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Everything posted by Professor_Nutter_Butter

  1. Going with the WFT uniform with the W logo would be a massive win for me.
  2. Williams has bust written all over him because of his apparent maturity issues. Maye could possibly be decent, but really I'd just ride with Howell if it came down to the two.
  3. I think Howell has at least earned the opportunity to be QB1 next season. And I swear to God, I will riot if this team drafts Caleb Williams.
  4. I'm coming in here late and haven't had the chance to read all the posts, but is this soda talk some sort of coping mechanism for this team’s pathetic play this season? Will read the prior posts to hopefully find out. Fun.
  5. Leave it to Washington to have 8 sacks by early in 3rd quarter and still be down to a 3rd string QB on a 2-8 team at home.
  6. This is what I've thought for months now. Let the man walk out on his terms after dealing with this train wreck for years.
  7. Is it weird I'd rather keep Rivera if Harris wants Belichick? They both suck, but Belichick just seems like he's nearing the end of his career and just doesn't give a s***.
  8. Best case scenario is Ron steps aside after the year and EB takes over, which should hopefully provide consistency on offense. This is also assuming EB, Howell and the team don't suck doodoo the rest of the way. But I got a Hopeful feeling that Howell looks mostly the part the rest of the way.
  9. What a bummer if this place goes away. I've been lurking for many years before posting. Here's hoping it stays.
  10. There's that momentum shifter. Knew we couldn't have good things.
  11. Or he ends up being like Clowney, going from team to team after never really living up to his potential.
  12. My dude, I always go in with the most pessimistic outlook. I expect Washington to use that 2nd to get a punter, who they then cut because they remember they have Tress Way.
  13. That's maybe(?) a good trade for Washington, especially if he didn't plan on returning.
  14. I really hope so. My worry is there's gonna be some turd HC similar to Josh McDaniels who thinks he knows what he's doing and that he's gotta have his guy to succeed. I really don't know why this team sucks. They have solid players, especially on offense. The only thing that makes sense is coaching.
  15. And these guys are getting paid millions of dollars to be bad at their job.
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