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Everything posted by Jabbyrwock

  1. I remember the 90's. Scientists and engineers were buzzing about the internet and the ability to spread information far and wide. Oh sure, it would largely be used for commercial efforts, gaming, porn and cats...but the negatives were easily offset by the insane increase in ability to spread information to a public hungry for knowledge. As time went on, it slowly dawned on us that mis-information could spread just as easily...and the public is far more hungry for sensational conspiracies than actual facts and understanding. We still have no answer. Really...the irony of the story is that its yet another example of perfectly good science and engineering going tits up because we forgot a minus sign.
  2. One of my standard scoping spots is just north of the VLA. Love that area. Surprisingly cold in winter...froze a cable or two out there. Even further west and a bit south you get to Cosmic Campground...insanely dark, tho not as elevated, and the state has put out concrete slabs at camp sites to set the scope up on. Also the flares are more concentrated to the South, and the truck traffic is only if you stay near a main thoroughfare...so not really a problem. The main problem is the constant damn natural gas smell.
  3. Buy some black and white hair coloring gel, tranquilizers, a dart gun and take a trip to yellowstone. Problem solved. Maybe also pack a band aid or two. You know...for splinters.
  4. I've been out that way...good telescoping dark skies in that area when its not windy.
  5. No idea who wins. But I feel absolutely certain Ron will do something monumentally stupid involving at least one time out around 2 minutes left in either half.
  6. Its only hard to watch if you actually believe they ever had any integrity to discard.
  7. He piped eleven pipers. ...we're not even gonna talk about what he did to the geese.
  8. I don't think this is entirely true. One way to "handle" the age issue is to invest time and effort into rehabilitating Kamala's image. Rightly or wrongly, she is perceived as a poor presidential choice. Given an honest assessment of Biden's age, she simply is not helping in getting a lot of independents across the finish line in being comfortable pulling the lever for Biden. That needs to be worked on.
  9. ...but muh riverboat. also, I'm not sure he understands how clocks work...
  10. I mean it won't hurt our draft position...we know there is now way EB takes this team on a run.
  11. Hey...Kary Mullis. Polymerase chain reaction nobel. ...and LSD research.
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