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Fox: Weirdest Sports Injuries Ever -- Vote for Gus!


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Elliott Kalb / Special to FOXSports.com

Posted: 2 days ago

Athletes get hurt in a variety of ways. Some get hurt on the playing field. Some get hurt in taxis. Some get hurt in their sleep. The dumbest injuries are often contract violations: skiing accidents, motorcycle accidents, hunting accidents.

And then there's Clint Barmes, the Rockies shortstop who recently saw his promising rookie season derailed when he broke his collarbone while carrying deer meat up the stairs in his apartment building.

But Barmes can rest easy (or at least as easy as someone with his left arm in a sling can). He didn't make the cut when it comes to the weirdest injuries in sports history.

But these guys did.

Guys who got burned — by themselves


1. John Smoltz irons his shirt in April of 1990.

Smoltz figured out a nifty way to save time. He ironed his own shirts, while wearing them. This worked out well, until he gave himself burns to his chest and blood stains to the polo shirt he was ironing. Smoltz said at the time, "I couldn't believe it. I've done it five or six times and never had that happen."

2. Marty Cordova gets a suntan in May of 2002.

Orioles outfielder Marty Cordova scorched his face in a tanning salon. He relaxed a little too much on a tanning bed. It's understandable. Ballplayers have way too few day games to work on their tans. In the old days, this never would have happened.

3. Bob Feller scalded in May of 1951.

Just so people don't think modern-day athletes have all the weird injuries, I've included Feller. A hose flew out of Feller's hands and threw scalding water on the lower half of his body. He suffered first and second degree burns on his torso and legs. The hose got away from him as he attempted to fill a whirlpool, to ease the pain of a lower back.

Guys who got frostbite — in August

4. Rickey Henderson in August, 1993.

Toronto left fielder Henderson missed three games with frostbite on his left foot following application of an icepack. Rickey, is it 20 minutes on, and three games off?

Taxicab confessions

5. Tom Glavine's five-minute cab ride from LaGuardia to Shea, 2004.

Glavine lost his two front upper teeth, and needed stitches for a cut lower lip. He was a passenger in an auto accident, traveling the short distance from Laguardia Airport to Shea Stadium. There is no truth to the rumor he quickly hailed a cab from Shea to catch up with a gopher ball he had thrown to a former Atlanta Braves teammate.

6. Brian Anderson's cab ride from hell, 1998.

They say left-handers have more accidents, but in taxis? Anderson, a career .500 pitcher then with the Diamondbacks, took a 20-minute cab ride to shop on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. He laid his pitching arm across the top of the backseat, and felt stiffness that night at the ballpark. He said the injury was the strangest of his career, forgetting about the time he burned his face with an iron in his hotel room.

You think it's easy celebrating a score in the NFL?

7. Gus Frerotte uses his head, 1997.

NFL players are always told that when they get to the end zone, to act like they've been there before. Well, Redskins quarterback Frerotte really did not know how to act after his third career rushing touchdown. After his late November one-yard touchdown run, Gus deliberately smacked his head against the stadium wall beyond the end zone. The $18 million dollar quarterback was taken to the hospital with neck pain, missing the second half of the most important game of the season (against the Giants) and was never really the same afterward. When Warner Brothers cartoon characters pull the same head-butt stunt, it's funny.

8. Bill Gramatica dances with joy following first quarter FG, 2001.

Okay, I almost understand a quarterback on the hot seat losing his mind following a touchdown against a division rival. Now, someone please explain this one to me: An Arizona Cardinals field goal kicker celebrates wildly following a 42-yard field goal put his team up 3-0. Gramatica hyper-extended his right leg and tore his ACL, putting him on injured reserve the rest of the season.

Bill Gramatica hurt his knee while celebrating a field goal. (Matt Campbell / Getty Images)

Of course, the hardest part of baseball is the team picture

9. Cal Ripken's streak gets jeopardized by posing for All-Star team photo, 1996.

At least, when you bat against Randy Johnson, you wear a protective helmet. When the league requires the All-Star team gather round for a photo, there's no protection in sight. Ripken broke his nose at the end of the pregame photo session when White Sox pitcher Roberto Hernandez lost his balance and swung his forearm back, striking Ripken.

It's not just happening in the States

10. Santiago Canizares puts on a little too much Aqua-Velva, 2002.

Spain's starting goalkeeper, 32-year old Canizares, was ruled out of the 2002 World Cup after he ruptured a tendon when a bottle of cologne fell on his foot. I've always said a little dab is good, but too much of that stuff is overpowering and harmful.

More wild and wacky injuries:

11. Vince Coleman gets run down by technology, 1985.

In the 1985 League Championship Series, he got rolled up by the automatic tarpaulin machine.

12. Brian Griese gets sacked by his own dog, 2002.

When then-Broncos quarterback Griese was walking down the stairs, his dog came barreling down after him and clipped him.

