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OT - Oh he's not really a thug?


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Arrest warrant issued for Iverson

NBA All-Star Allen Iverson will be charged for forcing his way into his cousin's apartment with a gun. He will be allowed to surrender to police Tuesday morning after his lawyer returns from vacation. Iverson must remain inside his suburban Philadelphia mansion until then. He faces four felony and 10 misdemeanor charges, and his uncle was charged with 11 counts, including three felonies. Police searched Iverson's mansion and his uncle's home Thursday, looking for the gun and other evidence.

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And that just P*sses me off.

They issue the warrents but won't enforce them. Guess they are afraid of violating his privileges by invading his home.

But if it was a "normal" average citizen instead of a dumb*ss jock, we'd be in jail right now. if your going to issue warrents you should enforce them immediately.

No wonder sports jocks think they are above the law and can do anything.

The privileges of money and fame.....

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Just like when those gangsta and punk a$$ thugs get shot for no apparent reason. Hell they were just minding their own business, weren't doing anything wrong, Never did. And their Mommas always wail out afterwards.....

"He was such a good boy!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! He was Such a good boy, my baby boy!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!"

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I have heard conflicting reports about the gun. Was the gun in his pants hidden from view, or was the gun in his hand. I think this makes all the difference in the world. If he barged into his cousin's home with gun in hand making threats he should go to jail. I don't care who you are, if you do this you should be put behind bars. If he barged into his cousins home yelling and screaming about his wife and the gun was hidden from plain view he should get some sort of probation and not jail time.

Does anyone know if the gun was in his hand? And I havent heard anything about whether he has a permit to carry.

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Guest Trevor

I read that his cousin said the gun was not in his hand, nor was he threatening anyone with it. It was at the beginning of this whole thing so perhaps it was incorrect info, but that's all I've heard about it.

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Trevor, that's what I heard first. Then I heard reports that he was brandishing the gun. I just think this makes a huge difference. If he has a permit to carry and it was hidden from view. Why are they even mentioning the gun?

On a side note, the big game is over 138 million for tonight. You better go get a ticket, Hey ya never know.

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He does not have a permit for a gun, he is not allowed to own a gun. He had a gun in his waistband when he and his uncle forced there way into apartment (cousin was not home at the time) cousin's gay lover was home and Iverson told him he wanted to know where his wife was and that if he did not find her someone was going to get hurt and it won't be me. It is a huge story here in Philly (turning into a circus) Nothing will come of it. A half decent defense attorney could get him off, all the witnesses are pillars of the community. Big joke

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Why is everybody jumping on Iverson so quickly? I dont know what was behind this, but it doesnt sound like his typical behavior so I'm curious to hear about this trial and get his point of view. I realize that there is a problem with celebrities and crime but that doesnt mean that everyone that gets accused of a crime must have done it and deserves the maximum penalty. Just like the rest of us if we were put in this perdicament, I think he'd at least like the benifit of the doubt.

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At this point, I think it's all overblown. The guy was upset and out looking for his wife. He's young...he's stupid. But unless there's more to this, I can't see a felony conviction.

The gun is the problem here. It doesn't matter a bit to me if the gun was in his hand or in his belt. Wandering around in the middle of the night in a highly emotional state is about the last situation in the world that warrants having a gun.

As long as the media permits this preposterous celebration of 'gansta' culture, this crud will continue.

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"it doesn't sound like his typical behavior"?????

Which Iverson have you been following for the past 10 years? I know about the one that got 5 years for cracking chairs over people's heads in a bowling alley when he was 18. He was granted clemency after serving 4 months so that he could go play for John Thompson at Georgetown. Then there's the Iverson that got arrested in a car with guns and drugs a few years ago. He got 3 years probation for that one, I believe. Then there's the Iverson that made a rap album last year in which he "sang" about killing people and whatnot. As a matter of fact I think AI got into some serious heat for his gay bashing lyrics in that album and the guy he was allegedly threatening with a gun last week was a gay man. Coincidence? Who knows? But to act like this kind of behavior is totally out character for Iverson is the epitome of having your head buried in the sand, imo.

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Actually Diesel, iverson got his pardon so he could go play for UVA. Idiot wilder (governor at the time) got snuckered by Iverson. About as soon as he had pardon in hand he ran off to DC and Georgetown.

But it sure does sound like typical behavoir to me. And with his history, the mere possession of a gun (unregistered at that)should put him in jail. Especially if the probation is still in effect.

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they said he pushed his coat back to show the gun but never had it in his hand. I think the rap album should be consider a non factor, a lot of rappers have made those albums with very similiar lyrics, I do not like them but that is freedom of speech. I think his biggest mistake was even having the gun but I doubt he will be getting any time. The probation started in1998 so it is done with.

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When they showed the guy on espn I figured he was a whistle blower....... a Meat Whistle blower

Innocent til proven guilty.

Lets see the same outrage for a guy who trashed a company hurt the economy and is building a multimillion dollar home when investors got the shaft.

If I lost money and this guy was flaunting how he got away with it lets just say in the place of the home would be a parking lot

Women and too much free time always get the kids in trouble.

Tiger stay married to golf and just have a gorgeous honey for 2 to 3 years max to avoid drama and distractions

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I didn't know about his previous gun problems. If he doesn't have a permit to carry, then having a gun in his possesion is wrong. But is that a felony worth jail time? And I still think if the gun is illegal there has to be a difference between brandishing the gun and having it hidden in your pants. What is really sad is if this were you or I we would have been arrested in our home. We wouldn't be able to turn ourself in a week after charges are filed.

