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Russ Parr(sp?) show bashes Skins


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I believe this morning radio show originates out of D.C. so you may be familiar with it. One of our stations down here picks it up.

Anyway, they sat there this morning during their "Straight from the streets sports report" and talked about how "Spurrier is going to hold practice on the 9th tee." Bashing him I guess for his love of golf and also said the only thing they can beat the Cowboys in is a "Charity golf tournament"(again bashing Spurrier and a shot at LaVar Arrington who said we'd beat Dallas this year). Also said every reciever we have is "5'9 and under" which is bull(Rod Gardner anyone?)!

And do you want to get a good laugh? Olivia Fox(who is also on this show and is a Cowboys fan) says there's a good chance Dallas will be "9-0 heading into their first game with Washington this year." :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

So here they are bashing the Skins, pretty much implying they'll stink, yet say Dallas(who appears to have a good D and question marks on offense like the Skins) will have a great year!

Typical nitwit talk radio if you ask me! I'd like to see them make that "Charity golf tournament" remark in LaVar's face!


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Unfortunately, if the Skins do start to win - either 2 things will happen in the media.

1.) The media will jump on the Skins bandwagon and proclaim that Spurrier is winning with all the talent that the Skins have (even though they claim no offensive talent now).

2.) The media will continue to hate the Skins and talk about inflated egos between Spurrier and the Dan that they proclaim will lead to an eventual breakup. Despite the fact that it was the Dan who wet his pants finally bringing his original 1st choice to coach the Skins in.

Personally, I hope its #2. Mostly because I hate bandwagons.

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If the Skins are winners, I think the media spin will be that it's due to the genius of Spurrier despite the best efforts of Daniel Snyder to sabotage success.

If the Skins are losing, it's because of Snyder and his revolving door at the coach's office.

If the Cowboys are winners, Jerry Jones was always a genius and everything about their franchise is 'special'.

If the Cowboys have their usual 5-11 season, the media will largely ignore them, claim their draft picks just 'need time to develop' (in much the way Kareem Larrimore is developing) and hop aboard the Andy Reid bandwagon.

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Originally posted by smith22

I love their black porn theater skits.:laugh: They are a pretty funny show to listen to.

I also like their Dikembe Mutombo skits and raps. hehehehe

"get the rebound for freedom"

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Tennessee, I hardly think that'll be the case if Dallas is a 5-11 team again.

Instead of suggesting the young talent just needs time to develop, it'll be "Jerry needs to fire his pet puppet, Dave Campo", or "Jerry is ruining this franchise", or "Jerry's project, Quincy, ultimately was the demise of the team's season", etc.

Dallas never gets a free pass from the media.

When we're down, we are kicked repeatedly. Again, look at how many magazine's headlines were "Demise in Dallas" when Aikman was released. Or last year, TSN's cover stated "Who Killed America's Team?", and inside suggested we'd never field a good team again.

Of course, the same author, Paul Attner, this offseason wrote an article stating how we're on the rise and had a great offseason.

Go figure.

The media loves to bash Jerry and the 'Boys just as much -- if not more -- as he does Snyder.

I've read posts here suggesting the media has a vendetta for the Skins. I certainly didn't see any bias against the Skins in '00 when everyone was hyping their offseason, and many, predicting a Super Bowl berth.

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I thought Bobby Jimmy was a Skins fan!

That used to be my favorite morning show when I lived in DC and had an hour commute. They used to have "The Coach" call in that was supposed to be a gay Norv Turner. He'd tell stories of lusting after Marc Boutte, saying his buttocks looked like two big xmas hams.

Bobby Jimmy also used to do a Chuck D impression that would nearly put me in the ditch on the way to work.

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there's nothing we can do about it now, it's all speculation at this point, some more educated than others, but speculation nonetheless. let's just be quiet and WHEN the SKINS do start winning, how sweet our vengeance will be. I've already emailed a few sports reporters who have already predicted SS to fail and can't wait to throw it back in their faces when we're lighting it up.

