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Legal Question, PLEASE Help!

Mr. S

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So today, driving to my other job (toys r us in fair lakes), as I am getting off stringfellow road into the road that goes in front of the shopping center, 2 cops were there, stopping everyone. As I drove by, they asked me to pull over. I complied, turned off my engine, rolled my window, and waited.

They said my tint in my back windows was too dark (which it really is). We bought this car used in 96, its a 94 Infiniti G20t. It was originally sold in Jersey (please withold those jokes). They said my tint was too dark, I complied and told them the story of the car, and that we've had it for almost 10 years in VA now and have not been approached about it before. Anyways, they still gave me a summons to appear in court, said I could pay it earlier if Id like (30$ plus processing fees supposedly (the effin cop didnt even know)).

My question is, why were they pulling people over arbitrarily. Also, in the meantime that they pulled me and this other guy over, probably 50 cars drove by. They used a tint meter and it showed I had about 10% visibility in my back seat windows, and the legal limit is 35%. They told me if I have it to a legal level by the court date, they may waive the fees and anything else.

I realized I could peel off the tint, so I peeled off one layer on one window, and it looks like its legal now. I talked to a coworker at work, she said her bf had the same problem, he removed the tint and they waived the fee/court date even.

A few questions:

Does anyone have or know of a palce where I could check my tint level in the back windows so I can make sure it is a legal amount?

How should I approach the court on monday probably to sort it out?

I know it is relatively minor, and it wont affect my driving record, I just dont wanna pay anything, and believe I shoulda been let off with a warning to remove that tint, based on my spotless driving record and total compliance. What's your alls take?

I would try and argue the fee in court, but it i ownt be here during the court date as ill be bakc in college. Plus, I feel it is too trivial a fee to argue.

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Guest Gichin13

sounds to me like pay the fine and move on. i do not think this is a moving violation, so it should not put any points on your license or impact your insurance rates. no idea on where to check the tint beyond a custom shop that handles window tinting ...

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Several states have recently passed this new "tinted windows" law to better aid enforcement officers. I thought there was a fine plus you had to remove the tint from the windows. The police have devices that can check the tint, so I am certain that there are other places that can do this for you.

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Originally posted by atloldskin

Several states have recently passed this new "tinted windows" law to better aid enforcement officers. I thought there was a fine plus you had to remove the tint from the windows. The police have devices that can check the tint, so I am certain that there are other places that can do this for you.

I know here in Texas it is very hard to get someone to inspect your vehicle if the windows are too dark!!

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Originally posted by Mr. S

and believe I shoulda been let off with a warning to remove that tint, based on my spotless driving record and total compliance. What's your alls take?

Well, weren't you basically let off with a warning. If he just gave you a verbal warning, you would have blew him off and never removed it, right?

Now, you just have to remove it and you won't have to pay the ticket. I don't see the problem.....especially since you concede you have illegal tint on your vehicle.

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heh, driving back home just now from a family friends grad party, they had a sobriety checkpoint, took people out for the usual probable cause, blah blah blah.

They stopped us, even for the sober people, they made them take a 'voluntary' breathalizer test which wont be revealsed til monday. None of us had drank, it was my whole family, but I still find it odd how 20 cops are wasting there time on the fairfax county parkway at a sobriety checkpoint while other **** could be happening.

WB36, the question of waiving the fee is not confirmed, it worked in my co-workers case, and the cop said it could be waived, but I may still have to pay it, and thats why I say I should have just gotten a warning instead of an official summons.

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ok, slight update, as Ive said, Ive removed a layer of the tint. Since I need to get it to 35% visibility, I wanna check that it is first. If I just waltzed down to the local police station, do you think they would mind doing that for me, or should I try and find a different place, as if it is still illegal, I dont want them to charge me again.

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Originally posted by Mr. S

ok, slight update, as Ive said, Ive removed a layer of the tint. Since I need to get it to 35% visibility, I wanna check that it is first. If I just waltzed down to the local police station, do you think they would mind doing that for me, or should I try and find a different place, as if it is still illegal, I dont want them to charge me again.

Give 'em a call and ask. I'll bet it wouldn't be a problem.

And as far as the sobriety check points, drunk driving is a serious issue that costs people their lives.

I don't think anyone's saying that the check points are the best solution to the problem, but they are a way to help.

Of course they're even less effective now because once one guy with a cell phone goes through or by a check point, he calls all his buddies to let them know where it is so they can avoid it, and they call their friends ... It doesn't take long before most of the bars are filled in on where it is.

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Mr. S,

They will probably drop the fine but you may have to pay court costs...as a former poor college student I understand the monetary problem here...basically it sucks, but these things happen in life....fair or unfair...that's life sometimes...:2cents:

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A couple of options Mr. S.

1. Contact Fairfax County Polie (substation where you live) and ask them if you can bring your car in to have the tint checked. Just explain the situation to them and they shouldn't have a problem. If the tint checks out just go to court and tell them the tint is now legal. You can also contact the state police and request the same thing.

2. Take a picture of your car after you have removed the tint and bring it to court. This might not work if you still have tint on your windows.

3. Contact the officer that gave you the ticket and see if he will recheck your windows now. If it is legal, hold them to dismissing your ticket in court.

4. From what a friend told me, VA law states that rear winows have to be above 35% and front driver/passenger windows have to be above 50%. Your front windshield has to be above %70.

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Originally posted by Fred Jones

A couple of options Mr. S.

1. Contact Fairfax County Polie (substation where you live) and ask them if you can bring your car in to have the tint checked. Just explain the situation to them and they shouldn't have a problem. If the tint checks out just go to court and tell them the tint is now legal. You can also contact the state police and request the same thing.

2. Take a picture of your car after you have removed the tint and bring it to court. This might not work if you still have tint on your windows.

3. Contact the officer that gave you the ticket and see if he will recheck your windows now. If it is legal, hold them to dismissing your ticket in court.

4. From what a friend told me, VA law states that rear winows have to be above 35% and front driver/passenger windows have to be above 50%. Your front windshield has to be above %70.

thanks man, and everybody. Those are the correct amounts, they didnt check the front windshield and windows since those were cleared (prolly removed by the dealer initially). My dad says some troopers come by his work, so he'll show it to htem, toherwise ill just contact the police anyways. I cant go to the court date since I will be in college then, so I wanna try and have it all cleared asap. Anyways thanks, and I will try and see if my dad can get proof of it being legal, then call the court and ask what I could do about it.

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