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Bizarre: A Man's Love for his Land


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I can't say I really understand enough about how our government works to know if they supreme court was using poor judgement or not. (Need to get a government for big old dummyheads book)

But, I have a good story that pertains to this situation:

As some of you may know I live over on 13th St. Which is an area of Washington that is going through very heavy development. And right across from where I live an investment group decided to erect a new massive apartment complex. Previously, it had been a sort of small strip mall with an alley and back parking spots.

Amongst, these parking spots one was owned by a neighborhood family that had lived in the area since the early sixties. They own a small business named Monarch Novelties located on 14th st. Those familiar with the area might have noticed this dilapated by appointment only store before. It specializes in oversized novelty items for carnivals and fairs. Needless to say its presence economically clashes with not only the neighborhood but DC itself. But, it's existence is undeniable. I am digressing though.

As the story goes, this parking spot has a history. Throughout the early eighties to present the owner of the spot has made his presence known. He has a history of chasing people of his 8x11' piece of land. And, not simply for the purpose as being his own personal parking spot; in the mid to late nineties he posted large I-Beams to ensure no one including himself would be able to park in his spot.

Now let's skip ahead to last year. After refusing to sell his property at 250k dollars the investment group was forced to rework their initial architectural drawings to include his spot of land within the confines of back courtyard. And as well, leave in place the back alley so he has access to his property.

Every weekday morning, this gentleman gets onto his bicycle armed with a camera and rides over to his plot of land and sits on it. This has been going on since construction began. Through rain, sleet and snow.

Now that the outer shell is complete it is hard for me to see the gentlemen. However, I asked one of the workers about a week ago if he was still there and they said that he is.

There is no real moral or purpose to this story. I have been following this phenomena for a year now. And I still have no comprehension of the logic behind it. One thing is for certain though, thats his damn 8X11 plot of grass and he'll be damned if anyone takes it from him.

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That was a facinating story. Make sure you keep us updated ChocolateCitySkin on the progress of the development of the apartment complex. I also want to know if the guy still shows up to his plot with a camera after the complex is completed.

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

Well, hey, better that some loon gets to keep his plot of land than hundreds or thousands of non-loons have their land stolen from them to make room for more 'pleasing' developments.

I guess you didn't hear about that recent supreme court decision on eminent(sp?) domain.

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Originally posted by dg28daman

Very weird. Maybe you should put something on it, or write something on it with chalk and see if he notices.

He had the whole plot chain linked when they started digging out the underground garage. Plus, he has the camera with him to document people messing with him.

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Is there something special about this spot or is the guy just looney.

I think the architects should enclose this man and his space into the atrium... could be considered some kind of funky modern art. You could name it "Crazy man with spot"

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Its a 8x11 plot of land... nothing special its just his. I don't think it'll be a very good selling point for renters. But, who knows maybe they'll take him as modern art.

I doubt it though. That these soon-to-be-renters are going to think too highly on the idea that their courtyard comes with a guy sitting on a bucket all day long... might make sunbathers a little uncomfortable. Would you like it?

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Originally posted by ChocolateCitySkin

He had the whole plot chain linked when they started digging out the underground garage. Plus, he has the camera with him to document people messing with him.

Thats wayyyy past the point of insanity.

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