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Everything posted by RedskinsMayne

  1. someone times people aren't racist... sometimes they're just crazy
  2. well, i mean, it's not like he didn't need firing. Even the democrats agreed with that. http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/opinion/the-conversation/sd-before-trump-fired-fbi-director-james-comey-democrats-wanted-his-dismissal-20170510-story.html Ried, Pelosi, Cohen, and Shumer all wanted him gone. That said, the fact that republicans and democrats both wanted him gone probably meant he was a good fbi director. It's just funny to see democratic leaders get upset about the firing when just a few months before they were calling for his head.
  3. sorry, but i think that is a false analogy. In a bank robbery, there is a victim, the teller who is emotionally distressed... whose the victim when trump asks someone to stop investigating something he is innocent of (if it turns out he is innocent)?
  4. I know it is, technically. Morally though, it's sort of rediculous to convict someone of obstructing justice even though justice wasn't actually obstructed.
  5. I'm not. Others may have used those arguments against hillary, obama, and clinton but i didn't. Also, what investigation did obama have where he was supposed to hand over everything???? My main problem with Hillary is that she has been in the game for 30 years and has zero to show for it. Also, her "why does it matter now" in response to the benghazi disaster said a lot about her character. Could care less about emails. I'm also not a lock her up person. She's finished.
  6. any and all crimes, except obstruction. If they convict him of any crime then obstruction is reasonable as well, if they convict him of no crime but obstructing justice that is not reasonable.
  7. Im a trump supporter. If they find evidence of collusion, i will be all for impeachment. If all they find is that he obstructed justice by asking people to stop investigating ... well, i think that is a perversion of justice and a political gotcha. It is interesting that everyone trump knows has ties to russia. On one hand you expect it because he is a businessman, having ties to russia oligarchs isn't that surprising.. but, the fact that every single person he is associated with has russian is strange.. i wonder how many of Obamas cabinet and staff had ties to foreign governments. Probably not that many, since we would have heard about it by now.
  8. 7th-grader gets 'Most Likely to Become a Terrorist' Award (CNN)No, your eyes are not deceiving you. These are real certificates that were typed up and presented to 7th graders at Lance Cpl. Anthony Aguirre Junior High School in Houston. "MOST LIKELY TO BECOME A TERRORIST," one reads, inside a border of cheerful stars. Another, given to a student in the same class, reads "MOST LIKELY TO BLEND IN WITH WHITE PEOPLE." http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/26/us/terrorist-award-junior-high-school-backlash-trnd/index.html I think it's funny buts it's pretty terrible judgment for a teacher of 7th graders.
  9. Who is going to act on the intelligence they gather if not the unified states? Did you forget we provide the majority of military/monetary support in the fight against isis? Just throwing this out there again before it gets lost. I am not saying it's a great thing to have happened, but it's not the end of the world either.
  10. Im not sure what you are saying. Do you believe England would stop sharing intelligence because of this leak? I don't. Do you think a country like pakistan or turkey which rely on US aid will stop sharing intelligence because of this leak?? I don't. I think most things you worry about never happen anyway. No country in europe is going to stop sharing intelligence over this. They need our military and our money to fight ISIS and they have more to lose in the immediate sense if isis grows stronger.
  11. Oh. I evaluate myself every day. I'm on this forum every day reading about how the world is going to end and magically waking the next day to see nothing important happened outside my window. I mean, now that is a shocker. I'm really just boiling this down to practicality. Does Russia knowing something about Isis affect america in the long term, Probably not. Asking me if i'm self aware is sort of pointless. If I am, I can't convince you. If i'm not, i've coninvced myself that I am. Hating what the other party is doing just because it's the other party doesn't make you self aware. Let me ask you a question, have you ever voted for a republican president?
  12. If he gave the russians information about our military movements, our capabilities, acess codes, military projects, plans, etc. Then i would care. There are plenty of other things i'm probably not thinking about but would bother me.. But, sharing information about ISIS.. meh. It's not like Russia is supporting Isis. In fact, we are supporting the growth of ISIS more that Russia ever did. if we hadn't of stuck our big fat foot in Syria Assad would have firm grip over Syria and isis would not have a foot hold there. But we ****ed that up in the name of freedom and now have a pointless dispute with Russia over what to do there.
  13. The deep state is real. It has to be. It's only natural. But, every president has had to deal with the deep state whenever they get elected after the opposite party. Trump has handled it poorly. I'm not stuck with my head up trumps ass, but this leaves me non plussed.
  14. I think most things aren't a big deal. Most things aren't. I agree it's a bad look. But that's about the end of it.. In fact, maybe it improves our relationship with Russia.
  15. Well, if we are just going to take random news stories and turn them into something completely imaginary we are definately moving toward a post fact world.
  16. Dont you think every major major power in the world is actively engaged in intelligence and what you call "cyber terrorism" or are you just naive? Also, cyber warfare is more accurate. It's not terrorism. It was against a political party, not civilians.
  17. For you to commit treason you have to do something to intentially harm the country. Talking to Russian diplomats about the fight against Isis... hardly that.
  18. Secrets about how we killed some terrorists in a country where we are working together to defeat isis. OH NO HE DIDNT! The D bag who leaked this should be a arrested. We are going to have to work with other countries to defeat Isis. This is silly ****.
  19. I have no idea what is in the current bill. I think it happened basically overnight. But, Obamacare as envisioned would have worked. But, republicans got the courts to gut everything out of it that made it work, then exclaimed "its going to fail anyway if we don't fix it"... So i guess, yeah, something had to happen but that's only because of the courts. The courts are by far the most powerful branch of government..
  20. i mean, probably why it was cancelled. i do love the 2nd season themesong, though. I downloaded the itunes version, but for some reason it just doesn't sound right.
  21. No, i actually think cnn is the most fair. That's what i watch, Don Lemon and Zakarahia are the only two I can't stand. You have to admire Anderson Cooper. He's got to to be about the most liberal dude ever and he generally is capable of sticking to the facts.
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