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Everything posted by Berggy9598

  1. Some of the rhetoric going around is that Israel is a shining example of how an abundance of guns helps protect lives. Not even sure where to begin with absurd and comical invalidity of that comparison. This thread is the BY FAR the most intelligent gun debate on my internet.
  2. Probably females in general. At least he had better taste in side action than Rooney. Is that a Liverpudlian thing?
  3. I've always wondered if Giggs could have been even better if he wasn't in his prime during the era of traditional wingers. Always thought his skill set was somewhat ahead of it's time.
  4. That explains why Messi wasn't part of the Coutinho deal. Can't risk the disruption when Messi eventually starts complaining that he's not playing enough.
  5. Messi is IMO the most transcendent athlete on planet earth regardless of the sport so attracting casual fans is to be expected. Go on YouTube and look up some of his career highlights he does things on the pitch that a human being has no business doing, and it's baffling how easy he makes it look.
  6. If someone needs to hear from combat veterans to realize how absurd this is we have serious problems. Beyond all the rigorous training aren't most of those dudes just wired differently anyway? My uncle and cousin were a combat pilot and in an elite counter terror unit in the IDF and you don't have to spend very long in their company to figure out they're wired differently. Come to think of it I really got ripped off genetically.
  7. That was a great watch thank you for sharing. Fascinating how different they are despite being from the same area. Matt Busby might be the only manager who could have dealt with George Best. I didn't know a whole lot about Shankley but watching him talk made me want to run outside and slide tackle someone Also it's baffling how a nation that has such a passion for football (can't bring myself to say soccer after watching that) and four transcendent managers could have had such a nothing national team. Shouldn't they have been much better in the 80s?
  8. My worry wouldn't so much be accidents or an unstable teacher who is now armed going loopy. In my opinion it's extremely low to on the probability scale that whatever training you want to put a civilian teacher through would be worthless if asked to do the job of a trained SWAT officer. Armed guards in school looks bad but we live in a crazy enough country that it's worth a conversation. Can you put one in let's say 3/4 of the locations in which they're needed across the country? I just think that for school shootings specifically, there is a somewhat consistent enough pattern with the perps that red flag laws and the such present the highest probability of stopping these horrific events.
  9. Lanza's mother would have been in jail if he didn't kill her imo. That's a blurry one because on one hand she had a safe full of rifles in the safest town in the country, but on the other hand she didn't do anything that would make her an unfit gun owner, which you'd point out if you were on the gun side. Criminal negligence at the very least.
  10. In that case I was wrong and even if I didn't know what red flags are the term itself in this context is rather self-explanitory. I don't claim to know how these background checks would be administered and what the criteria would be. In the case of the Vegas shooter, unless there's some new information I'm unaware of, he would have passed a background check. It's just the fact that people (not you) dig their heals in when those red flag laws are suggested, when the perp is diagnosed and has a history on record that infuriates me. There are people out there that really do value the "ideology of guns" over human life.
  11. As a matter of fact I can tell you. Nikolas Cruz's violent history pops up when he tries to buy an AR15. If that's too intrusive, Nikolas Cruz's violent history pops up when he buys enough ammo to take out dozens if not hundreds of people. At this point, if you want to work off the probability that a kid like that buys a gun from the Zoe Pound undetected, and that's if they don't kill him and take his money, be my guest. We're all working off probabilities, but I'll make him go that route to get his hands on his artillery before I believe arming untrained civilians will save lives.
  12. That "deterent" jibber jabber is not much more than an insult to our intelligence. With the state of mind that these kids were in, who on God's green earth believes the threat of an armed teacher will stop them? Heck Adam Lanza thought he was in a video game the thought of an armed teacher would have probably just excited him. 142 pages and I bet you not one rational to answer to why can't we do something to prevent the diagnosed mentally ill (with a history of violence in Cruz's case) from legally buying AR15s. I'm not talking about getting rid of all guns, I'm not even talking about limiting the number of guns a harmless know-it-all like TWA can have. Just that one specific issue of someone who couldn't pass a background check to work at Burger King legally and easily obtaining an AR15.
  13. Maybe they're training to be navy seals by playing paintball. Unless of course the next Nikolas Cruz waltzes up to a classroom, knocks on the door, asks may he please speak with the teacher and says I'm coming through that door in exactly 30 seconds and I won't begin firing until you, kind teacher, tell me you're ready. Shooter is taken down, Dwayne Johnson says something clever, yet heart warming, and roll credits!
  14. That's asinine enough, but police units that handle active shooters go through a smidge more training than your average concealed carry class. Math teacher action movie fantasies will most likely end up with more slaughtered children.
  15. Pot and AR15s have the potential to cause about the same amount of harm and are of equal consequence to the safety of kids in school. Heck let's dock teacher's pay to install land mines around the school. Land mines don't kill people, kids that don't know where the land mine is kill people.
  16. Am I the only one that gets physically ill every time the plight of the impoverished neighborhoods in Chicago are exploited by people who wouldn't bat an eye if the entire south side was wiped out with a drone for their propaganda? Goebbels is in hell somewhere saying "wow that's pretty ballsy"
  17. The back and forth hold my beer dual between Phil Jones and John Stones continues.
  18. The point was a variable that tilt the odds. You're still not getting a big percentage there's a reason law enforcement units that deal with these kind of things go through intensive psychological training that not all of even make it through.
  19. Genuine question. If you take 50 in shape males between the age of 21-28 how many out of that 50 would you say have what it takes from a mental and emotional stand point to handle taking out an active shooter in a school? I'd say 5 at best.
  20. To think about all the money we could have saved on military and law enforcement training when you can get the same results in a concealed carry class, and can we stop calling units that deal with situations like an active school shooters "elite". Can't be elite if anyone can do it.
  21. Can anyone with a military or law enforcement background shed some light on the psychological aspect of training to deal with a real life situation involving an active shooter? Is there any way a civilian gun class can prepare someone mentally to deal with these kind of situation?
  22. That's just absurd. Let them play Call of Duty instead of math or English so they know what to do in a real life situation. Maybe put teachers through SWAT training as part of gaining a teacher's license.
  23. There could very well be civilians that have the wherewithal to handle an active shooter, but that's not something I'd count on. My uncle was a combat pilot and my cousin was in an elite counter terror unit in the Israeli army. People like that (and yourself) are just wired differently and you guys are an exception, not the norm. Sure it's best to get as much training as possible as a civilian but I just don't believe your average person walking the streets has what it takes mentally and psychologically to handle this kind of situation with a deranged individual, let alone a kid that had enough wits about him to try to escape by walking out the front door with the rest of the students.
  24. What qualifies a trained professional in my eyes is not someone who knows how to aim and shoot a gun, not someone who knows how to load a gun, not even the most hardcore gun enthusiast that knows the inner workings of an AR-15 like the back of his hand, but someone who has received the requisite emotional and psychological training necessary to deal with an active shooter in real time. Preferably even someone that has experience dealing with real life situations. Go to as many gun classes as you want, spend as much time as you want at a shooting range, but there is NOTHING they can teach any of us that could prepare us to handle a situation like that. Law enforcement and members of the military don't go to gun classes to mentally prepare for dealing with an active shooter.
  25. Not sure what the big hoopla with Juventus was. Tottenham are a much better team.
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