13. Kevin Mitchell injures himself vomiting, 1992.

Mariners outfielder Kevin Mitchell re-injured a muscle on his side while vomiting. When asked why he vomited, Mitchell said, "Sometimes, I just do that."

14. Sammy Sosa injures himself sneezing, 2004.

Sosa sprained a ligament in his back after a violent sneeze last season. It happened while sneezing and bending over in front of his locker. He sneezed to the truth.

15. Glenallen Hill had scary nightmare, 1990.

He spent two weeks on the disabled list due to cuts and scrapes he suffered during a nightmare about spiders. He hurt himself without ever waking during this incident. I heard about this, of course, on the Web.

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I was at the playoff game against the lions where ferrotte was qb'ing for them. There I saw something that made me laugh so hard that I dont think I will ever laugh that hard again at a sporting event.

Our fans, the greatest fans in the world, hung a giant bullseye on the panel that ferrotte head butted when he was with us. That totaly destroys the menial attempts at other fans in taunting, there was no hate displayed no cheap shots just a helping hand for him to find his way agian.

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Originally posted by dreamingwolf

I was at the playoff game against the lions where ferrotte was qb'ing for them. There I saw something that made me laugh so hard that I dont think I will ever laugh that hard again at a sporting event.

Our fans, the greatest fans in the world, hung a giant bullseye on the panel that ferrotte head butted when he was with us. That totaly destroys the menial attempts at other fans in taunting, there was no hate displayed no cheap shots just a helping hand for him to find his way agian.

I remember that, and when he started for a vikings one game when they came to DC, that same thing went up, and people shouting "Gus hit your head here!"

Great times.

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Originally posted by SlinginSammy HOF '63

The group was Quiet Riot.

Which game was that against the Giants when he got hurt? Was it the game where we finished in a tie?

yes a friggin' 7-7 tie:

“This game was a very pitiful kind of game," said Redskins cornerback Darrell Green after this one. "It was sort of embarrassing. Maybe the fans enjoyed it."

Green was absolutely correct until his last sentence. Not even the most masochistic of those in attendance at Jack Kent Cooke Stadium or in the national TV audience watching the Sunday night game on ESPN could possible have derived much pleasure from a game featuring 22 punts, six turnovers, 10 sacks, and 14 accepted penalties. One starting quarterback left the game with a self-inflicted injury; the other could manage just 105 net yards passing through five quarters of play.

The biggest mistake was saved for near the end. With time running out in the extra period, Hostetler threw to Michael Westbrook, who gathered in the pass at the Giants’ 30 while going out of bounds. The officials ruled that he was out of bounds. Westbrook yanked his helmet off in anger, perhaps wishing to make his protests more clear. He was flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct, moving the Redskins back 15 yards into their own territory with 43 seconds left. Scott Blanton’s 54-yard field goal attempt fell short with two seconds left.

Courtesy of Rich Tandler, author of "Redskins A to Z" and the new book "GutCheck"

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I can't BELIEVE this one didn't make the list!

Not one, but TWO kickers injured ina FONDUE incident! :paranoid:


Two Jags burned with fondue pot

You'd think with a college attendance record (notice I didn't say "education") that people would have more common sense. Nope, as in the story of Jaguar Kicker Jaret Holmes and Punter Chris Hanson, who burned themselves with a fondue pot when it overturned. The two Jacksonville footers (cute how they hang out with each other) were at the Hanson home and were injured along with Hanson's wife, Kasey, who received second- and third-degree burns, which required skin grafts. Evidently, the pot was being moved and Hanson slipped on the kitchen tile floor. Kasey Hanson then fell into it. She spent some time in a burn unit before being released. No one has any more plans to cook with the fondue.

Ok, I'll ask. You two ****heads make, what million or so a year between the two of you? ****ing, go to the Outback next time you're hungry! For the love of Julia Childs' cooking, why the hell are you guys ****ing around with a fondue? Hire a cook next time! Stupid assholes, and Florida wonders why we rag on them about the recount!

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That Jacksonville punter who put an axe in his leg should have made the list as well.....pretty dumb stuff.

EDIT: The throwing out your back injuries are not that strange, actually. I threw my back out stretching my hamstrings (ended my rugby career). Of course that was after three years of punishment...but now it goes out if I reach to far for something, picking stuff up, and other very normal tasks. It sucks a$$. I feel for Wade and Sammy though!

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Speaking of stupid Jag Kickers, how about when the Punter hit himself with an Ax.

Eddie Pellis, an AP Sports Writer, reports coach Del Rio had a great motivational idea of using a tree stump and an ax as a symbol of the phrase, "Keep chopping wood." Rio placed this stump and ax in the team locker room and players took turns over time chopping away. Well, Chris Hanson, the punter, took his turn too. Pellis writes:

"The Jaguars punter needed surgery to close up a gash on his right, non-kicking, leg Thursday after he miscalibrated while using an ax to hack at the massive tree stump that coach Jack Del Rio placed in the locker room a few weeks ago."

That should be #1

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