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What happened to my sig?


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I am new here, I have been here for less than one day.

I did not have a chance to read the rules and my sig has already been removed with no warning? That doesnt seem fair. Is it just because Keyshawn was in it? Mods can I please have my user CP back and find a more appropriate sig?

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There are rules and regulations around signature size here. No one is picking on you, everyone is similarly treated when their sigs exceed the maximum size.

PM one of the Mods and they can help answer this question.

And welcome.

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Your sig was probably removed b/c it didn't adhere to specific guidelines.

Also, the mods will tell you that ignorance of the rules and guidelines of these boards is no excuse.

I suggest you go back to your original thread. One of the mods has provivded links to the rules, guidelines, and specifications on sig designs for you.

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Originally posted by TheKeyBlue

I did not have a chance to read the rules and my sig has already been removed with no warning? That doesnt seem fair.

First off life is not fair. Second, you should have read the rules and regs before attempting to put your sig up. Maybe you should have pm'd a mod instead of devoting a thread to it. Finally, welcome to extreme:D

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Key, if you have a problem with the rules, then PM the moderators and tell them.

New users are expected to read the rules and regulations before they start posting. When there is a violation, well, the argument is that you should have read the rules already.

Sig size should be limited, else you deal with unreadable threads.

PM a mod, tell them you screwed up and you won't do it again, and maybe they can help you out.

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I was going on the original post - where you intimated that the sig was taken down b/c it was Keyshawn......

I am new here, I have been here for less than one day.

I did not have a chance to read the rules and my sig has already been removed with no warning? That doesnt seem fair. Is it just because Keyshawn was in it?

Originally posted by TheKeyBlue

.........And no duh, I know why it got removed, i just want a chance to find an approprite one.

So.....only since this thread started have you figured out why it was taken down....so I'm not sure the "no duh" was needed.

Some "duh" was needed. You've just recently figured it out. I'm sure the mods will give you an opportunity to pic another.

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Originally posted by TheKeyBlue

It was taller but not wider.

there you go......

contrary to your belief, we have several cowboy fans with non-popular pics to Redskin fans. It was because of size, and you need to pm a mod privately to discuss

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Originally posted by TheKeyBlue

SkinsGuy, when have I flammed, been disrespectful, or trolled since ive been here,

I screwed up and wont do it again I just want a second chance.

When did I accuse you of flaming, trolling, or disrespectful behavior?

I just pointed you to what you were looking for. :)

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Originally posted by TheKeyBlue

I will use anything that you guys feel is appropriate with a Cowboy in it that is not derogetory(sp?)

I'm not sure you understand.....don't let us pick it. Go out and get a picture of Vinny pump faking ST into blown coverage.......

Even better pick a nice picture of a Cowboy doing something marvelous......

I don't think people around here want to censor you......just make sure the picture is not of Aikman taking a leak on RFK and you'll be fine.

....and make sure the picture is the right size. If you need it resized - we'll find someone to resize it for you.

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Originally posted by SkinsGuy

And I'd suggest that when you read the rules section, you pay extra special attention to Blade's "Letter to the Opposing Fans" part.

It will help you understand your position here. :)

Right then.

Cant we all just get along and give out second chances? :cheers:

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Originally posted by Grumpy Vet

I'm not sure you understand.....don't let us pick it. Go out and get a picture of Vinny pump faking ST into blown coverage.......

Even better pick a nice picture of a Cowboy doing something marvelous......

I don't think people around here want to censor you......just make sure the picture is not of Aikman taking a leak on RFK and you'll be fine.

....and make sure the picture is the right size. If you need it resized - we'll find someone to resize it for you.

Which is all I want. My CP is locked and I cant do that.

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