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Everything posted by Professor_Nutter_Butter

  1. I don't want either of them, but apparently Belichick signed a contract extension during the offseason, so it's nonsense at this point to even consider him.
  2. Apologies if it's been asked already, but why's Chris Rodriguez being highlighted more over the other running backs?
  3. I think it was more so the Giants player was trying to pick up the ball and take it from Crowder.
  4. Rivera needs to be fired for his hot trash inability to at least have a consistently average O-line.
  5. Any faith I have in this ownership will be dashed if they hire a washed HC basically because of his past achievements.
  6. OK, but I'll take a quick in and out just to provide some momentum for next season.
  7. It's only fitting the Bucs got pounded the day they wore the creamsicle uniforms.
  8. Can someone just shoot this defense into space mid-game?
  9. Magic with the in-depth analysis. I look forward to when he'll inevitably say Washington lost because they didn't score more points than their opponent.
  10. I didn't watch the game but, man, it sure seems like Wilson gave the performance of a lifetime. 95 yards? 2 interceptions? 1 touchdown? 💪💪💪
  11. Gotta get the point across, I guess? Atlanta: 27 Washington: 17
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