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OT - Oh he's not really a thug?


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Where is Dr. J when you need him? I remember the man who almost singlehandedly saved the NBA. What a great man on and off the court he was. He was a great role model for kids.

Basketball in philly will never be the same again. I remember Barkley's rookie year and all the promise he showed. I thought to myself here is the next Dr. J to bring some respectability back to the sixers. Wrong..............Then came Iverson. I thought this is the next Dr. J. Wrong again. I just think it is a sad state of affairs the youth of today doesn't have a Dr. J type to look up to. Anythoughts?

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If Iverson is a felon, and committed this crime as stated (either with gun in hand or in wasteband), Philadelphia is a project excile city. If you are a felon in Philly, and are found guilty of possession of a firearm, registered or not, you are tried under the federal statute that requires a 5-10 year sentence. For those of you that are anti-NRA that was a project of theirs that various cities, and some states have adopted to enforce existing gun laws.

Since this is a thread about Iverson I'll try to stay on topic... I believe states can require gun registration, but not the feds. Also gun registration and permits were instituted in the south to keep the newly freed slaves from owning firearms to protect themselves, or even hunt. Gun registration and permits are actually rooted in racism.... rant done now back the scheduled topic.

I don't understand how anyone would know he had a gun, if deeply concealed. He must have shown it or else it is just speculation. Proper concealed carry is one where people do not know that you are carrying. Maybe he didn't carry deep enough... it is summer time and it is harder to conceal.

If he is a felon, thug or not, and he was carrying a gun, concealed or not, he should go to jail. End of story (well at least on my end :D )


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If this A$$hole Thug gets off, and I dearly hope he doesn't, I hope when he returns to the basketball court he gets booed off every court he steps on. He is a disgrace to professional sports. I know there have been many others as well who have been listed in an above thread but this topic is about Allen Iverson.

Throwing an all nighter PARTY last night????? I mean, WTF??? I never really was a fan of his gangsta image on and off the court and now I feel he has just sank himsalf in the public perception. Anyone who still feels that this "good guy with such a good heart who has just made some bad decisions" is still getting the benefit of the doubt from you - I truly feel SORRY for you. When did people get so blind? Is it just because he plays sports and he is the little guy defeating the odds on the court? Whatever the reason - He makes me want to throw up. :puke:

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