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Yikes -- 8 days of practices, then the America Bowl

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Has anyone noticed how little practice time the Redskins will have at training camp before they have to head off to Japan for the America Bowl (against the 49ers)? First practice is July 23, and they board the plane for Japan on July 31. The game itself is August 3.

I'm also curious if this trip will be more of a bonding experience for the team (positive) or a big distraction at a critical time in training camp. No way to know for sure, of course. But if I'm Spurrier, I'm not thrilled to have to drop everything after eight days of training camp -- with all the decisions over cuts looming in the air. But in the end, the experience should be a unique one for the team, and it may pay emotional dividends -- a little "Outward Bound" bonding experience in the middle of training camp. With all the new faces, that has to help.

16 days until camp....

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my gut tells me to put a blindfold over my eyes for the opening game in Japan. San Francisco is a playoff team returning most of its starters and has a clear shot to take the next step in 2002 with some improvement on defense.

The Redskins will not be in 'fighting shape' that early and this game could be ugly from an execution standpoint.

But that is what the preseason and camp is for, so as long as the score doesn't count it is a learning experience, eh? :)

the other benefit to this difficult of an opener is that it will focus players' attention on how much works needs to get done before the September opener.

last year all you heard from the national media and even ex-Redskins commentators such as Riggins and Mark May was how listless the team looked.

Marty of course maintained that when the real shooting started the team would stand up and take account of itself.

That 30-3 opener against San Diego looked a lot like First Bull Run to me :laugh:

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There'll be enough sloppiness to go around for both sides. We have to remember, however, that the 49ers will have just as little practice time as us before the game, plus they didn't have the extra coaching sessions given to a new coach.

I'm thinking a 16-13 slopfest. Could go either way.

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Originally posted by bulldog

my gut tells me to put a blindfold over my eyes for the opening game in Japan. San Francisco is a playoff team returning most of its starters and has a clear shot to take the next step in 2002 with some improvement on defense.

You took the words out of my mouth. I was just going to add this thought.

I hope everyone here has patience, because the game could be ugly for us. As you say, SF is a returning *good* playoff team. We've got a new offensive and defensive scheme, a lot of new players, four new QBs to rotate along with new receivers..... I expect to see a bunch of INTs thrown by us, at a minimum. I'm just hoping the defense steps up and keeps things as close as possible.

I'm still very optimistic about the season, but it's a bit much for us to step up against SF after eight days of training camp. So let's grin and bear the results.

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The thing I hate about the first preseason game of the season is there is so much hype because it is the first game but it usually turns out to be a snoozer. :snore:

The teams are still out if sync and they do not show the whole play book. I like preseason because I can just sit back and enjoy football, not get all worked up like during the regular season. Also it is fun to see the 2nd, 3rd and 4th stringers come in and play.

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yeah, a chance to take a look at that 5'7 240 pound bowling ball we drafted in round 7 to play fullback :)

maybe we could just have Ramsey step out there with his strong arm and hurl Cartwright toward opposing defenses to soften them up on first downs :laugh:

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Originally posted by Atlanta Skins Fan

Has anyone noticed how little practice time the Redskins will have at training camp before they have to head off to Japan for the America Bowl (against the 49ers)? First practice is July 23, and they board the plane for Japan on July 31. The game itself is August 3.

I'm also curious if this trip will be more of a bonding experience for the team (positive) or a big distraction at a critical time in training camp. No way to know for sure, of course. But if I'm Spurrier, I'm not thrilled to have to drop everything after eight days of training camp -- with all the decisions over cuts looming in the air. But in the end, the experience should be a unique one for the team, and it may pay emotional dividends -- a little "Outward Bound" bonding experience in the middle of training camp. With all the new faces, that has to help.

16 days until camp....

It all depends on who you ask. After all, opinions are like assholes: everyone has one.

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I think its great; the defense gets to smack around an opposing team instead of its offensive teammates.

We have a general idea who is going to be starting on defense and this early game will help us when it comes to the offense when it comes to Anthony,Skaggs D Mac showing whether they have what it takes or not.

I hope the starters only do a series or two then its just the backups

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The first preseason game (to me) is not so much a game as another step toward the season. Another reason to get excited. The game itself is meaningless other than letting us get our first glances at draftees and FA pickups. But, whether they perform good or bad, win or lose ... doesn't really matter.

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I don't really care about the score. I want to see all the QB's play..I wonder how he is going to play the Qb's? One each quarter?? Or will he rotate them each drive to allow them to play with same recievers?

I also have a morbid curousity regarding our LB trio. Watching them wreak some havoc in the first quarter.

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Gonna clip 'n save this thread for future reference. Those of us who were around last preseason remember full well just how much patience some posters had when the team looked crappy in its first game.

I won't mention any names though, bulldog. ;)

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you know, Garcia won't be playing much at all while I think we might see all 4 QB's.

I agree with Orange. Just because the 49ers were a playoff team last doesn't mean squat. They'll have little full on practice also and won't have any idea how to gameplan again Spurrier. We've all seen the 49er's offense last year, who say the Skins new system? nobody. Florida is the best example they can use.

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I think alot of us know that the offense is probably going to look bad and the QBs will probably stink it up a little, but that doesn't mean that the offense will be bad once the season starts or as it progresses. Then again, there will be plenty of Redskins fans panicking and plenty of Boys fans egging them on.

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Is anyone vaguely concerned about the possibility of a terrorist threat while in Japan? Is the security in Japan capable of protecting American interests in their country. The fact that the game is titled the "American Bowl" is a concern of mine in the way that it could be perceived as a suitable target for terrorism. I really wish that they would have cancelled the trip following 9/11.

Are my concerns valid or am a behaving like "Chicken Little"?

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Originally posted by BlitzFiftySix

Is anyone vaguely concerned about the possibility of a terrorist threat while in Japan? Is the security in Japan capable of protecting American interests in their country. The fact that the game is titled the "American Bowl" is a concern of mine in the way that it could be perceived as a suitable target for terrorism.

Arabs would stick out like Martians in Japan. If there would be terrorism, it would be conducted by Asian Muslims, but their presence is minimal in Japan. I think it would be a tall order without a base in Japan, and the America Bowl is too incidental an event to put the base in place just for the event. The America Bowl will be a much bigger deal in Japan than the U.S., anyway. For us, it's just a pre-season game with even less practice time than usual. Ratings should be on the level of golf channel, except among ExtremeSkins folks of course, who will register a "100" share. :cheers:

As for the Redskins themselves, I'm sure they are flying a charter, which is safer from terrorism than commercial jets. I wouldn't lose sleep about this.

On the other hand, you can start losing sleep about the Dallas/Redskins Thanksgiving game in Dallas on national television. That would be a worthwhile, high-profile, and more attainable target. Gee, thanks for getting me to think about this. :shootinth

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This Japan game thing is more about marketing the NFL around the world than which teams compete or what the score becomes.

I just hope that SS plays starters just enough for them to hunger for another helping of raw fish. It would be a shame to get any vets injured in a meaningless game that won't even begin until most of us in the east are already in bed.

As far as helping the team become more conditioned to travel, this too will be unlike any other travel game they will encounter, so it's more about just being tourists than meshing as a football team.

Still, it's the first real opportunity to view a lot of the first-year guys play against other players, unless srimmages with the Steelers or Jets, again, are scheduled.

I guess I'd better schedule a nap that day so I can make it to kickoff?:silly:

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