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Everything posted by Jabbyrwock

  1. Maybe. I mean you'd have to reverse engineer the charge control for their battery...my bet is the design isnt plug and play COTS type stuff. Rip out and replace comms seems more viable in that respect at least (though it might be a little challenging to find stuff not made in China). Assuming none of that crossed a patent boundary or agreement, you'd then have to submit the retro fitted device for safety and resilience testing. Honestly seems like a lot of trouble and a significant liability to take on. Someone dies because of one of these retrofitted batteries thats a pretty big risk for whoever assumes the responsibility. Seems better to just buy from a supplier who are likely already insured against that liability in their business model. But Im just a guy on a website...what do I know.
  2. Battery storage systems are far more than just the chemical soup that holds the energy. There is a significant amount of communication and control equipment (SCADA) that is tied into the product. I suspect the worry is the comms being vulnerable to hacking, possibly destabilizing the battery, or injecting false readings into the control network.
  3. She should just say her son was on a keto diet. https://www.funkyfatfoods.com/blogs/news/keto-electrolytes-drink-recipe
  4. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mother-mixed-drink-sons-classmate-hospitalized-bexar-county-texas/ The sickened 11-year-old said he took a large sip then spat it out because it tasted bad, according to the arrest warrant. He developed a headache and started to feel nauseated shortly after drinking the concoction, officials said. The student has since been discharged from the hospital and is doing well, CBS affiliate KENS-TV reported.
  5. And neither of those groups will vote for democrats. Nor will a lot of independents. So basically no change. I find it fascinating that Democrats don't seem to understand that the Republicans can simultaneously self-immolate and win. Oh sure..."republican voters are low information idiots". Idiots that vote. We have a thread declaring "Im tired of trying to understand Trump supporters". Agreed...they wont budge. But that is not the same as saying "Im tired of trying to understand the GOP". If Democrats want to capitalize on the GOP internal conflict, they gotta figure out what the disillusioned Republicans find so repugnant about the democratic platform, and inch in a direction that might give those people a home.
  6. We have a veritable dick garden sitting in congress right now.
  7. ...damnit. Gotta see if I can stop a print run of my "Class vs. Ass" bumper stickers.
  8. Not even remotely surprised. Tonight was Gordon Ramsay storming into the kitchen to fix whats wrong versus a Karen calling the waiter over to the booth and patronizingly explaining why she wants to talk to the manager.
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