I think the double standards for celebrities is appaling. Carl makes a good point here. He left his house in an emotional state with the gun. What the hell was he thinking. If he had found his wife in an awkward position with gun in tow this could have been a real tragedy.

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Iverson is not a thug, Who here has the right to judge anybody? Nobody has ever walked in Iversons shoes, you don't know what it was like for him growing up. He's a good guy, he's got his problems but he's no more of a thug then the next man. Iverson hasn't ben in trouble since 1997, but the second he slips up the media is all over him. Is Charles Barkley a thug, cause his criminal record is way longer then Iversons. There's hundreds of other athletes out there with a longer criminal history then Allen Iverson, but he's the only thug. He's targeted cause of the way he talks dresses and the lifestyle he lives. He's the littlest man on the court but the media paints him as the biggest Villain

Off the top of my head athletes with a longer criminal record: Charles Barkley, Scottie Pippen, Mark Gastineau, Dennis Rodman, Bobby Cox, Anthony Mason, Charles Oakley, Chris Webber, Rod Strickland, Latrell Sprewell, Micheal Irvin, Nate Newton.

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- Iverson was arrested and went to prison for bashing a chair over another person's head.

- Iverson was arrested and got probation on weapons and drugs charges.

- Iverson seemingly embraces the thug life in his rap album. I realize it's just a work of art, but his life does seem to be mirroring it.

- Now Iverson is facing charges for threatening others with a gun ... a gun he should not be carrying because of previous violations, by the way.

But he's not a thug? He's a "good guy with problems?" He's no more of a thug then the next man? That's a lot of BS. He's a he11uva lot more of a thug than me, or just about anyone I know for that matter. Based on his record (not my opinion) he's more of a thug than a very large percentage of the population as well.

Just because others have records as well doesn't make Iverson look better, but, for the record we can call them thugs to if it makes you feel better.

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Thats exzactly what I'm talkin bout, who the hell cares about a damn rap album, are you going to prosecute him for rapping. It was a hardcore rap album and hardcore rap albums have hardcore lyrics. You obviously don't know about the brawl incident, it was a fight that stimmed from racist remarks between black and white students. Iverson was granted clemency which in essence means he was innocent. He defnitley made some mistakes but I can also say that he's given back to the community more than anybody, but he's a "thug" so it's overlooked. This is the same guy that walked 3 miles to visit his uncle in prison and gave him the shoes off his feet and walked back 3 miles bare foot. The guy that has given millions of dollars to help at risk youth in Newport News VA, and Philly. If you want to call him a thug you can call him a thug though. Regardless of what anybody says, it's no denying he has a good heart.


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BIGDC, I don't really care about a rap album. Hell, I like rap. I've listened to my share of gangsta rap, too, and I'm fine with it. My only point there was that he seems to be embracing the very actions and culture that you want to deny. You want to strike that off the list, go ahead. He still has enough strikes against him at a young enough age to show a disturbing pattern of behavior.

No one said Iverson didn't have some good qualities, either. Most everyone does. Ted Bundy worked at a suicide hotline talking to troubled people and keeping them from hurting themselves or others. He also murdered God knows how many women as a hobby. But that hotline job was a real nice thing he did.

Because Iverson has done some good things doesn't mean you can ignore his transgressions or write them off as insignificant "troubles." So ... fine ... he can be a thug with a good heart. :)

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Originally posted by blakman211

. . . it doesnt sound like his typical behavior . . .

Uh, actually from what I've heard he's kicked his wife out of the house in a violent uproar a number of times before. Now, if you mean that he hadn't previously gone to his cousin's house with a gun, I suppose that's true. But this guy hangs out with gangsters and likes to be seen as one, so he shouldn't be whining that he's getting unfairly treated like one now (which he really isn't with the royal celebrity treatment being given to him by the cops).
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I've followed Iverson since he was in high school and read extensive reports about the bowling alley brawl. I think you are simplifying the issue by saying it stemmed from racist remarks. Whether that's true or not (and I have no idea) it doesn't excuse the actions of the brawlers. The fact that Governor Wilder granted Iverson clemency after serving 4 months of a 5 year sentence does NOT equate to Iverson being innocent either. It just means he got a pardon. Pardons are issued for all sorts of reasons (does Bill Clinton ring a bell?). They don't always mean the recipient was innocent of the crime. Iverson was *convicted* and sentenced to 5 years in jail. He was *found guilty* in a court of law. Let's not lose sight of that. The governor decided that his opinion and his priorities were more important than the state's judicial system and its ruling. That's his perogative as governor, but it doesn't in any way make Iverson innocent of all wrongdoing.

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The way I see it is pretty simple......If you're a making a living off of an occupation that deals primarily with the entertainment of the public in general; than you have a RESPONSIBILITY TOWARDS THAT AUDIENCE, PERIOD; AND THAT INCLUDES PROJECTED IMAGE, WHETHER SELF CONCEIVED OR OTHERWISE.

There have been more than a few sports "personalities" over the years that understood this, as well as those that didn't; and still others that just didn't care; and it really doesn't matter which "catagory" that "personality" falls into because it does NOT PRECLUDE THE RESPONSIBILITY IN, AND THAT; OF ITSELF.


PS: By the way "BIG DC", that 3 million that went to the kids in Newport News made one HELLUVA TAX WRITE-OFF. ;) ;) ;)

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