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Everything posted by Anselmheifer

  1. The fact that we heard so much about Daniels and JJ makes me a little suspicious we want Maye. Thou doth protest too much?
  2. Love Jared Verse. Wish it was a non, "Getting our QB year", so we could grab him. Also, pouring a little liquor out tonight for Volsmet. Would be nice to have him in the draft forum. Subtraction by subtraction. Would have been nice to keep him in the fold.
  3. Jinxes aren't, but curses are. Nothing was ever going to work with Dan Snyder. RGIII. Chase Young. Hopefully this really is a new era.
  4. No. They don’t reconstruct ithe ACL in a lot of non athletes. Especially in Europe. I wonder if it’s true that Wilson doesn’t have an ACL. I hadn’t heard that. There was some NBA prospect a while back that was missing both and did well. But, different sport obviously.
  5. Which actually suits me just fine. He’s a good passer. His running ability will absolutely affect pass rush game plans, having a spy, situation dependent man vs zone etc. and we will kill teams multiple times a game on scrambles. I would prefer not to have apt of designed runs. Also, I’ve really come around on him. If, as it seems is true, most of the coaching and scouting community has Daniels at 2, by a sizable margin, am I really confident that I’m right and they are wrong? I can’t wait until Thursday night and then, maybe just as much so, Friday!
  6. My first impression of JD’s agent on twitter was that it’s a big nothing burger. I don’t think Kevin would repost with an eyeball emoji if it was actually a big nothing burger. I am sure Keim will be reserved in his online commentary regarding the situation though.
  7. Watching this, I couldn't help but envision Drake May hitting him on a seam route. I agree. I am very interested.
  8. I just wanted to chime in, in favor of a move up for Brian Thomas if we draft Daniels. A core of Thomas, McLaurin and Dotson would be very solid for a rookie QB, and we’d have plenty of deep speed and tracking ability for Daniels.
  9. If the Patriots want Jayden Daniels, they should stand on business and trade up to 2.
  10. Can you break down what he said about Daniels? I’d love to be made increasingly comfortable with possibly passing on the guy I like.
  11. The P2S ratio doesn’t bother me that much with Daniels just because in his most recent year, it’s not that much worse than Maye’s. Maybe that’s foolish. It’s the age, the reliance on athleticism with a high risk running style, and the lack of ability to drive the ball, throws with anticipation, or throw players open. If we take him, I’m going to watch a bunch of highlights and be excited. I’ll be pissed if we take JJ.
  12. The thing to me that is reassuring about the Daniels smoke, is that it is nothing like the Forbes smoke. The Forbes smoke was that we were going to take Forbes. The Daniels smoke is that there may be an emerging consensus among coaches and the scouting community that Daniels is actually better. That's not how I feel about it, but my track record is terrible. Although, it's often been terrible in the sense that I've missed by overvaluing production and accuracy and undervaluing traits.
  13. But Penei had that elite tape. I'm not saying you're wrong about Rosengarten in particular, but his measurements and testing look very comparable to Sam Cosmi, to me, and we all know how that turned out. Cosmi and Rosengarten, and Penei all have roughly 33 inch arms, or just over.
  14. I am curious what the dialogue in the front office was about Penix, and find it interesting that we brought him in.
  15. Just to be clear, I don't think Ben Johnson would have led us to a better record than Quinn. I prefer Quinn as a coach. I just thought Johnson was the perfect guy to bring up a young QB, and I didn't care about wins in the first few years. Maybe that's naive. And just to be clear, I feel like it comes off that I'm crapping on Daniels and don't like him at all as a prospect. I like Daniels. Again, if we were picking at 3, I would be ecstatic to draft Daniels. I just think that picking the older guy with less traits, less historical precedent in terms of similar prospects, and some concerning analytics is bad process. Daniels could still wind up being better than Maye.
