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Everything posted by FootballZombie

  1. Hard to keep up when the other half didnt do their job. They ran out of gas. The opportunities were there, our O has to give something. Our D was punching above their heads for half the game with next to no support. Just like last week, with even just a decent O performance this game complexion changes greatly.
  2. Can Fitz play on crutches? Maybe he can be a decoy. A D might respect his arm enough not to just sell out on screens
  3. 2nd week in a row where the D did there job. By no means were they great, but they did enough to put the team in multiple positive situations. By the end of the game they are simply worn out. O is not holding up their end of the bargain at all.
  4. They found the hole, but somebody has to get thru and pressure the RB there
  5. That is with minimal O support. Starting to get hung out to dry
  6. Rush lanes have been very disciplined for the most part
  7. ouch That would have been huge to have O has to start pulling some weight tho
  8. D playing alright, getting a lot of TOs O has been functional
  9. KC looked past us. To be fair w/ our lack of a name they may have not seen us on the schedule
  10. You could see the gears turning in TH's head as he tried to determine who's bank account to support. He honestly had too many guys too wide open. Amazing to watch
  11. multiple scott free WRs. TH had his pick. I honestly think that is why he double clutched
  12. Good for RSJ slowest acceleration I have ever seen tho lol
  13. I'm amazed that screen worked considering KC didnt blitz. great execution
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