on here are a little worried about how we performed in a controlled scrimmage...then what?...does this make us bad fans? Maybe we aren't looking at things strictly through rosey colored glasses and trying to point out issues that have been ongoing for the last several years. Isn't this part of what this board is about?

So you aren't worried at this point. Great! However I have the same concerns of the QB play that I have had since Ramsey first played. Until he shows me something, I will continue to question whether he is going to be a good QB or not.

Btw, I have a lot of optimism for the season and a lot of money on the line depending on how we do. But I also will be the first to point out things I feel are issues b/c I have a right to as a fan.

Concerns are one thing, but some here have called for the BENCHING of Ramsey based off of this scrimmage performance. That's ridiculous at this point. Question all you want too, you have that right as a Redskin fan. (and as an American). However, I think it's just to early to be in the ball park, of drawing conclusions about Ramsey, or whether or not he has improved, or whether the Skins as a whole have improved. Based off of one week of practice, and one scrimmage against a very good team. Do I have concerns, of course. You wouldn't be a fan if you didn't, but don't (I'm not talking about you specifically) jump off of the deep end just because of one scrimmage. There is a lot to be done still before the season. A lot of practicing, and a lot of fine tuning.

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Originally posted by Painkiller

Concerns are one thing, but some here have called for the BENCHING of Ramsey based off of this scrimmage performance. That's ridiculous at this point. Question all you want too, you have that right as a Redskin fan. (and as an American). However, I think it's just to early to be in the ball park, of drawing conclusions about Ramsey, or whether or not he has improved, or whether the Skins as a whole have improved. Based off of one week of practice, and one scrimmage against a very good team. Do I have concerns, of course. You wouldn't be a fan if you didn't, but don't (I'm not talking about you specifically) jump off of the deep end just because of one scrimmage. There is a lot to be done still before the season. A lot of practicing, and a lot of fine tuning.

I agree and if you read most of my posts, I'm not saying that we should walk into the Potomac River right now. I also believe that starting Ramsey is the right thing to do.

But as far as Ramsey, when is enough, enough and when is the time that we decide to move on if he doesn't get any better? He is STILLL having the same issues since his rookie year. Yea, I know everyone is going to give one excuse after another. Yada, yada, yada.

I want to know from all the Ramsey supporters these questions. If he doesn't get better....do we give him the entire year to play and miss out on yet another chance to make the playoffs? Do we keep Campbell on the bench all year so that he makes rookie mistakes next year?

If he plays great, well I will be as happy as the next. I have no problem admitting that I was completely wrong. But let's also be prepared that he doesn't play well and look to get the future started. That's all.


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Originally posted by skinsfan93

I agree and if you read most of my posts, I'm not saying that we should walk into the Potomac River right now. I also believe that starting Ramsey is the right thing to do.

But as far as Ramsey, when is enough, enough and when is the time that we decide to move on if he doesn't get any better? He is STILLL having the same issues since his rookie year. Yea, I know everyone is going to give one excuse after another. Yada, yada, yada.

I want to know from all the Ramsey supporters these questions. If he doesn't get better....do we give him the entire year to play and miss out on yet another chance to make the playoffs? Do we keep Campbell on the bench all year so that he makes rookie mistakes next year?

If he plays great, well I will be as happy as the next. I have no problem admitting that I was completely wrong. But let's also be prepared that he doesn't play well and look to get the future started. That's all.


IMHO, I say Ramsey gets this season. This whole season to show something. If not, then he goes. At that point, if he succeeds in the NFL it won't be with us. If, God forbid, we are out of playoff contention early, and it's clear Ramsey is to blame. Then start working Campbell. I really believe we are going to see something out of Patrick this year though. I'm...optimistic :D

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On the flip side....

I know the pressure is on Ramsey and in my opinion it sounds like he played like it. But..

How come it couldn't have been great for once?? He's had a whole offseason to digest this and he comes out like that only from what I've read or heard..geez

Yeah I'm still optimistic when the real game time comes he will be smarter and more efficient and we will win games this year.

But why do we always have to be "optimistic" ? Just once I' love to know for sure...

Hey we could go 0-4 in preseason and then proceed to kick some ars I'll always be optimisitc every week I will see a tunraround.......

but I can't wait to see some ars kicking for once instead of talking about how it's gonna be one day...

Just a frustrated Skins fan.....

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Originally posted by AzSkinsFan63

On the flip side....

But why do we always have to be "optimistic" ? Just once I' love to know for sure...

Just a frustrated Skins fan.....

"Raise your hands if your sure.... "

I hear you my brother :D

However, the only thing for sure in life, is that you were born, and that your going to die.

That's it. :cheers: :laugh:

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