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Our Secondary

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I think our secondary will be one of the best in the league this year. Especially if Sean Taylor comes back. Our secondary will consist of Carlos Rodgers who i think will be better than Fred Smoot This year, I watched this guy during his college year and let me tell you something his man never gets opened, then we have Sean Springs coming off of a great year and he will push to get to the pro bowl this year and continue to shut down wr's and create turnovers, then in the safety slot we have Sean Taylor and Pierson Proleua, these two are going to get so many interceptions its will be ridiculous. I have no doubt in my mind that we will have the best secondary in the league wich will be great in playing against dallas. Dallas has no recievers and they will be one demensional and we can easily stop the run. I think our defense will be dominant next year and Destroy teams and win our division. I have a feeling this year about our team, our offseason was rated bad and when you least expect the redskins to win they suprise you.

Please guys give me feedback. And this a forum not an english paper so any grammar comment please keep to your self.

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there is a learning curve for rookie CB's in the NFL, they do get exposed initially. If anything, it will probably take Rogers 8 games to become dominant, like how Taylor dominated in the 2nd half of the season. Gregg Williams knows what he's doing, and if Walt Harris is gonna start, then I have faith in that decision.

Our SS spot is also up for grabs, I dont know how that will turn out. With our schemes though, we may be just as well in the secondary as last year, but Smoot was definitely near shut-down and Rogers wont be ready to replace right away.

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I think he will be ready after 3 games, He played like an nfl cornerback all his years in college, his coverage skills fit right into the way the cornerbacks play in the NFL. It wont take long for him to become a Shut down corner. Nobody loses him man and im talkin the best recievers in college football. He was dominant against high powered offeneses.

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How our DB's play will depend on:

1. Can Walt Harris be a 16 game starter? He played very well filling in as a starter, but can he do that for 16 games?

2. What will happen with Taylor?

My guess is that we will see the new #21 in all 16 games.....

3. Can Springs, Bowen, Lott, Clark all have similar 2004 years in 2005? My answer is yes, if not there are guys who can succeed in their absense.

4. Will Rogers be a starter or at least our #3 by years end?

Health may slow him up a little since he may miss the beginning at training camp. Also, really depends on how the Skins play and if Harris can be the solid #2 that the Redskins hope he can be.

I think we will have another solid year at DB.

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You should never rely on a rookie (except for maybe a RB or kicker) to make a huge contribution in their first season. Those rookies that do start are lucky to just hold their own...very few dominate. This is especially true for a CB due to the vast difference between college and pro passing game. Smoot will be missed and hopefully Harris can fill the void until Rogers is ready.

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I wont miss smoot he is an enemy now. Skinsfans have to realize that he turned his back on us, we lost with him, we will win without him and replace his a$$, just like we did champ. Its gonna be sad when Finally return to glory and Champ and Smoot cwill realize that they could have been a part of it, while they are over there suffering with the crappy teams getting scortched.

R.I.P. Smoot and Bailey

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Originally posted by Bigredskin77

I think he will be ready after 3 games, He played like an nfl cornerback all his years in college, his coverage skills fit right into the way the cornerbacks play in the NFL. It wont take long for him to become a Shut down corner. Nobody loses him man and im talkin the best recievers in college football. He was dominant against high powered offeneses.

The key to this is in college. He may have looked like an nfl corner, but the recievers he was on were college recievers. I believe he can become a great corner, but for now, him on the bench when he returns is fine with me.

As for Dallas having no recievers, last season they didn't have a QB, but they do have recievers.

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Originally posted by Bigredskin77

I think our secondary will be one of the best in the league this year. Especially if Sean Taylor comes back. Our secondary will consist of Carlos Rodgers who i think will be better than Fred Smoot This year, I watched this guy during his college year and let me tell you something his man never gets opened, then we have Sean Springs coming off of a great year and he will push to get to the pro bowl this year and continue to shut down wr's and create turnovers, then in the safety slot we have Sean Taylor and Pierson Proleua, these two are going to get so many interceptions its will be ridiculous. I have no doubt in my mind that we will have the best secondary in the league wich will be great in playing against dallas. Dallas has no recievers and they will be one demensional and we can easily stop the run. I think our defense will be dominant next year and Destroy teams and win our division. I have a feeling this year about our team, our offseason was rated bad and when you least expect the redskins to win they suprise you.

Please guys give me feedback. And this a forum not an english paper so any grammar comment please keep to your self.

:doh: This is an ES classic! Great Job..

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Originally posted by Bigredskin77

I think our secondary will be one of the best in the league this year. Especially if Sean Taylor comes back. Our secondary will consist of Carlos Rodgers who i think will be better than Fred Smoot This year, I watched this guy during his college year and let me tell you something his man never gets opened, then we have Sean Springs coming off of a great year and he will push to get to the pro bowl this year and continue to shut down wr's and create turnovers, then in the safety slot we have Sean Taylor and Pierson Proleua, these two are going to get so many interceptions its will be ridiculous. I have no doubt in my mind that we will have the best secondary in the league wich will be great in playing against dallas. Dallas has no recievers and they will be one demensional and we can easily stop the run. I think our defense will be dominant next year and Destroy teams and win our division. I have a feeling this year about our team, our offseason was rated bad and when you least expect the redskins to win they suprise you.

Please guys give me feedback. And this a forum not an english paper so any grammar comment please keep to your self.

Definetely not expecting Rogers to play better than Smoot did last year. IMO, Smoot had a pro-bowl caliber season last year.......

Maybe next year.

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Basically, everything about your secondary just screams awesomeness.

I have to admit that the Eagles have one of the better secondaries in the league. On top of that you guys have a very good coordinator and very good overall defense. However, a day will come when the Eagles will start to falter and teams will start to exploit the unit as a whole. I will add that I don't see that happening this year.

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I see the Eagles faltering this year big time man, that day will come sooner than you think. Portis our O-line man, ramsey is more comfortable back there, there will be no mistakes made like last year on offense. I see it happeneing this, we will kick the Eagles A$$ man. Lavar is back, Taylor is going to come back, Rogers, Springs need i say more i will then. Our O-line knows what to expect from the Eagles now. There runing game will be non-existent when we play them like last time, but they will rely on the air and that is where we will defeat them in the passing game, that is how we are going to win. All they have is Brian Dawkins in the secondary, lito Sheppered is Overrated, Just ask Danarien Mccants. Eagles, Dallas, and defenitly the giants are going down this year.

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I think if we are going to have a weakness on defense next year, it will be our secondary. I don't care how well Rogers played in college, there WILL be a learning curve. Also, can we trust Springs to play all 16 games? He is injury prone (yeah, not so much last year, but look at his history). Then, we have to worry about Sean Taylor. He may not play at all next year and, even if he does, is he going to make mistakes while going for a big play (ala Arrington)?

Don't get me wrong, we will definitely have a top 10 defense, if not top 5, but I'm skeptical of our secondary....At least until I'm sure that none of the things I listed above occurs.

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Originally posted by Fred Jones

Bigred, THEHEREAFTER, being a puke fan, has his own learning curve to overcome. Eventually, he will catch on and comprehend what you and others post on this message board.

Fred Jones... I think you need to address bigred before you start talking comprehension and learning curves :laugh: He already explained his deficiencies so I'll leave it alone...:cool:

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I'll just be happy if our secondary can somehow not lose games for us.

Honestly, right now it's an unknown commodity and as much as people want to believe in Walt Harris as a starter and a rookie as a nickelback...we have to hope the scheme is better than the parts.

Our defensive ranking will probably slip and we will probably be more vunerable against the pass this year...but as long as the secondary can just keep us in games....that's all I can ask.

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