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What is gonna happen to Rod Gardner?


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That's what I want to happen, I actually like Rod Gardner. I think since this is a contract year he will blossom. He is the only real big target we have and has experience with Brunell and Ramsey. We're not gonna get equal value for him in a trade I mean he was a 1st round pick! I say we rent him out for the year and then see what happens.

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Originally posted by Warhead36

My prediction concerning Gardner is that some team will need a WR after the start of Training Camp due to injury and they will give us a late draft pick(possibly 4th, probably 5th or 6th)for Gardner's services for the year.

This is it, in a nut shell. He's not in the teams plans at all or he would have been invited to participate in the OTA's and mini camp. The FO probably set their price too high to begin with but now the only thing left to do is to get SOMETHING for him. :point2sky

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I'd prefer to just cut him and get the 2.1 million back in cap space. A trade means that 2.1 would be applied to our cap, I don't think a 4th(or later) pick would be worth 2 million bucks. Atleast if I'm thinking about this correctly.

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he will be cut before we have to sign draft picks, and he will struggle to find a team, and learn a new offense. I gave up on Gardner, he parties way too much and is not dedicated to the team like he should be so I would rather take hard workers like Patten, Thrash, and Jacobs over Gardner (50-50) any day.

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No team would give up anymore than a 4th-7th. Unless they were DESPERATE.

I'm kinda angry at Rod, because theres bums out there who WISH they had the physical gifts of Rod, and yet he has them and Misuses them. He could have easily been a 1,400 yard 10-12 TD reciever, had he just applied himself and practiced hard.

Somehow I get the suspicion that Rod Gardner is the type who runs 1 lap around the field, then takes a water break.:doh:

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