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Everything posted by Berggy9598

  1. Much like the Monday after the Superbowl in the U.S, our cousins across the pond should really get a national Holliday the day after United get knocked out of Europe. It's pretty much the highlight of their sports year.
  2. It's Sanchez not Suarez. Chileans are not racist like many Argentinians or Uruguayans and in fact along with Peruvians are some of the nicest people you'll meet.
  3. TBF Berggy has very little to be disgruntled or salty about when it comes to Liverpool outside of the obvious historical rivalry which makes football special. Heck the last time they beat us in the league they were nice enough to give Moisey a final nudge out the door.
  4. In a two day span Jamie Carragher said something objective about a North West Derby and then Gary Neville came to his defense regarding his little incident. What's everyone doing for the apocalypse?
  5. Is there anything more melodramatic than English football fans when their team is losing?
  6. Looks very calm and under control for his age. From everything I've read his specific position and role next to the DLP will see a major investment. Not sure I disagree with that looking at the two way midfielders some of the other big sides will have and that includes Keita.
  7. That would have been quite nerve racking without a good old 6am w&b. The first half was somewhat akin to fighting someone with a short reach and holding them back by the forehead while they swing away. Second half was far too negative but the organization and work rate were superb. Bailly makes such a difference and for a CB he's nowhere near his prime. Not having Pogba was always going to present a world of problems against one of the best pressing teams in Europe, but credit Mourinho for adjusting, even though he was playing with fire shutting up shop so early. Bailly m.o.m for me, but also a great game for McTominay all things considered, and Ashley Young for playing such a big role in keeping Salah without a shot on target. I have been one of Rashford's harshest critics, and justifiably so, but it was so obvious to see his issue was mostly mental. He's not great on the ball but he was a lot better than his complete lack confidence made him look at times. Mourinho handled this situation perfectly by benching him for a few games and Rashford came through when he got the call. Alexis is still struggling to fit in but he works his socks off and should have had a brilliant assist which would have completely changed the dynamic of the game. Fun game and I'll take any distraction I can get right now, but the unfortunate part is you can really see how City are chess while everyone else is playing checkers, in no small part due to the fact that they have barely missed on transfers, while United are still paying the price for years (the worst of which may have been Fergie's last two or three years) of questionable purchases. As it stands these are the two teams with the best chance of beating City to a title anytime soon, and that bodes very well for City. Commiserations to my newly found Scouse friends, but at the end of the day we have to enjoy these occasions for what they are and as I said in an earlier post, we're blessed to have something we're so passionate about to allow us to step away from day-to-day life for a couple of hours. If I had a glass I'd hold it up for the North West Derby.
  8. Rhetorical question of the week: Is the North West Derby the best rivalry in the world regardless of sport? No matter how it goes down tomorrow I feel blessed beyond words not only to get to watch this wonderful sporting occasion but also that I'm one of those it means so much to. If I could somehow let someone who doesn't understand why being a sports fan is so great feel the exact feeling going through me at about 6:26am CST tomorrow they would immediately understand.
  9. Greatly appreciated. Kids playing small school (American) football out here are usually very resilient. They're banding together and showing what they're really made of but it's been a rough few days. Pretty much your worst nightmare as a coach at any level.
  10. Well, sports fandom has been put into proper perspective for me last week, as one of our players and a kid I really connected with suffered a ruptured aortic artery during practice and passed away at the age of 22. This was going to be a welcome 2 hour distraction no matter the result but it was a fun game of football even with United barely bothering to show up for the first 55 minutes of the match. Good resolve shown to dig themselves out of the hole they very much put themselves in. You'll do well to see a much better goal than the winner all season. GGMU.
  11. Premier League football has never been more welcome in my life than it was today. Watched three games (including Liverpool) without rooting for or against anyone. Sports can still be a beautiful thing sometimes. Thank you for welcoming me into this community within the community.
  12. There's a long list of English players that were supposed to be stars and peaked at 19 20.
  13. Tbf to him every English player under the age of 20 that can dribble and stop a ball is a super star.
  14. What the Evra/Suarez saga always makes me think of: (NSF)
  15. I'm ready for that seeing as I'm already running a free Ander Herrera campaign.
  16. Notice she said "her" when referring to teaches. Strategic political statement.
  17. 28 years a United fan and tbh I saw it live and paid zero attention to anything after that. Tbh that's the nature of the football culture in England. With the exception of heinous crimes they'll stick with their guy no matter what. Had Suarez played for any other club when the incident with Evra happened the fans would have supported him.
  18. When David Silva's retires it'll likely be with very little fanfare, and even though he's widely acknowledged as a world class player, for me he's truly been one of the best players of his generation. He grew into a more central role as he got older, but at Valencia he was one of the best wide attackers in world football. Disregarding him playing for a rival, he's an absolute joy to watch. Leaps and bounds better than Fabregas imo.
  19. That was actually pretty mild for him doesn't even make his top 3 dives.
  20. Huge win that for a multitude of reasons, none of which include aesthetics. After Chelsea took the lead Old Trafford was even more of a funeral home than it usually is but for the first time in a while the players showed some metal when things weren't going their way. Attack was disjointed at times (again) but when they do look dangerous when everyone gets on the same page. Happy for Lukaku because he does work his rear end off but when he's confident he's a lot better on the ball than he gets credit for, which showed in both the goals. We've been pleading and begging for Mourinho to play a proper midfield three if he's going to insist on the double pivot, with Pogba not being in that double pivot, and once again it worked; this time against a very good team. Jesse Lingard simply cannot fill that hybrid number 10 role in front of two deep midfielders and tbf to him not many can. Willian, De Bruyne and Isco off the top of my head and I'm sure there a few more but it's a tough role to execute. Thought McTominay recovered from his error admirably and in general looks a very composed player. I don't think he'll turn into anything spectacular but he's a solid two way player with a good football IQ for his age. I used the "English Pedro" analogy ironically, but when you deploy Lingard in a similar position and role, that's where you're getting the best out of him. When he's allowed to be fluid in the final third he can be a very dangerous player and he'll run his socks off for you. Nobody is a bigger Martial than myself, but throwing Lingard on for him and not Rashford was a brilliant substitution. Kudos to Mourinho on that. Lastly, I hope the Glazer family is proud of the atmosphere they've created inside Old Trafford by turning it into a playground for the wealthy. The murmurs and groans by those who are there for a show are drowned out only by the away team supporters. I understand that club ownership is a completely different proposition than it was in 1990 when I drew Lee Sharp's name and number on the back of a red t-shirt, but this family has absolutely no regard for the club of the Salford working class, only the brand that Alex Ferguson created. Matches at Old Trafford are now a few thousand away supporters, a few thousand United supporters, and about 70,000 tourists. Choke on every dollar you have milked from the brand you had nothing to do with building, you greedy soulless swines.
  21. And Harry Kane moves one more goal closer to sangria's and 9pm dinners.
  22. Deterrent. Because suicidal people in a state of psychosis are going to come to their senses and turn around. Because a maniac with an unusually high iq is going to say golly gee I better not in the planning stag because of the threat of armed personnel.
  23. Makes sense. Who knows who Rushy gave out mustache rides to? Hopefully not Dean Saunders.
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