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Everything posted by RedskinsMayne

  1. @Sacks 'n' Stuff... Brodensky. Man. Dude. Brah. I said that there was plenty of bufoonery to go around. Not sure how that is holding obama to a different standard. Ive been pretty consistent... derp? Could be. I heard him say he climbs the greatest mountains, i heard him say he builds the greatest mountains too. So he can climb them.
  2. yeah. No one knows the name of the third guy who climbed mount everest either.
  3. I'm not sure what what you are saying. Err. Breaking news, politicians lie. Which is why their words don't matter. Hey, your proving my point again. Of course not. The courts are. The courts over turned his travel ban, killed obamacare, and in general can do whatever they want with no checks dan balances.
  4. Well, I guess it just depends on you frame of reference. I've always considered the president to be the man with the clown shoes. The courts are where all the decisions are really made.
  5. Hes remembered because we made it to the moon. If he had given the same speech but never made it the words would have been quickly forgotten. And lets not forget the speeches you are referring too are ones Americans wanted to hear. And like I said, words are only meaningful when the other side wants to believe what you are saying. You've made my point.
  6. I said he had zero credibility, I don't see how it can worse than that. However, presidents aren't judged on words, but actions.
  7. No. I think action trumps any words. Remember Obamas infamous Syrian red line that was walked all over. I guess obama had zero credibility then as well. remember when Bush told Iraq Iran and North Korea to turn over there wmds and how basically nothing happened. Zero credibility there too. words are only good when the other side wants to believe what you are saying.
  8. Meh. Does it effect me? No. Does it effect you? No. The only think it effected was trumps credibility, which is already almost zero. Then again, if Obama did in fact wiretap Trump my opinion should still be it's a petty squabble. Trump claiming obama wasn't born in the United States was a far bigger assault, but even Obama wrote that off as moranes being moranes.
  9. ??? No, i haven't researched real billionaires. Whatever that means. I mean, if you believe giving people everything they need makes people better then that's your right to believe that. I don't see you offering to pay my taxes for me so you can house the homeless, yet you expect trump too.. If someone wants to be charitable, sure it's admirable. But, the fact they are billionaires doesn't make them responsible for other people's poor decisions.
  10. whats with the racist comments? Brown country? If we want to be in a place that treats everyone equally why sling the race card around whenever you have an argument to make, Last time i checked there were plenty of white liberals. More even. Many legal hispanic immigrants support LEGAL immigration and don't support ILLEGAL AMNESTY for people that cheated. The left has got it twisted into keep the brown people out. Not the point. It's a disgusting attempt to use someone's race as a point of fear. Left plays the race card the loudest. One other point is that brown people aren't homogeneous an aren't one group. Grouping them all together as you chose to do is pretty ignorant. Finally, most squabbles that either side have had were petty squabbles.. Clinton's email scandal was a petty scandal, and frankly shouldn't have even been an issue. But, people are stupid.
  11. It's not his responsibility to house everyone. Even if he is president. Rediculous point to bring up.
  12. @China, Don't worry, turns out we didn't even send the ships to japan sea yet.
  13. Its all buffoonery if you ask me. Nothing new or shocking to get all worked up over.
  14. andrew jackson shot someone. :shrugs: Thomas jefferson had affairs with his slaves... bill clinton did what he did, nixon actually did wiretapping. George W. made up facts to support his thesis... Obama basically did nothing for eight years. So, i mean, yeah, there is plent of precedence for bufoonery. Actually, when you consider all the ****ty things presidents have done over the years, Trump claiming Obama wiretapped him might be the least damaging thing. Especially when you consider that zero rational people believe him.
  15. Out of curiosity, what about saying "Obama wire tapped me" is cause for resignation? What kind of repercussions should there be? What precedences are there for ousting an American politician for attacking a political opponent? Seems like petty squabble to me. It was stupid for Trump to say but you are over reacting.
  16. Yep. Its what ever you (or me, or they) believe. That is whats real. And its been proven multiple times. Believe it, kalakazam, its real. When you get other people to believe your reality, its more real.
  17. hell, i'm not even that old but i hate the message boards are going the way of netscape.....
  18. Hah, I missed that, but I'm pretty sure on the redskins sideline that shack they have is a restroom, smells just like a portajon out of service for clean out.
  19. ill be at the game, got seats right behind the teams' ****ter. (bathroom)(row 1). Hope we are up wind this time.
  20. going to be a late night in the insomniac thread, this is the most important game that i thought we could win so far this season (cowboys game was more important, but didn't think we had a shot to win)
  21. I think Norman spends a bit too much time talking.... it's kind of annoying to read about how he says a player who was on a tram that beat him is phony.... come on dude...
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