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Posts posted by BornaSkinsFan83

  1. 1 hour ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

    I can already tell what the Hannity/GOP spin will be here. That Trump was doing their civic duty by trying to find out if Hilary was compromised. And then they will focus on Hilary and what Russia said they had on her until the end of time. 


    Then why didn't they contact the FBI? 


    (not asking you, just saying that's what the response should be.) 

  2. 2 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:


    Just checking but is it ok to call this collusion now?


    Can you imagine if Hillary was president and this was all coming out about her? Hell they had a mass tea party-gasm over Obama and all he was win while being Black. If it was this? Debate the definition of a word? Ha. I have no doubts that there'd be calls to overthrow the government right now. No doubts whatsoever. I just wonder if they're self-aware enough and honest enough with themselves to realize this. 

    • Like 2
  3. 45 minutes ago, FanboyOf91 said:



    Not going to lie, as a child of a rough divorce, it really hit home when I read the "he doesn't love me" story back over the summer (or whenever). Because of that, i actually view Don Jr as a kind of tragic figure. I remember asking awhile back who would emerge from all of this as the tragic one. I never imagined it would be the one most knee deep in the treason. I'm sorry though but i really do have some sympathy for the guy. I can see him wanting nothing more than to impress the father he felt never loved him, going all out to do so, even risking his freedom, and instead he ****s it all up.  If anything, Trump Sr should be getting even more **** for creating such a scenario for his son. But that's just me and maybe I'm just losing my edge late in the game. 

  4. Fredo is the PERFECT nickname for that little ****. Props to whoever originally came up with it (campaign aides were calling him that over the summer). Unfortunately for the "Trump Dynasty", I'm not seeing any Michael there to step up to take control once Papa Don retires to the great gold-plated toilet in the sky. Hell they don't even have a Sonny. Kush? Haha.


    PS great example of why hereditary monarchies might suck most of all. Just imagine. House Trump is our ruling family. Fredo is next in line. Eric is scheming behind his back, making a giant stink about why his beloved brother keeps defining his offer to go hunting. Ivanka is pushing the Kush into forming some secret alliances and he knows he isn't smart enough to pull it off and wants no part of it but he's scared of her. Then there's Melania, raising young Baron in the background, trying to raise his profile as the "People's Son", hoping everyone else in the family forgets about them long enough for her to sufficiently build up his popularity with the masses to start a movement. Then there's Tiffany...wanting nothing to do with the family, filled with anger and spite that she was never fully accepted as one of them, off in Canada with her Canadian husband, spinning visions of combining the two nation's, if only they will give her an army to take advantage of the coming confusion. 


    Yes thank ****ing God we don't have a king. That much I can say. 

    • Like 5




    West Coast, East Coast, Middle Coast



    Btw watched Dog Day Afternoon yesterday. Anyone thinking the police haven't long been detested in this country and this is somehow something new should probably watch it (again). Plus it's a great movie anyway. 

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  6. 10 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

    I believe she was his girlfriend/mistress. I think the use of the word "whore" is meant to further denigrate her, and I think inappropriate. 


    Yes she was his mistress. 


    You don't think the girlfriend of the married Father of Fascism deserves to be denigrated? Would that word be appropriate for any female?


    I don't want to hijack this thread so forgive me. Just answer this last bit and if it goes beyond that I'll shoot you a PM.


    I really want to start cleaning up my language a bit to improve my arguments. I tend to get very vulgar as I get emotional and it just hurts me and whatever point I'm trying to maybe. Bad habit from the Army and other adventures. Really appreciate your feedback on the matter. 



  7. 47 minutes ago, spjunkies said:

    Borders on nothing. It is treason and daddy trump should be charged also.


    Still dreaming of my gallows. 


    Hey stupid question for you @LadySkinsFan. I was going to make a comment referencing the death of Mussolini. In your opinion is it alright for me to call the lady strung up next to him his "whore"? 

    12 minutes ago, visionary said:





    Had no idea High Pitch Eric had a brother

    • Like 3
  8. 2 hours ago, dfitzo53 said:

    1) What do you feel are the big fish we need to fry?


    2) Are you happy with the way those issues are being handled currently? Why or why not?


    For me personally it's definitely getting justice for Seth Rich. No justice, no peace! Lock her up!! 


    So yeah that and defintely the whole chicks with dicks issues is a big one for me too. I had a close encounter and it's just not right. That one's defintely more important than a mandarin candidate in the White House. 



    Working on my undercover Trumpinese. How'd I do? 

    • Like 3
  9. RE Summer League, keep in mind that our local **** Ghidorah--Javale McGee, Nick Young and Andray Baltche--used to rock out in the SL on the regular. And maybe I'm misrembering but I swear there was even one year (i think his 4th in the league) where Baltche went just because he knew it was the one place he could clown fools (Or so he said. Probably just trying to get Swaggy P's Vegas-style sloppy seconds.) Someone correct me if I'm wrong on that. 


    But yeah, balling out in summer league is ****. On the flipside though, no excuse to look like garbage. One game is one game though. 

  10. 15 hours ago, Major Harris said:



    Called it. 




    But, i don't get folks' love for weed. I mean it's the best when you're an adolescent because that's the time for you to be dumb but man how doesn't it get old for you after your balls drop? And don't get me started on the paranoia. I think in the last 15 years I've smoked weed 5 times. 3 of those ended with me in some sort of quasi-panic attack. No thanks. Plus the 30 days in your system thing is an absolute trap. I will never understand (i do actually) assholes who get their papers violated because they can't stop smoking weed. I mean really? See it all the time though. 


