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Everything posted by Berggy9598

  1. Anytime a top 6 team wants a player, there will always be stories made up about another top 6 side also having interest to drive up the price. If anyone was going to poach that move it'd probably be Chelsea as they're losing Hazard and also it's kind of a Chelsea thing to do.
  2. I knew there was some witchcraft going on nobodies first touch is that bad.
  3. The measured approach is always better although there's measured and there's being a tight old Scot and I still think Klopp will look to spend the money on a high level player.
  4. They're wrong about Ronaldo. In true Fergie he fashion he bought Antonio Valencia from Wigan and then sat on his hands. Won a couple of titles and was a monumental collapse against Bayern away from reaching the CL semis after selling Ronaldo.
  5. My best guess is he was becoming a malcontent and Liverpool's attacking play didn't exactly suffer without him. This is a similar situation to the Ronaldo transfer to Madrid, and at that time United had just come off winning the CL but were still powerless at the end of the day. Also I don't see how the Spanish league is better at the moment aside from Real and Barca. Easier on the eye and easier on the players, but not better.
  6. EDIT: Just realized it was Pulisic. Great choice if you want someone that plays the same position. Thought it was Gotze on account of I haven't seen his face since the 2014 WC Final
  7. From what I've seen from Liverpool without Coutinho Salah was also the main reason they did so well without Coutinho. Firmino is a very good playmaker as a false 9, especially when he has that much pace around him. Not sure Liverpool even need to spend that money on an all out attacker tbh. I'd get a Pogba or De Bruyne type that can be that advanced playmaker as a midfielder rather than a free role inside forward, especially with the prospect of pairing someone like that with Keita. Goretzka would have been perfect if Schalke weren't playing bend over and come get it with Bayern.
  8. Should have sold Coutinho in the summer IMO. Easy for me to say as I'm just a spectator but I've always been in favor of the you don't want to be here then **** off policy when it comes to clubs with financial means and stature to recruit suitable replacements. Hindsight is 20/20 though it would have been hard to predict that Salah was going to be THIS good.
  9. Lingard could be a pretty good complementary piece if he figures out how to pay attention for more than 20 minutes a game, with the odd screamer being an added bonus. Rashford can go to Bournemouth for a team holiday on the south coast. I wouldn't ask for travel to be included on account of it may get them off the negotiation table.
  10. Hopefully the three man midfield sticks around for a while.
  11. My point was not that they don't take talent from their own league all-together. You're addressing a point that I never made so maybe I'm redundant in this debate.
  12. Sanchez is (as I stated) in his late 20s and may even be 30 by the time he gets there. Welbeck was surplus and not wanted. English clubs would and do sit there in situations like that because the selling club will other suck the blood of the buying team if it's another PL team, or wouldn't sell at all. For example, Modric did everything but beg to go to Chelsea, and ended up at Real. Hazard will never play for another Premier League club, you can book that. Bayern is not required to do anything, but they're in a position in their league that no team in England or Spain for that matter (Atletico sells to Barca, but there will probably never be another big transfer between Real and Barca, and Atletico won't sell a player to Real) gets to be in. I enjoy watching the Bundesliga, but in terms of emotional investment I could give a rat's behind about any Bundesliga club, so I have no reason to be bitter.
  13. Nice of you to make my point for me, and I'll preface this by saying that I'm talking about regular starters to stars in the point I'm about to make. Manchester United will never be able to buy a player from Liverpool or City. Liverpool or Manchester City will never be able to buy a player from Manchester United. Chelsea had to go through a drawn out saga and pay WAY above market for Ashley Cole, same for City buying Sterling. Arsenal will sell the occasional top player to City or United, but it's few and far between and in every case the player is in his late 20s. Daniel Levy would probably poison one of his players before agreeing to sell him to anyone in the Premier League now a day. Bayern Munich will succeed about 90% of the time when they want a player from Bundesliga, no matter how good, how old, and who the team losing the player is.
  14. The Bundesliga is their feeder club of course there's a good chance he ends up there.
  15. I think it's a silly rule and it can stunt the development of players that end up rotting on the bench of some of the bigger clubs, bar Tottenham and Liverpool. Shame too because theres a good generation of players coming up as they showed in at the u20 world cup. Someone like Phil Fodden right now could probably get significant playing time at half the clubs in the premier league but it's hard to see that ever happening at City. Another one of their talented youth players, Jadon Sancho, wised up and went abroad.
  16. If James Harden got traded to Golden State tomorrow for a draft pick he'd find a way to prevent them from winning a ring. What an absolute clown.
  17. Adopted two rescues with my ex, one in 2013 and one in 2014. We were on and off for a few years but when we all lived together I did about 97% of the taking care (still got lectured about doing it wrong from time to time) so I really bonded with these guys, especially the girl. We both suffered from panic attacks. I'd hold her while she had hers and this hyperactive little dog would sit in my lap and not move while I had mine. My ex is married now and apparently I make her wife very insecure so last summer was probably the last time I'll ever see them. I've been told they're dogs so it's not like I don't get to see my kids but it still really hurts from time to time. Miss those little buggers a whole lot.
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