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OT: Minority Report report...


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Well, I just saw minority report. I must say I liked it a bunch, but it was nothing like what I expected. If you are looking for a lot of action a la Mission Impossible then you won't care much for this title. Having said that, there is one very good action sequence that lasts for quite some time that was superbly done. For the most part though, it's a fairly dark, somber movie with heavy doses of tension and intrigue. It's very sci-fi, bordering on the freaky side at times. The movie was filmed with some type of effect that yields a grainy, and at times whitewashed effect, that adds to the dark, cold futuristic feel.

All in all though, the movie was quite good. An excellent title that keeps you guessing throughout with quite a bunch of twist and turns, peppered with some action, murder, and occasionally some (much needed) comedic relief set in a cold futuristic world. If this sounds like your bag, or even if your on the fence, go see it, you'll probably enjoy it. If not, be glad I saved you a few bucks!

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Saw it last night. Definitely a good movie, but not as good as I thought it would be. I actually guessed most of the twists (and I am usually dumb when it comes to those types of things.) Still, definitely entertaining and different.

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Haven't seen it yet. (I likely will, but in no big hurry).

But I'm always skeptical when the advertisements for a film basicly say that the effects are the most important parts of the film.

(I like sci-fi, so I see a lot of effects. But, to me, effects can't make a film, they can only hurt one).

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I enjoyed the movie very much and I'm usually a big hater on a lot of flicks.

here are my reasons why it gets a 7 (out of 10) which for me is a great score.

1. Even though it was full of special effects, they didn't force them down your throat.

2. The Story could of taken place in 1990 with a few details differently and it still would of worked.

3. The creepy people they used were very creepy (Guard, Creepy Girl, Old Man)....good stuff.

4. The mix of old and new.

peace out

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A good rule of thumb when in doubt:

If Spielberg did it then it gets the benefit of the doubt. Only movie this has burned me on was A.I. and that wasn't terrible ... just too long and slow.

Saw Insomnia and The Bourne Identity in the last week. Insomnia was the better flick. Pacino was great and Hillary Swank looks quite tasty in that one. Bourne ID was well-done but my wife and I both wondered "What was the point" after it was over. Probably not developed as well as the novel, but I don't know ... didn't read it.

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I haven't gotten out to the movie theater lately. Last flick I saw was Insomnia, which was superb. Too bad it bombed at the box office. I guess all the little kids told all their friends that there was no action and they decided not to see it. :rolleyes:

I'm hoping to see Minority Report tonight. Looks like a good flick.

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Yeah, I loved Insomnia too.

It was very good.


It was set in 2054. Some of the technology seemed beyond that (i.e, the spiders), but who knows...at the rate we're going now that stuff may not be so far fetched.

I have to somehow store this movie, so when I'm in my 70's I can take it out and compare.

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That scanning your Iris thing could be around the corner. Hear airlines want to do that, to let you fly on their planes.

I saw two movies this weekend and loved both of them. "Debbie Does Dallas" and "Deep Throat: The Next Penetration" :laugh: :silly:

Actually, I saw "Windtalkers" and "Minority Report". I liked them both. I'm a big Bond fan, so it was nice to see a preview for that.

Anyone know what this sci-fi flick Solaris is about? It's coming out in December I think.

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I'll see Minority Report primarily because of the fact that it's based upon a book by the late, great Philip K. Dick.

So Solaris is finally coming out, eh? The tagline for it oughta be "It Came From Development Hell." :laugh:

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Saw the previews for a movie called "Blue Crush" to come out soon. Looks like a big surfer flick with lots of awesome wave footge. I mean BIG waves. Big, big waves. And quite a few nice-fitting bikinis as well.

Don't know if the movie will be any good but the trailer has certainly stuck in my mind.

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