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Everything posted by Jabbyrwock

  1. It can only be expressed in geodrugalogic time scales: he's been around since the beginning of the Methozoic.
  2. Its not just a funding problem. A piece of spectacular sounding misinformation travels farther and faster than the information that debunks it just due to the inadequacy of the human mind. It likes conspiracy and sensationalism. It likes to filter out ideas that challenge its preconceptions. It likes to hear what is already believes. Sadly critical thinking is not natural for the human mind, and takes effort. Thus information warfare is always asymmetric, with the forces adopting factual and reasoned positions at a massive disadvantage to those that present a fantasy coincident with a populations desires. Even if funding and messaging were equal, misinformation propagating an enticing preconceived lie will far out pace the opposition to it.
  3. Telomeres. Basically repetitive bits at the end of the chromosome. Every time ur cells divide, they get a bit shorter. So naturally people have locked on to the idea that its an "aging clock"...though obviously the process doesnt boil down to one simple thing like that. Any way, the "lore" thats developed around them is that if you can somehow stop the telomere from shortening, you can stop aging. I recall a study, that Im too lazy to find, that indicated a compound in red wine helps with telomeres. Obviously you'd have to drink an unreasonable amount to get enough to make a difference...as a Commanders fan my response to this was "challenge accepted". I suspect the liver damage has offset the telomere gains. What this has to do with Q these days...no idea. Not gonna have that in my google history either. I'll speculate drinking babies blood or sone such does something with telomeres in their fantasy world.
  4. An extra 1 billion Megawatts directly dumped into the troposphere continuously by CO2 absorption...no way that can do anything. But 10 Megawatts hitting the ionosphere, that can totally change the weather.
  5. Of course...because you haven't done any calculations. (1) What is the mass of a 737 fuselage with passengers? (2) How much surface area would a parachute have to have to reduce the terminal velocity of that weight to something not suicidal? (3) What material would the parachute need to be made of to carry not just that weight, but the deceleration of the damn thing from airline speeds to the previously mentioned terminal velocity? (4) What material would the lines need to be made of to support the same? (5) How much more weight would (3) and (4) add to the flight, and reduce the carrying capacity by? (6) How do we plan on deploying said parachute system without tangling while the airplane is in an uncontrolled descent? (we tend to more or less flatten out our army planes during heavy equipment drops before deploying humvees by parachute rather than dive bombing them in while spinning...though the latter would make for quite a show) The answer, by my estimate, to (5) is 2-3 tons if you assume a canvas derivative, which may not satisfy (3)*. Have no idea how to do (6)...a drogue line to stabilize would be as likely to tangle as the chute itself. And we haven't even discussed the reduction in strength of the air frame yet. I mean...its an idea. Seems like a pretty elaborate (i.e. dumb) one for an almost non-existent failure mode...but it is an idea. *Full disclosure: I did the calculation on the back of a rum bottle with a dry erase marker while eating ice cream...I might be off. So feel free to tell me I'm wrong.
  6. Im sorry...are you suggesting that the appropriate response to developing a hole in the planes cabin is to jetison a perfectly good set of wings and engines and descend to the ground by parachute?
  7. As a ghost you should possess your zombie body. Follow me for more after life hacks.
  8. Gondy? The more interesting thing to appreciate is Gondy already has connect 4, but they're still playing.
  9. I would, but I have a pressing engagement with a bottle of rum that I'm afraid I can no longer delay.
  10. 100% Dallas fans because there are no Commanders fans. Just Snyder survivors. We get to be fans next year....assuming my liver makes it that far.
  11. This game is the football equivalent of a colonoscopy. Necessary, but I'll be damned if I thank the doctor afterwards.
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