    And I'll always laugh at the "weed is relatively harmless" apologists. Relative to what? Not relative to not sucking smoke into your lungs repeatedly. And I'm sure that's good for your brain. Related note, I know marijuana ****s with the mylein sheath and I know the mylein sheath has been the focus of some alzheimers research (the mylein plays a big role in memory). I'm dying to find out if there's been any study on marijuana usage and alzheimers. Seems like an obvious connection to me but I can't seem to get an answer. Maybe somebody one of our resident scientists here knows. (and make sure you at least credit me if you win the Nobel). 


    But I don't want to hijack. Smoke on my hippy brothers. Just don't ask me to join in with you. 



    Edit: oh and I'm calling it now, the whole legalization movement will stagnate once some more localities take the plunge and end up regretting it. Denver will ultimately become the Vegas for weed. 

    • Like 2
  11. Another wannabe conservative terrorist, French style 



    They might actually be scary if they weren't always homebound dry-dicked raging morons with no real world experience destined to get caught. 


    And in another dimension somewhere this guy actually gets to do it...and hits absolutely nobody but Trump. And it's probably illegal for me to smile at that image so I'll just stop here. 




    Sidenote swung by the Master Race rally last week. Decided to keep my girlfriend out of it. Regret that decision immensely and I pray that have more and more Master Race rallies in the future. Cause goddamn the absurdities of life are so much better when you have a partner in crime. I swear it made me feel both better and worse about this country at the same time though. Better that the Master Race. sure as **** isn't doing any raping and pillaging anytime soon. Worse that Holy **** these people's guy is actually president. What the **** is going on. It's truly embarrassing that it's come this far. But whatever. I'm gonna keep laughing at their sorry asses. 4 years later and they'll still be dry dicked losers and mommy and daddy (who are to blame) will be even more embarrassed of them. 


    Related note, i was thinking i should go undercover Hunter Thompson style and write a book. I have the perfect pigmentation. I call it racist vanilla. They always think I'm on board. But thinking about it some more, it's a guarantee I'll kill myself before I finish. It's just too much cringe to fake. Honestly shiver just thinking about it. There was a reason Thompson was lit for 50 years. 

    • Like 2
  12. On 5/11/2017 at 1:10 PM, Renegade7 said:

    Immortal Technique is another one that comes to mind in terms of talented rappers that refused to compromise their values for Record Sales, making them hard to market.  A lot of songs I've heard from him are kinda dark, but I don't think he cares.


    Had the world in his hand waiting for him to grab it like 10 years ago, all types of buzz, and then just nothing. He dropped the ball. He didn't need to change anything. Just needed to step up

    Didn't. Barely remember the details but I know people were waiting forever for an album that never came. Not even sure he's still alive tbh. 


    Just looked is up. It was actually 15 years ago. The 5 year gap waiting on the 3rd World album. Maybe it wasn't his fault. Idk. But his buzz was crazy for a minute and be did nothing with it. 

    • Like 1
  13. Goddamn. How ****ed do you have to be to have Ann Coulter throwing shade at you for being a **** ass fanboy? 




    "Sean Hannity, bless his heart, has the zeal of the late Trump convert,” Coutler wrote. “He would endorse communism if Trump decided to implement the policies of “The Communist Manifesto.”


    It been should have happened long ago but it hasn't so this right here should officially be Hannity's jump the shark moment. When he, upon getting called out by Coulter, becomes a caricature to all, even his fans. I mean really. If this doesn't do it then nothing short of Trump **** slapping him and making him empty out his pockets on live TV will. 

    • Like 1
  14. Yes I've been to a couple of these things before. I have no interest in mixing with the antifa children. Hearts in the right place, mind is stuck on E (probably figuratively and literally.) Mob mentally can eat ****. We'll do our own thing. Non-chalant like. And I'll make sure to check in with the popo beforehand. Thank you so much for the advice. 


    In other news.... 



    Ahahahahahahahahahaha. Did not see this coming. Enjoy Butner chucklehead. 


    Speaking seriously here, normally I hate to see young people **** up their lives like this. Hell hate isn't even a strong enough word. I abhor it. Short of death, extended incarceration in big boy prison with a matching felony record is the single most destructive experience someone in their 20's can face. Short a family with cash that'll let you move to the Bahama's or some ****, it can take years and years to recover from. If ever. You never truly get past it and unlike other hardships, there isn't an ounce of sympathy to be found anywhere. I'd honestly rather face heroin addiction. Speaking all from experience here.


    In some cases though, some rare cases, people need to pay a price for their stupidity for the greater good. This is such a case. Hopefully this sends a message. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. 

    • Like 3
  15. So I'm just going to use this as the **** stain alt right thread, since all of them are would-be terrorists anyway once they grow some balls (not ****ing likely)...


    So yeah, there's a couple of future-right wing terrorist rallies downtown this Sunday (ugh)...




    Thinking about counter-trolling their stupid asses. Me and my pastey white ass and my gf and her black immigrant ass. She's down. Just really rub that sweet beautiful "white genocide" in their faces. Non-violent though. Just holding hands. Kissing. Not even engaging them. One of the protests is by the White House so I imagine security will be tight per usual. Maybe scout out the scene sans gf at the other one first if we decide to hit both. 


    I think I'm going either way just to get some laughs in. I'm only hesitant to get the gf involved. And really she can handle her own. I'm more worried about keeping my cool if they start harassing her. I think I can manage. Channel my inner-MLK. It's not 100% though. So good idea? Bad idea? You decide.

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  16. Can someone explain to me why sex offenders are allowed to use social media because of the 1st amendment (see this week's Supreme Court ruling) but non-violent convicted felons *cough* aren't allowed to own firearms despite the 2nd amendment? i don't mean your bull**** moralizing/philosophizing explanation. I mean the legal explanation. 

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