Thank you, come again

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They are funny, but they(even though their based in D.C.) tend to always be aboard the anti-Redskins wagon.

It's not just them, but a lot of the media seems to be saying Dallas will be great this year even though they have many of the same question marks and strengths the Skins do, yet the same people think the Skins will stink. That's what befuddles me.

It will certainly be interesting to see what is written by the media if the Skins succeed.


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Look guys, the nation hates our team. It's been that way ever since Jack Kent Cooke expired. Many, many commentators are ex-players who awake soaked in sweat and screaming with "HTTR" jangling in their ears, shivering at the image of Joe Gobbs' good ol' boy smile and dork glasses. Couple that with the fact that for some reason - not sure why - most sports writers are curmudgonely old farts who love to bash far more than they do to edify. Nothing we say or do will change the fact that if SOS succeeds, they will be knocking one another over to fellate him until he stumbles, at which time they'll say "We knew it wouldn't last". And should he stumble out of the blocks, it'll be a pigpile.

Here's my suggestion: one of the moderators puts up a "Let Them Eat Crow" sticky in the Fedex forum. When one of our faithful come across a particularly sneery and mean-spirited potshot, submit the text to the thread. Then, should we be so fortunate to have a successful season, we can send each of them a dead crow to eat. Works for me.


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man-o-man....i was picking up a dc parking permit this morning and the clerk was in an ornery mood. to lighten things up i passed..."hey man....less than 2 weeks to the skins opening up summer camp. cheer up!"....response......."i'm a boys fan down to my blue socks and your permit is revoked!!".......we kidded around some more.....had to kiss his behind to get my permit!!!!

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The guy that does the straight from the streets sports report, Super Ken, is really a damn DJ. He "reads" the sports related results on the air. He knows nothing about sports whatsoever. He knows how to throw a mean party though(damn I need to stop hanging out...LOL).

Russ Parr and Olivia Fox are funny, but they know as much about football as a R. Kelly knows about girls above 18 - NOTHING. Olivia Fox is a tummy tuck having, makeup wearing pig who'll give anything to be small again. Russ Parr is cool. He's legit. But their sports knowledge is severly limited.

I would take anything they say about my Skins as a joke. Of course if we go 14-2, blow up everybody on our schedule, they'll convienently be Redskin fans again.

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Fansince62, no need to worry, I just sent some henchman down there to make sure his shift on Friday is a happy one. ;)

As long as Dan Snyder is the Skins owner and has any affiliation with them, they will always be hated more than respected. Get used to it.

As far as Dallas fans go, I had to lug my nephew around at the Seahawks game last year, even treated to some eats and drink and Hogfest, because he's a "child", brother of the other nephew who I brought along with their cousin. Trust me, I felt odd the whole time, but I had to be fair.

Fansince62, you are to be commended for keeping your cool, like I had to.

I will never take another relative of a team rival to a game again, no clapping, no excitement in him and no thanks, I don't need dead weight, when I root for my team. HTTR!

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Originally posted by Kenny

I believe this morning radio show originates out of D.C. so you may be familiar with it. One of our stations down here picks it up.

Anyway, they sat there this morning during their "Straight from the streets sports report" and talked about how "Spurrier is going to hold practice on the 9th tee." Bashing him I guess for his love of golf and also said the only thing they can beat the Cowboys in is a "Charity golf tournament"(again bashing Spurrier and a shot at LaVar Arrington who said we'd beat Dallas this year). Also said every reciever we have is "5'9 and under" which is bull(Rod Gardner anyone?)!

And do you want to get a good laugh? Olivia Fox(who is also on this show and is a Cowboys fan) says there's a good chance Dallas will be "9-0 heading into their first game with Washington this year." :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

So here they are bashing the Skins, pretty much implying they'll stink, yet say Dallas(who appears to have a good D and question marks on offense like the Skins) will have a great year!

Typical nitwit talk radio if you ask me! I'd like to see them make that "Charity golf tournament" remark in LaVar's face!


A Cowboys fan on a DC radio show?! Who is allowing this kind of thing to go on???:shootinth

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