  16. It's not about two prospects for me. It's about the historical success rate of ALL of the NFL prospects that look similar to Daniels vs Maye. My point was that Lamar is the poster child for what Daniels could be, best case scenario. And we haven't really seen a more successful example, I don't think. But you could go back in history and name 20 NFL hall of famers that have the body and traits and play style of Maye. For a second I was just thinking, "Maybe Michael Vick would be a good counter to my argument". Nope, ZERO Championship Games. I just think it would appear that it is easier to scheme to stop a QB who's success depends on running, once you get to the playoffs. And they don't tend to have as many prime years. With regards to Josh Allen vs Lamar, nobody is even thinking about Allen falling off a cliff. They expect another 6-8 years. Would anybody be surprised if if Lamar had an injury next year, lost a bit of athleticism and wasn't the same? Russel Wilson fell off a cliff after his age 32 season as a scrambling QB. He wasn't even a runner like these other guys we are discussing with Daniels.
  17. This is part of why I wanted Ben Johnson. The Ben Johnson and Drake Maye Marriage seemed like a perfect fit of scheme to skill set and I thought we'd take Maye and bring him along perfectly and have a stud QB in 3 years. I didn't care how much we won during those 3 years. Kingsbury has not ever been an elite NFL OC. And we are going to make the defining choice of the next 10 years for the franchise around a guy that might just get a better job offer and be gone in 2 years, or be fired in 2 or 3 years? I want us to take the top prospect with the highest upside. The 22yo with the prototype body and arm and athleticism, that we have seen translate over, and over, and over. And, while I do think Jayden might be really good, I think the risks with him are under-discussed. It's not just his frame. I really just do not see his, take off up the gut running style working at the NFL level for a guy with any frame. And even if it does translate, how much did being an elite runner help Fields last year? Lamar is a waaaaay better runner, albeit, maybe a lesser passer, and even on one of the best, most well run and stable franchises in the NFL, with the whole game plan designed around his talents, Lamae has made ONE AFC Championship Game. Not Super Bowl, Championship Game. There just isn't the precedent of any Jayden Daniels type players that have brought their team the kind of success that I think all of us really want. And then there is that Jayden is a 5th year senior throwing to two ELITE athleties and first round WR's, behind a rock solid OL. I don't think that if we swapped Jayden over to UNC and Drake over to LSU for the last 2 years, that we would be having a discussion about which one is better. At all. Like, at all, at all. But I do think Jayden can be good and there is too much smoke for me, and I think he is going to be the pick. And honestly, if we were picking at 3, I'd be ecstatic. So, I am trying to put my big boy pants on and be ready for the pick. But I am going to feel like it is a mistake.
  18. That Drake Maye article was less well written than SIP’s post about what is was going to be saying.
  19. I guess I just wonder how much this could really change in 16 days. They should really have a good idea of what they want by now. Put yourself in their position. It's the single most important decision likely to face the franchise in the next 5 years. This has been chewed on for months, definitely since Peters got here. How many times can you watch the tape? They've already spoken to both in person. I am not sure what would sway them this close to the draft. And I'm not saying for sure that it is Daniels. I just think they probably have a 90% idea of what they are going to do, even if none of the rest of us do
  20. Apparently Sweat had a BAC of .105. https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/police-affidavit-indicates-tvondre-sweats-bac-was-0-105
  21. I’ve resigned myself to Daniels over Maye. Too much smoke. I’m trying to look at the bright sides. Also, nowhere has crab cakes that compare to Maryland. Lastly, does anyone else see any parallels between Maye and Matt Stafford? Both mobile, big armed gunslingers. Maye is a little bigger and actually was significantly better in college.
  22. I know it's cynical. And at this point, I don't care. Is it worse than keeping Jamin Davis on the team? No. Look at Tyreek Hill. That guy sounds like a domestic abuse sociopath. Obviously, there is a line. Imagine how much more physical our run defense would be with a guy like that. And to get him in the late 3rd potentially? Presumably, we will now have our QB. We need to start grabbing these Dawand Jones players, that are obviously talented, and drop further than they should.
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