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Posts posted by BornaSkinsFan83

  1. Do you think someone like Hannity ever feels any guilt? Is there any shame there at all? Like are there moments of self reflection where he really questions himself? Is he muscling through it for something greater (money, politics, etc) or does it not even phase him? Or is he ignorant of just how ****ed he is?  What about his wife? Does she know? I don't think I've ever met someone on his level of partisan bull**** and phoniness. 


    I try to put myself in his shoes and try to imagine how he sees the world and himself and honest to God i start getting dizzy and nauseous. I mean I'm already ****ed up personally so I have a high tolerance for **** and I still can't even begin to pretend to be him. 

  2. 31 minutes ago, visionary said:

    I don't know.   it might be more appropriate to start a new thread for it.  I worry though it might draw some needless crazy attention, especially with Fox maybe dropping it.  


    I think all of our crazies have been run off. But yeah, I'll hold off. I think Hannity is the only thing keeping it alive at this point so we'll see. 

    3 minutes ago, skinsmarydu said:

    Death to the person...no way.  Death to his money, sure...then the former follows the latter. 

    I like the slow, painful downfalls.  :D


    Na. His death would immediately improve the world. If you wanna compromise on a coma or something, ok. 

    • Like 1
  3. Hmmm. Maybe that's why Christie was frozen out of the White House. They knew they couldn't trust him on Russia. 

    Just now, Dan T. said:

    Random thought, but Roger Stone is a really creepy looking guy.  It's even more creepy knowing he and his wife are into the whole spouse swapping and random sex scene...




    Is there anyone NOT creepy looking who's into that scene? Like ever? 

  4. White people need to quit that bull**** of nervously looking the other way and ignoring **** when they hear fellow white people start talking stupid.


    And don't play dumb. You all know exactly what I'm talking about. White racists are the dumbest moops around. You have the right skin tone (see not brown) and they'll always assume you think like them and they can talk freely. Every single one of you has experienced it and probably recently.


    I don't care if it's family, friend, coworker, stranger, silence isn't an option for us anymore, no matter how uncomfortable the situation is. Don't be a ****. Stand up for something. 


    And white parents are obviously having some major issues and failing in big ways right now but I'm not really qualified to speak on that. Just what the ****. Stop letting the Internet raise your kids for you. Lazy. **** is embarrassing. 

    • Like 3
  5. Dying to see who ultimately snitches first. We should do a thread pool. I think my money is on King Kush folding like a **** once the reality of him following daddy to prison hits him. (Speaking of, they really should've kept Christie around.) So then does Ivanka ride with the man who fathered her children and converted her to Judaism? Or does she stick by daddy?


    **** if we survive this it really will make for the greatest TV show ever. And on a personal note, for the first time in my life I'm feeling like I was born too soon. Cause I'd kill to see how history writes this a century from now. 


    • Like 5
  6. Except Idris Elba is a great actor. Seriously everytime McBride was on screen you were waiting for the gag or goof that never came. It wasn't really anything he was doing or not doing, it's just him. The quality of the movie felt like it took a nosedive everytime he was up. And again, i love Danny McBride and he's semi-local so I'll always root for him. But he is what he is. And that ain't it. 



    I thought David's whole thing is being better than his creators and thus using them to raise his own creation. 


    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, haithman said:

    eagerly awaiting the RedskinsMayne spin zone

    Fingers crossed he attempted my mental re-imaging exercise and his head exploded. 


    7 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

    Fox right now is pushing a conspiracy that a DNC staffer was murdered because he was communicating with WikiLeaks. 


    Despite the guys family saying that the conspiracy is baseless. But Fox don't care. They've gone full InfoWars.



    I am sure that the rights downward spiral into the nutjob conspiracy wing is also somehow the liberals fault.


    Where's Jim Jones when you need him

    • Like 3
  8. I just want the Trumpvkt

    9 minutes ago, Rskins91 said:

    Serious question to Trump supporters... can we at least admit, that what Trump did was astronomically stupid? I'm not asking about legality, or equivalency with Hillary and emails... I'm asking, is it smart for the President to declassify information that is sensitively given to us from an ally, and give that to the Russians? For no apparent strategic reason?


    What are the costs and benefits of this? Because it seems the cost far outweighs any good this can do, so therefore it's stupid above all else. Is there ANYONE who wants to try and say this wasn't stupid WITHOUT bringing up emails or legality?




    Along those lines, I have a little game I'd love for the Trumpists and Republicans to partake in. Hopefully they're up for it. 




    I want you to close your eyes and think of the current situation. Think about all the details as we know then. What happened. How it happened. What the response has been. Everything. 


    But with your eyes still closed, instead of President Trump being the one at the center, it is President Clinton. President Trump doesn't exist. He lost. It is President Clinton. Change nothing else. Just that. Same details. Same setting. Same scenario. Same act. Same response. But Hillary Clinton is the one sitting on the Oval Office.


    Really picture it in your head. See it. See the news reports. See yourself hearing about it for the first time...  "It's being reported tonight that President Clinton..." See the posts online. Really put yourself there. Feel it. Explore yourself. Explore your reaction. Be honest about it. Feel. 


    Then open your eyes...


    We all have are preconceptions and prejudices. It's whatever towards her. What do you think it says and means about your defense of Trump though? Honestly ask yourself that. 

    • Like 2
  9. 3 minutes ago, RedskinsMayne said:

    The deep state is real. It has to be. It's only natural. But, every president has had to deal with the deep state whenever they get elected after the opposite party. Trump has handled it poorly. I'm not stuck with my head up trumps ass, but this leaves me non plussed.


    Serious questions: do you ever stop and evaluate yourself? How often and why? Do you ever ponder why you feel certain ways and hold certain opinions? The origins of them? The motivations behind them?  How would you describe your levels of self-awareness and personal growth? 


    Really not trying to take shots. I'm just curious about somethings. Mixture of personal and professional curiosity. If you prefer to PM me the answers, please feel free. 

  10. If anything, I really hope this endless, ever-growing, ever-mutating cluster**** at least shows people how ****ing lame and petty the whole Hillary private server bull**** was.


    Folks either got played and overreacted to the emails (or they were just shamelessly and embarrassingly full of **** the whole time) or they're a flat out hack that puts party over country and not reacting properly to this. That's the only two options. Cause this is so so so much worse

    • Like 5
  11. 3 hours ago, No Excuses said:

    Somehow this is also the liberals fault. Insert comment about Hillary skipping Wisconsin. Real Americans!


    I just saved zoony ten minutes of rage posting.


    Also this story is nauseating. Even more nauseating is that the GOP continues to support this loon. 


    Don't forget the "chicks with dicks!!!" That'll always be favorite zoony obsession. 

  12. 52 minutes ago, ZRagone said:


    I so want this win on Monday, if for no other reason than to cement Wall a bit in the minds of national doubters. I was arguing with my brother-in-law about him yesterday actually. He still is trying to say he's CLEARLY behind Lilard, Irving, Lowry, and potentially Thomas. Says he's more on the "kemba walker" level. I just can't fathom the logic there. I mean, if you want to say it's arguable he's anywhere from 1 to 4 between the lilard, irving, lowry, wall grouping I can at least comprehend some of the arguments there; but to suggest he's CLEARLY behind them all and more like Kemba? Just...ugg


    If it's a wife's brother...don't have kids. Hopefully it's not too late. 

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